数据场,Data Field
1)Data Field数据场
1.An CLARA Algorithm based on Data Field;基于数据场的CLARA聚类算法改进
2.Study of Image Data Mining Based on Data Field;基于数据场的图像数据挖掘研究
3.Interpolation algorithm for data field of 3D spatial scattered points;三维空间离散点数据场的插值方法

1.Research on Visualization of the Regular Three-Dimensional Medical Volume Data;规则数据场的三维医学体数据可视化研究
2.Study on Visualizing Methods for Data of Dam Seismic Response大坝地震反应数据场可视化方法研究
3.The Estimation about a General Class of Distributions in the Case of Censored Data;删失数据场合下一类分布的估计问题
4.Investigation on Visualization System of Electromagnetic Data in War-field;战场环境电磁场数据可视化系统研究
5.Maneuvering Target ISAR Data Generation Method Based on Outfield Experimental Radar Data基于外场测试数据的机动目标ISAR数据产生方法
6.An Insertion Mathematics Pattern of Complementary Potential Data;一种位场数据补充的插值法数学模型
7.Numerical Simulation of Thermal Field in Grain Store Based on Monitoring Data基于监测数据的粮仓温度场数值仿真
8.Analysis by BAYES About Zero-Failure Data Using Non-memory Property of Two-parameter Exponential Distribution;双参数指数场合下无失效数据的BAYES分析
9.Lack of market data requires use of data on factors that are presumed to influence market data in creating value rates for mass appraisal.市场数据缺失,使在批量评估建立价格中使用会影响市场数据因素的数据。
10.Act as intermediates market data owner, update relevant data and marketing plan over time.掌控中间体产品市场数据,随时更新市场报告。
11.Collect supply/demand data and conduct marketing analysis for olefin products.收集烯烃产品的市场供需数据并做市场调研。
12.The Analysis of Episodic Memory Model Based on Trade Data Stream in the Stock Market;基于证券市场交易数据流的场景记忆模型研究
13.Data Collation and Database Construction of Marine Magnetic & Gravity Information海洋磁场重力场数据整理与采集建库技术
14.Configuration database name on central server farm:中央服务器场上配置数据库的名称:
15.This guarantees the confidential nature of marketing research data.这保证市场研究数据的机密本质。
16.Establish database, system and network performance optimization processes.现场实施数据库、系统、网络性能优化。
17.(5) Establishment and design of sedan marketing data base.5、轿车市场营销数据库的建立与设计。
18.Some Viewes About Real-Time Recording Seismic Data with CD-R Disc.用光盘现场记录地震数据的一点想法

data fields数据场
1.According to the feature of FEM data fields, an effective method of isosurface generation is presented utilizing the subdivided tetrahedron and the data structure for the fast searching.针对有限元分析数据场的特点,提出了一种四面体剖分方法,并采用了一种快速搜索的数据结构,显著地减少了计算时间,有效地实现了有限元后处理程序中的等值面生成。
2.he FEVS (Finite Element Visualization System)is used to visualize the unstructural three-dimensional data fields generated by engineering structural analysis using the finite element method.详细阐述了FEVS系统的设计思想、系统结构、数据管理及其多种处理和显示数据场的方法;讨论了等值线、等值面及剖面的生成与实现算法。
3.Volume visualization can make people feel the information of whole data fields from one image.数据场体视化使人们可以从一幅图象里感受到数据整体的信息。
3)field data现场数据
1.Modeling a super-heater of power plant based on neural network using field data;基于现场数据的电站过热器神经网络建模
2.A design for reliability field data collection system of electric locomotive based on RAMS demands基于RAMS要求的电力机车可靠性现场数据采集的一种设计
3.This paper demonstrates the estimation methods of reliabilty characteristics of electrical products and the advantages of applying field data.本文论述了电工产品可靠性特征大的评估方法和应用现场数据的优点,讨论了产品的非多数及无分布的寿命数据统计分析,并给出数字实例,计算结果是符合实际的。
4)on-line data现场数据
1.Identifiability of building thermal system models using on-line data;基于现场数据热工对象建模的可辨识性
2.Based on on-line data and the modeling theory of neural network,the dynamic models of drum steam pressure and main steam pressure are established.基于现场数据与神经网络的建模理论,建立了火电机组汽包压力与主汽压力的动态模型,并对所建立的汽压增量模型进行了仿真研究。
3.Based on lots of on-line data, dynamic models of drum-steam pressure could be built.在对原汽包压力机理模型分析的基础上,由可测变量代替原机理模型中的不可测变量,在满足小扰动的条件下,对汽包压力建模过程中的非线性过程进行了线性化处理;利用汽包压力以及各输入数据小范围内变化以及接近线性化的现场数据,建立了不同变工况下的汽包压力动态数学模型,并且对其进行了仿真研究。
5)on-site data现场数据
1.Reliability calculation of vehicle components based on information entropy and on-site data;基于信息熵与现场数据的汽车零部件可靠性计算
2.Through an exposition of neural network discrimination and modeling principle the authors have by an analysis of power plant on-site data set up respectively a linear mathematical model of steam-drum water level relative to feedwater flow rate and a nonlinear model of superheated steam temperature relative to specific value β.基于神经网络可以建立热工对象的线性或非线性动态数学模型 ,在论述神经网络辨识与建模原理的基础上 ,通过对电厂现场数据的分析 ,分别建立了汽包水位相对于给水流量的线性数学模型和过热汽温相对于比值 β的非线性模型。
6)near field data场数据

数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication network  shu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。