能源重化工基地,base of power source and heavy chemical industry
1)base of power source and heavy chemical industry能源重化工基地
1.The analysis of water use for the base of power source and heavy chemical industry in Yulin Prefecture, Northern Shaanxi;陕北榆林能源重化工基地用水浅析

1.Analysis on developing chlor-alkali industry at the energy resources and heavy chemical industry base in north Shaanxi Province在陕北能源重化工基地发展氯碱工业的分析
2.Energy Resource and Heavy Chemical Industry Base in Yulin:From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage;榆林能源重化工基地:从比较优势到竞争优势
3.Analysis on new development style of energy and chemical industry base in the north of Shaanxi Province;陕北能源重化工基地的新型发展模式分析
4.Consideration on clean coal in Ningdong energy heavy chemical base building;宁东能源重化工基地建设的洁净煤思考
5.Construction strategy of the energy and heavy/chemical industrial base in contiguous area of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia;陕甘宁接壤区能源重化工基地建设构想
6.Studying on Problems and Countermeasures of Energy Resources and Heavy Chemical Industries Base in Yulin Shaanxi Province;陕西榆林能源重化工基地能源开发利用的问题与对策研究
7.Research on Coordinated Development between Socioeconomic and Environment System in Northern Shaanxi Energy & Chemical Industry Base--Taking Yulin as an Example;陕北能源重化工基地社会经济与环境协调发展研究——以榆林市为例
8.Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the construction of energy heavy-chemical engineering bases in the northern part of Shaanxi and the strategic consideration;陕北能源重化工基地建设的优劣势分析及战略思考
9.Besides, the area is also a big coal mine in the world, and will be constructed as Chinese energy and heavy chemical industry base in21 st century.该区又为世界级大型煤田蕴藏地,将建成我国21世纪的能源重化工基地
10.Jiyuan is also an important energy basis, lead and zinc basis and coal chemical industry basis.其还是中西部地区重要的能源基地、锌基地和煤炭化工基地。
11.A Study on the Leading Industry and the Rationality of Industrial Structure in the Energy and Chemical Industry Base North Shaanxi;陕北能源化工基地的产业升级及其结构优化重组
12.Analysis of the Ecological Benefits Changes of the Energy and Chemical Engineering Base in Eastern Ningxia宁东能源化工基地生态效益变化分析
13.Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industrial Base Coal Resource Support Analysis宁东能源化工基地煤炭资源保障能力分析
14.Studies on System of Circular Economy of Energy Resource and Chemical Industry Base in the North of Shaanxi;陕北能源化工基地循环经济体系研究
15.Analysis of the Cyclic Economy Factors of the Northern Energy Resources Chemical Industry Base of Shaanxi Province;陕北能源化工基地循环经济要素分析
16.Analysis to the Cyclic Economy System of Energy Industry Base in the North of Shaanxi Province;陕北能源化工基地循环经济系统分析
17.A study on circular economy development in Yulin energy and chemical base榆林能源化工基地发展循环经济研究
18.Significance and Advantage of Planning for Coal Chemical Development in Ningdong Energy Chemical Base;宁东能源化工基地煤化工项目规划意义及优势

energy resource and heavy chemical industry base in Yulin榆林能源重化工基地
1.By means of relevant competitive theory,the competitiveness of energy resource and heavy chemical industry base in Yulin has been analyzed from the four perspectives: production factors,requirements,relevant supporting industries and strategy organizations.运用波特的竞争理论,从生产要素、需求、相关支持性产业、战略组织竞争等四个方面对榆林能源重化工基地竞争力进行分析,认为其既有优势,也存在不足,需要进一步整合,才能使潜在的资源比较优势转化为区域竞争优势。
3)energy resources and heavy chemical industry base in north Shaanxi Province陕北能源重化工基地
1.Analysis on developing chlor-alkali industry at the energy resources and heavy chemical industry base in north Shaanxi Province在陕北能源重化工基地发展氯碱工业的分析
4)energy chemical base能源化工基地
1.Interest relationship for sustainable development of energy chemical base;能源化工基地可持续发展中的利益关系
2.The environmental sustainable development of energy chemical base in Northern Shaanxi has great strategic significance in promoting comprehensive progress of economy and society both in Northern Shaanxi and the whole China.在界定陕北环境可持续发展的概念基础上,从生态破坏和环境污染两个方面对陕北能源化工基地建设中的环境问题进行了分析,从体制、政策、机制以及企业社会责任等方面揭示了陕北能源化工基地建设中环境问题产生的原因,并相应的提出健全生态与环境治理方面的法律、法规,构建相关财税政策和环境政策体系,优化产业结构,完善生态补偿机制,发展循环经济,合理配置、科学开采和利用能矿资源等推进陕北能源化工基地环境可持续发展的对策建议。
5)Ningdong energy sources and chemical industry base宁东能源化工基地规划
1.Based on the sensitivity analysis of the soil erosion of the Ningdong energy sources and chemical industry base,this paper carried out the ecology suitability analysis of the industry overall plan.基于遥感和地理信息系统技术,在宁东地区土壤侵蚀敏感性评价的基础上,对宁东能源化工基地规划的产业布局进行了生态适宜性分析。
6)Northern Shaanxi Energy & Chemical Industry Base陕北能源化工基地
1.Ecological effects of vegetations during groundwater exploitation in the Northern Shaanxi Energy & Chemical Industry Base, China;陕北能源化工基地地下水开发的植被生态效应及对策

发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重the share of energy for electricity generation in total primary energy  fad旧n nengyuan za一y一ei nengyuan x.oofe一zhong由b lzhong发电能源在一次能派消费中的比,(theshare of energy for eleetrieity罗neratinn in totalprimary energy)是表征一个国家国民经济电气化程度的一个指标。在一次能源总消费中,发电用能源的比例越大,电力在能源系统中的地位越重要,国民经济电气化的程度就越高。由于使用电力比直接使用石油、天然气和煤炭等一次能源的效率高,且电力用途广泛,使用灵活方便,不污染环境,可靠性高,因此.世界各国的电力生产和消费以高于能源的速度增长,发电用能源在一次能源总消费t中的比例日益增大。下表列出了一些国家发电用能源占一次能源总消费的比例变化情况。一些日家发电能一占一次能派总消.一的比,(%)┌──┬───┬───┬──┬───┬──┬───┬───┐│年份│美国 │日本 │德国│加章大│法国│英国 │中国 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1970│28.4 │31。1 │ │43.3 │23.8│ │ │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1980│37。65│44.9 │30.7│57.1 │36.1│39.7 │20.60 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1990│41.79 │50.30 │33.7│58.9 │46.0│37。6 │24.68 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1995│40.50 │51.50 │35.8│63.7 │57.0│36.7 │29.58 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1996│41。0 │50.7 │34.9│64。3 │54.2│35.4 │30.76 │└──┴───┴───┴──┴───┴──┴───┴───┘ 注:1.资料来浑日本海外电力调查会《海外电气事业统 计》和《中国电力统计资料》. 2.说明:(l)电力消费t系按电厂的发电t或净发电 t计算;(2)美国、日本、法国、英国系按供电热 效率计算煤耗,铭国、加幸大系按发电热效率计算 煤耗,中国则立接按发电煤耗计算;(3)发电能浑 消费(含火电、水电、核电等)均用上述计算的煤 耗乘以各自的总发电t。