课堂语言,classroom language
1)classroom language课堂语言
1.A rational speculation over characteristic of dialogue classroom language;对话式课堂语言特性的理性思考
2.The classroom language used in history teaching should be scientific,vivid and lively,full of emotion;and of course,they should be simple,concise and clear.历史教学中教师的课堂语言,必须讲求科学性并做到形象生动,还要感情充沛,语言简练、干净、明确。
3.We should emphasize the importance of stimulation through the measures such as guidance of foreword, graphic and funny classroom language, artistic treatment of knowledge, object teaching,and involving students in the making of teaching aids and so on.在地理教学中要重视激发学生的学习兴趣 ,主要通过导言的诱导、生动有趣的课堂语言、对知识的艺术加工、直观教学以及让学生参与教具的制作等途径来调动和培养学生的兴趣。

1.On the Teachers' Qualities of Language in Terms of Broadcasting Standard从播音语言的特点谈教师课堂语言素质
2.Classroom Language in Second Language Acquisition教师课堂教学语言之于第二语言习得
3.Language Hegemony:A Reflection to Classroom Teaching Language Model语言霸权:对课堂教学语言模式的反思
4.Mold a Beautiful Classroom through Beautiful Language--Comment on the Teaching Language of Chinese Teachers' in Primary School用美的语言塑造美的课堂——论小学语文教师的课堂教学语言
5.Highlighting Life Quality of English Language Classroom Through Narrative Language;通过叙事语言提高英语课堂生活质量
6.The Interactive Approach in EFL Classroom;交互式语言教学在英语课堂中的运用
7.Application of Nonverbal Communication in English Classroom Teaching;非语言交际在英语课堂教学中的运用
8.How to Improve English Classroom Teaching Quality by Using Body language;运用体态语言 优化英语课堂教学
9.An Analysis of Classroom Language for Chinese Teaching;少数民族汉语教学课堂教学语言简析
10.Discourse Analysis in Second Language Classroom;论话语分析在第二语言课堂中的运用
11.The Aesthetic Features of Teachers Talk in the English Class of Elementary School;小学英语课堂中教学语言的审美特征
12.Guide College English Classroom Teaching With Linguistics Theory;用语言学理论指导大学英语课堂教学
13.The Application of Non-verbal Codes in Classroom English Teaching;非语言代码在英语课堂教学中的应用
14.A Study on How to Reduce Students' Language Anxiety in College English Class as a Teacher英语课堂中降低学生语言焦虑的策略
15.A Probe into the Interesting Mode of Linguistics Teaching探索趣味性英语语言学课堂教学模式
16.Polish Teaching Language Create Wonderful Class--Experimental Research on Polishing Teaching Language in Class;锤炼教学语言 缔造精彩课堂——锤炼课堂教学语言的实验研究
17.Language Repetition:A Classroom Strategy in the Interactional Sociolinguistic Framework;言语重复:互动社会语言框架中的课堂策略
18.A Study of Questioning Strategies in Second Language Teaching;第二语言课堂教学中提问策略的研究

class language课堂语言
1.Teachers class language consists of oral and written languages.教师的课堂语言包括口头语言和书面语言两种形式,课堂语言是高要求的语言,是科学上严谨、语法上规范。
3)classroom instruction language课堂教学语言
1.This article discusses from several different aspects how chemistry teacher can use the classroom instruction language better.本文仅从几个不同方面论述做为化学教师如何才能更好的用好课堂教学语言。
4)teaching language课堂教学语言
1.The problems of teaching language in the secondary Chemistry class are particularly analyzed.围绕双语教学的必要性及双语教学在实施过程中的主要问题,尤其是教师的课堂教学语言在整合时出现的问题进行了总结分析,并提出了自己的几点思考。
2.The teaching language of a Chinese teacher always takes some effects on the Chinese teaching quality.语文教师课堂教学语言的优劣会对语文课堂的教学质量产生比较重大的影响。
5)selection of classroom language课堂语言选择
6)class language teaching语言课堂教学

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。