面子保全论,Face-saving Theory
1)Face-saving Theory面子保全论
1.Based on Face-saving Theory of Brown and Levinson and the Politeness Principle and six maxims of Leech,this study discusses the polite leadership language,the ways to fulfill its communicative goals and the internal mechanism of pragmatics.以Brown和Levinson的面子保全论为理论基础,运用Leech的礼貌原则及六个次准则分析了《邓小平文选》领导语言中的各种礼貌的语言现象,其实现途径以及它的内在语用机制。
2.Ever since the early 1970s, dozens of theories have been proposed to explain politeness as a linguistic phenomenon, among which the Politeness Principle of Leech and the Face-saving Theory of Brown & Levinson are two most influential theories in the pragmatic field.自上世纪七十年代以来,礼貌现象引起了语用学、社会语言学、心理学以及认知语言学的广泛关注,语言学家纷纷提出各种理论对礼貌现象加以研究,在语用学界,影响最大的当属利奇的礼貌原则及布朗和列文森的面子保全论

1.On Nagging from Face-saving Theory;谈面子保全论视角下的唠叨言语交际
2.On Face-saving Theory in the Conversations in Thunder Storm从《雷雨》对话中透射出的面子保全论
3.save appearances维持体面, 保全面子
4.Information Security, Grading Protection and E-Business Security;论信息安全等级保护与电子商务安全
5.On the Full Protection of the Intellectual Property of Computer Software;试论计算机软件知识产权的全面保护
6.full-scope International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards国际原子能机构的全面保障监督
7.They hushed up the scandal in an effort to save face.他们掩盖了丑闻以图保全面子。
8.a face-saving action, excuse, gesture保全面子的行动、 藉口、 举动.
9.a pitiable attempt to save himself from disgrace他为保全面子的卑鄙做法
10.They did all this just to save face.他们这样做只是为了保全面子。
11.He finally worked out a face-saving arrangement.他终于想出了一个保全面子的办法。
12.Electronic Document Security Platform for the Entire Life Cycle;面向数据全生命周期的电子文档安全保障平台
13.The compromise was a face-saver for all concerned.折衷是对所有有关方面保全面子的策略
14.On the Perfection of Chinese Insurance Regulatory Institution under the Full Opening Circumstances;论全面开放条件下中国保险监管制度的完善
15.Exploring the Social Security Values in the Future Comprehensive Well-off Society;论全面小康框架下的社会保障价值理念
16.Sound Social Security System:A Key in Building a Well-off Society;论全面建设小康社会中的社会保障问题
17.The problem was how to square such face saving with the demands of the law.问题是如何既得保全面子,又符合法律要求。
18.Though she' d lost her job, she saved face by saying she' d left it willingly.她失去了工作, 却说是自愿离职以保全面子.

face-saving theory面子保全理论
3)face saving面子保全
4)save sb.'s face保全面子
6)in order to save appearance为了保全面子

《概率论、信息论及其在雷达中的应用》  阐述雷达信息和信号检测理论的经典著作,英国P.M.伍德沃德著。1953年伦敦派加蒙出版公司出版,1964年再版。全书共七章,前三章是概率论、信息论和信号分析的基础,也是阅读本书的预备 知识。第四章是噪声中信号检测的一般理论,对理想接收机和后验概率理论作了精辟的阐述。最后三章是全书的精华,系统阐述雷达信号检测理论和分辨理论。书中提出著名的伍德沃德模糊函数的定义,后成为雷达信号分析和波形设计的有效工具。书中还分析了几种典型雷达信号的模糊函数及其对系统潜在性能(精度、分辨力、模糊度)的影响,对雷达信号波形设计有很大的作用。这本书已被译成多种语言出版。1980年美国再次翻印出版。