非语言因素,non-language factors
1)non-language factors非语言因素
1.This paper attempts to analyze the ways in which non-language factors can be employed to improve the efficiency in the listening teaching practice.本文浅述了非语言因素在提高英语听力教学效果方面的作用。
2.The students cannot carry out the correct or deeper understanding of the articles because of non-language factors in their English reading.学生在英语阅读过程中,由于非语言因素的影响,常常使他们无法对文章进行正确或者更深层次的理解。
3.Based on the differences between Chinese and English and the features of English,this paper analyzed the language and non-language factors of cohesive errors in English discourses committed by Chinese students.立足于汉语和英语两种语言的差异以及英语语言的特点,分析了中国学生英语语篇衔接偏误产生的语言因素,总结了衔接偏误的非语言因素

1.On the Nonverbal Elements Affecting English Reading Efficiency;影响英语阅读效率的非语言因素探讨
2.Impact of Non-verbal Factors on Aural Comprehension in English Learning;论非语言因素对英语听力学习的影响
3.The Verbal and Nonverbal Language in Intercultural Business Communicaltion;跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素
4.Non-linguistic Factors and the Geographical Distribution and Evolution of Chuzhou Dialect非语言因素与吴语处州方言的分布和演变
5.On Non-Linguistic Factors Influencing Reading;影响培养高效阅读能力的非语言因素
6.The Effect of Non- linguistic Factors on cross- cultural commanication;论非语言因素在跨文化交际中的作用
7.Non-linguistic Effects on the Development of Pragmatic Competence in the EFL Setting影响外语环境下语用能力发展的非语言因素
8.Effects of Some Nonlinguistic Factors on English Language Reading in High School;影响中学生英语阅读的非语言因素的研究
9.Improve English Acquisition Efficiency by Reasonably Using Non-linguistic Factors;合理利用非语言因素提高英语习得效率
10.On the Effects of Situational Context in Translation;论非语言因素之情景语境在翻译中的作用
11.Improving PuTongHua Teaching by Focusing on the Non-linguistic Training;注重非语言因素训练 提高普通话口语教学实效
12.Non-Linguistic Factors in English Reading Barriers;英语阅读理解障碍中的非语言因素(英文)
13.A brief analysis of non-linguistic factors for incorrect understanding in reading;英语阅读过程中理解错误的非语言因素
14.The Influence of Non-language Factors on Language Ability;试论非语言因素对语言能力的培养——"基础英语"教学方法探析
15.Analysis of Non-language Factors Affected Oral English Learning of Non-English Majors影响非英语专业学生口语学习的非语言因素分析
16.Analyzing the Non-Language Factors in Negative Transfer and the Influence on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching;母语负迁移中的非语言因素及对外语教学的启示
17.The role of the non-language text factors for the choice of the reasonable type of writing;非语言语境因素对合适语体选择的作用
18.Non-linguistic Context in the Construction of DMM;意义动态模式建构中的非语言语境因素

non-linguistic factor非语言因素
1.However,most language learners just care about the influence of linguistic factors and neglect that of non-linguistic factors.长期以来,大多数学习者只注意到了语言因素在培养和提高这一能力的过程中所起的作用,而忽视了非语言因素的影响。
2.This paper analyzes some non-linguistic factors contributing to students Business English reading ability by making a qualitative research in terms of students reading habits,reading motives,reading strategy and their cultural background for Business English study.运用定性分析的方法,通过个人访谈、课堂行为习惯观察、问卷调查、自陈调查等方式,对商务英语阅读教学中影响学生阅读能力的非语言因素进行了分析,包括阅读习惯、阅读心理、阅读策略以及商务知识等方面。
3.This essay,from the perspective of the contexts with linguistic and non-linguistic factors,analyzes the importance of contexts in translation.尽管语境的分类纷繁复杂,内涵也各不相同,但是本文却侧重两个方面,即含有语言因素的语境与非语言因素的语境,分析语境在翻译中的重要作用。
3)non-language factor非语言因素
1.Not only language itself but also students anxiety,motivation,strategy,language environment,personality,which are called non-language factors,will exert an effect on students perf.然而,英语学习除了受到语言本身的影响之外,诸多非语言因素也直接关系到英语口语教学的效果。
2.This essay analyzes the two factors affecting reading effective : the language factor and the non-language factor.分析了影响阅读效率的主要因素即语言因素和非语言因素,阐述了两大要素与阅读效率之间的关系,提出了有关的建议及对策,旨在科学正确的引导、快速有效的培养大学生英语阅读能力。
3.The author points out that the language factors (phonetics, vocabulary,sentence strutures),the non-language factors (customs and other background knowledge), and some listening skills could be three important aspects to which great importance must be attached in teaching, to improve the students listening ability.如何通过大学英语听力课来提高学生的听力水平,本文从三个方面作了初探,即:教学过程中,注重语言因素(语音、词汇、句子结构等);非语言因素(社会背景知识的了解);以及必要的听力技巧。
4)non linguistic factors非语言因素
5)extra-linguistic factors非语言因素
1.An examinee spot performance in the interpretation test is determined by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.考生在口译考试中的临场发挥受语言和非语言因素的影响。
2.A large body of empirical studies conducted within the frameworks of different approaches show that such variation is caused by multiple factors, which can be classified into two major groups: intra-linguistic factors and extra-linguistic factors.这些不同的因素可以被划分为两大类:语言因素和非语言因素
6)non verbal behavior factors非言语因素

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后