洪灾,Flood disaster
1)Flood disaster洪灾
1.Effect of health service and its influence factors in flood disaster areas;洪灾地区卫生服务供给效果及其影响因素分析
2.Analysis on death cause of residents in flood disaster areas in Dongting lake,Hunan province;湖南省洞庭湖水域洪灾区人群死因分析
3.Application of catastrophe theory to social assessment of integrated flood disaster risks in Yangtze River;突变理论在长江流域洪灾综合风险社会评价中的应用

1.The state of being flooded.泛滥成灾受洪灾的状态
2.The definition of flood hazard includes two aspects: flood and hazard.洪灾的含义包括洪水和灾害两个方面。
3.The types of flooding were river torrents and mountain torrents.水灾类型以江洪灾为主,山洪为次之。
4.Emergency Flood Reconstruction Programme洪灾后紧急重建方案
5.Studies on laws of flood capacity to cause disasters and flood loss in the drainage area of Hongru River;洪汝河流域成灾水量与洪灾损失规律分析
6.Method of Flood Risk Estimation and Its Application in Flood Detention Basin;蓄滞洪区洪灾风险评估方法及其应用
7.Floods occur more often than any other natural disaster.洪灾比其他的自然灾害更容易发生。
8.Design of Information System of Evaluating Losses of Flood Disaster Supported by RS and GISRS、GIS支持下洪灾灾情评估系统的构建
9.An Analysis on the flood of the Changjiang River in 19981998年长江洪灾分析:天灾与人祸
10.Flood Forecast Algorithm for GEP Based on Attribution Reduction基于属性约简的GEP洪灾灾情预测算法
11.The soldiers went to the flood-stricken areas to control the flood.洪灾爆发后战士们奔赴抗洪第一线救险。
12.Research and Application of Flood Loss Estimation in Flood Detention Area;蓄滞洪区洪灾损失评估方法的研究及应用
13.The Elem entary Dissection of the Reasons, the Conditions andthe Ways to Dealwith the Situation of 1998 Catastrophic Flood Calam ity;浅析“1998年特大洪灾”的成因及其防洪对策
14.Catastrophic Flood and the Rareness of the Flood Disaster in Iowa State of the U.S.A. in 2008美国艾奥瓦州2008年特大洪水及洪灾稀遇程度
15.Analysis on storm-flood characteristics and cause of flood disaster in Gan River Basin淦河流域暴雨洪水特性及洪灾成因分析
16.The floods created havoc.洪水造成了巨大的灾害.
17.Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work.抗洪救灾取得全面胜利。
18.Flood Hazard Evaluation Information System洪水灾情评估信息系统

1.Effects of the Flood to the Lake Ecological Environment;洪灾对湖泊生态环境的影响
2.An approch on Relationship of Environment and Flood in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Changjiang River;长江中下游环境特征与洪灾的关系
3.A Study of PTSD and Its Risk Factors among Adult in Flood District;洪灾区成人PTSD及其危险因素的研究
3)flood damage洪灾
1.Review on development of assessment of flood damage loss;洪灾损失评估的研究进展
2.Flood Damage Loss Assessment Based on GIS;基于GIS的洪灾损失评估研究
4)flood hazard洪灾
1.The general model system is established for the evaluation of flood hazard risk, which includes the hydrologic model, hydraulic model and damage assessment model.针对目前洪灾风险评价中存在的问题,建立了通用的洪灾风险评价模型系统,包括水文模型、水力模型及损失评估模型三部分。
1.Study on the relationship between flooding and the infection of schistosoma in the river beach area;江滩型地区洪灾与居民血吸虫感染关系
6)floods and calamity洪水与洪灾
