投入量假说,Involvement Load Hypothesis
1)Involvement Load Hypothesis投入量假说
1.The article analyzes Laufer and Hulstijn\'s IVA model and its criteria for measurement,discusses the positive relation between the reformed reading-based task designs and the advancement in SL learners\' proficiency,and suggests that some effective reading strategies can advance SL learners\' reading and communicative capabilities in respect to the Involvement Load Hypothesis.从Laufer和Hulstijn的"投入量假说"所研究的二语学习者在阅读过程中词汇附带习得的认知机制及量化标准,着手分析论证阅读任务设计的改革对发展学习者的读写能力及语言交际能力的作用,认为设计中参照"投入量假说"的量化标准而导入有效策略与学习者自主发展更高层次阅读能力正相关。
2.Hulstijn and Laufer\'s Involvement Load Hypothesis and Schmidt\'s Noticing Hypothesis are used to explain the reasons.用Laufer和Hu lstijn的"投入量假说"理论和Schm idt的注意假说作了解释说明。

1.The Study of Incidental Vocabulary Learning Based upon the Involvement Load Hypothesis;基于“投入量假说”的附带词汇学习研究
2.Research on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition & Involvement Load Hypothesis词汇附带习得与“投入量假设”研究概述
3.An Empirical Study on Vocabulary Audio Input on the Basis of Involvement Load Hypothesis;基于投入量假设的词汇音频输入的实证研究
4.Supposed Involvement Load and Learning Strategies in Vocabulary Acquisition: Revisiting the Involvement Load Hypothesis预设投入量与词汇习得策略使用:对投入量假设的重新审视
5.A Study of Effects of Involvement Load Hypothesis on Incidental Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences“投入量假设”对语块附带习得的影响的研究
6.Testing "Involvement Load Hypothesis" in second language incidental vocabulary acquisition“投入量假设”在词汇附带习得中的应用研究
7.A Hypothesis on Effective Demand Size, R&D Expenditure and National Innovation Capacity;有效需求规模假说、研发投入与国家自主创新能力
8.An Empirical Study of the Involvement Load Hypothesis in Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in EFL Listening;投入量假设在英语听力词汇附带习得中的实证研究
9.The Effect of Tasks with Different Involvement Loads on Chinese EFL Students Incidental Vocabulary Learning;基于“投入量假设”的任务对中国学生非刻意性词汇学习的影响
10.The Impact of the Task-Induced Involvement Load Hypothesis on Incidental Vocabulary Learning;论任务导致的投入量假设对于偶然词汇习得的影响
11.Testing the Involvement Load Hypothesis: Effects of Reading-Based Tasks on Vocabulary Retention by Chinese EFL Learners;检验“投入量假设”的实证研究——阅读任务对中国学生词汇记忆的影响
12.The impact of Involvement Load Hypothesis on incidental vocabulary acquisition under network-assisted reading condition投入量假设在网络阅读环境下对词汇附带习得的影响
13.Research on Over-investment Behavior of China's Listed Companies Based on Free Cash Flow Hypothesis基于自由现金流量假说的上市公司过度投资行为研究
14.Rapid growth, they claimed, had been a sham based on governments pouring cheap money into favoured firms.他们称,所谓“快速的发展”,是政府把大量低利率投资砸入特权企业而造成的虚假繁荣。
15.The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount.投入的资金数量惊人。
16.To illustrate, Solarwind Co. has an opportunity of investing $10 in a project with a life of three years. The estimated cash inflows are...举例说明,太阳风公司有一投资机会,需投入10美元,估计寿命3年,估计的现金流量如下…
17.Krashen s Input Hypothesis and Foreign Language Teaching;Krashen的输入假说与外语教学
18.The Inspiration of Language Input Hypothesis to Foreign Language Teaching;语言输入假说对我国外语教学的启示

Task-Induced Involvement Load Hypothesis (ILH)任务诱导型投入量假说
3)involvement load hypothesis投入量假设
1.The impact of Involvement Load Hypothesis on incidental vocabulary acquisition under network-assisted reading condition投入量假设在网络阅读环境下对词汇附带习得的影响
2.Testing "Involvement Load Hypothesis" in second language incidental vocabulary acquisition“投入量假设”在词汇附带习得中的应用研究
4)Task-induced Involvement Hypothesis参与投入假说
1.This paper reports an empirical study, a design of reading comprehension with different types of text-based tasks to see which will have a better effect on incidental vocabulary learning, by applying the Task-induced Involvement Hypothesis, a cognitive construct proposed by Laufer and Hulstijn.本文运用Laufer&Hulstijn提出的“参与投入假说”于实证研究中 ,验证附带性学习环境中 ,基于语篇的不同任务是否对词汇习得会产生不同影响。
5)input hypothesis输入假说
1.Krashen s Input Hypothesis and English Teaching in China;克拉申语言输入假说与中国语境下的英语教学
2.Application and Analysis of Krashens Input Hypothesis in College English Teaching;克拉申输入假说在大学英语教学实践中的运用和分析(英文)
3.Cognitive Analysis on Krashen’s Input Hypothesis;克拉申输入假说的认知分析
6)the Input Hypothesis输入假说
1.The Inspiration of the Input Hypothesis and the Affective Filter Hypothesis to College English Teaching;输入假说与情感过滤假说对大学英语教学的启示
2.This paper is based on Krashen s Second Language Acquisition Theory, especially on "the input hypothesis" and "the affective filter hypothesis".本文基于克拉申的第二语言习得理论,从其"输入假说"和"情感过滤假说"出发,探讨了该理论对大学英语听力教学的启示。
3.Krashen s theory of second language acquisition consists of five main hypotheses:the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis;the Monitor hypothesis;the Natural Order hypothesis;the Input hypothesis and the Affective Filter hypothesis.Krashen提出的二语习得理论由五个假说组成:习得—学习假说、监控假说、自然顺序假说、输入假说及情感过滤假说。

成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系  【成交且、未平仓合约,与价格的关系】成交量和未平仓合约量的变化会对期货价格产生影响,期货价格变化也会引起成交t和未平仓量的变化。因此,分析三者的变化,有利于正确预测期货价格走势。 1.成交t、未平仓合约里增加,价格上升,表示新买方正大t收购,近期内价格还可能继续上涨。 2.成交t、未平仓合约t减少,价格上升,表示卖空者大t补货平仓,价格短期内向上,但不久将可能回落。 3.成交t增加,价格上升,但未平仓合的t减少,说明卖空者和买空者都在大t平仓,价格马上*下映。 4.成交t、未平仓t增加,价格下肤,农明卖空者大t出咨合的,短期内价格还可能下跌,但如抛省过度,反可能使价格上升。 5.成交t、未平仓t减少,价格下肤,农明大t买空者急于卖货平仓,姐期内价格将峨续下降。 6.成交量增加、未平仓量和价格下跌,表明卖空者利用买空者卖货平仓导致价格下跌之际陆续补货平仓获利,价格可能转为回升。 从上分析可见,在一般情况下,如果成交量、未平仓量与价格同向小幅变化,则其价格趋势可继续维持一段时间;如两者与价格反向变化时,价格走势可能转向。当然,这还需结合不同的价格形态作进一步的具体分析。