喻义,figurative meaning
1)figurative meaning喻义
1.Difference between Chinese and English culture in the figurative meaning and association of animal;从动物喻义看英汉文化差异

1.Vehicle and metaphorical meaning in cultural context of Chinese and English trope;从喻体和喻义看英汉比喻的文化差异
2.The Form of the Metaphorical Meaning and the Exegesis of the Metaphorical Meaning;比喻义的训释与比喻义的形成——《现代汉语词典》比喻义计量研究之一
3.Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Vehicle and Figurative Sense;汉英动物词语喻体、喻义的文化内涵初探
4.The gentleman knows what is right; the small man knows what is profitaBle.君子喻于义,小人喻于利。
5.Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.比喻包括隐喻、喻、喻、喻等,是语义修辞法的重要组成部分。
6.The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张
7.The Construction of Metaphorical Meaning from the Perspective of the Addressor s Focalization and Understanding of Metaphor;从施喻者角度看隐喻意义构建和隐喻理解
8.substituting metonymy of one figurative sense for another.用一种比喻意义代替另一种的换喻。
9.An Exploration on Metaphorical and Metonymic Cognitive Mechanisms of Meaning Extension;词义扩展的隐喻和转喻认知机制探微
10.A Study of Polysemy in English Based on Metaphor and Metonymy;隐喻、转喻机制下的英语一词多义现象
11.The Function of Metaphor and Metonymy in the Variation of the Words Meaning;影响词义变异的心理因素——隐喻和转喻
12.Metonymic and Metaphorical Analysis on Heart;Heart从转喻到隐喻的认知语义解读
13.Another comprehension of “Junzi Yu Yu Yi ,Xiaoren Yu Yu Li”;《论语·里仁》:“君子喻于义,小人喻于利”新解
14.meaning through metaphor贯穿在隐喻中的意义
15.Graphic Metaphor and the Complementary Semantic Models;图示隐喻与语义互补模式——评Persson的隐喻语义观
16.Explains the Metaphor Relations and Metonymy Relations of the Modern Chinese Polysemant NounSenses论现代汉语多义名词义项间的隐喻转喻关系
17.On Megametaphorical Semantic Construction for Text--Textual Metaphor Revisited;论博喻对篇章的语义建构——再谈篇章隐喻
18.Conceptual Metaphor and Cognitive Motivation of Meaning Construction in Euphemism Metaphor;概念隐喻与委婉语隐喻意义构建的认知理据

metaphorical meaning喻义
1.Generally speaking,Chinese idioms have double meanings: image meaning and connotation meaning.成语一般具有形象和喻义的双重内涵,在翻译过程中应该遵循两大基本原则:当要求在形象和喻义之间做出选择时,成语翻译应重其喻义;在条件允许的前提下,应尽量保全其形象和喻义
4)metaphorical meaning比喻意义
1.Animal idioms of both English and Chinese can be compared in the following three aspects:(1) Same referent,same metaphorical meaning;(2) Same referent,different metaphorical meaning;(3) Different referent,same metaphorical meaning.英汉动物习语可以通过三个方面来比较:(1)比喻物体相同,比喻意义也相同;(2)比喻物体相同,而比喻意义不同;(3)比喻物体不同,而比喻意义相同。
2.The results showed that these students mainly comprehend literal meaning of Chinese idioms in non and middle contexts,and they mainly comprehend metaphorical meaning of Chinese idioms in strong context.结果表明,在无语境和中语境条件下,留学生主要从字面意义方面理解汉语惯用语;在强语境条件下,留学生主要从比喻意义方面理解汉语惯用语。
3.Because of the Chinese-Western cutural differences,one cannot fully understand or properly use such idioms without having comprehended the metaphorical meanings of the animal words by analyzing their development of associative meanings.由于中西文化的差异,准确地理解和运用这类习语,需要剖析明喻格中动物词的引申发展,进而理解其比喻意义。
5)Metaphorical Meaning隐喻意义
1.The Polysemy and Variability of the Metaphorical Meaning and Their Understanding;隐喻意义的多义性和可变性及其解读
2.Construction of metaphorical meanings in animal terms by relevance blending theory;关联复合模式对动物词汇隐喻意义构建的阐释
3.This paper attempts at an analysis of the cognitive characteristics in both the Chinese and English languages by comparing the metaphorical meanings of Chinese and English animal terms.文章藉比较汉英动物词隐喻意义的异同,即重合、冲突、空缺,分析了汉英两民族在认知思维上的差异,并揭示了形成这些差异的文化因素。
1.Through the analysis of Le Corbusier s representative construction works and design philosophy,this article divides his development process of creative style into three stages:machine aesthetic,savagerism and metaphorism,and expounds the style characteristics at each stage,to increase the cognition of people to the architectural works of Le Corbusier.柯布西耶具有代表性建筑作品及设计思想的分析,将其创作风格发展过程分为机器美学、粗野主义和隐喻主义三个阶段,并阐述各阶段的风格特点,以提高人们对勒。

喻义喻义 喻义   唐代外科医家。生活于公元六世纪下半叶。曾任西川(今新疆吐鲁番盆地一带)节度使要籍。善治痈疽疮肿,其经验撰成《疗痈疽要诀》、《疮肿论》各一卷,均已佚散。