1.Chemical compositions of the fogs in the city and suburban of Xishuangbanna;西双版纳城、郊水化学组成分析
2.Study for Separation of Fog from Clouds Based on Fractal Dimension;基于分形特征的云遥感图像分离方法
3.Spatial-temporal characteristic of meteorological visibility under fog and haze condition in Guangdong province;广东省霾天气能见度的时空特征分析Ⅰ:季节变化

1.thick fog, mist, cloud浓、 重、 密云
2.a shroud of fog, smoke, etc一片浓、 烟
3.a curtain of fog, mist, etc一层幕、 薄
4.a misty rain; a misty night.似的雨,朦朦的夜晚
5.A liquid medication applied by spraying.喷剂喷的液体制剂
6.Smog is a mixture of smoke and fog.烟是烟和的混合物。
7.An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke.烟,尘如空气中的尘土或烟等模糊的
8.Full of or surrounded by fog.气弥漫的满是的或被包围的
9.Resembling or suggestive of fog.似有的似的或暗指
10.Droplet Deposition in Variable-speed Spraying Experiment of Air Blast Sprayer风送式喷机变速喷滴沉积试验
11.patchy fog, mist, cloud, etc团团的、 霭、 云等.
12.The fog dispersed at ten o'clock.在10点钟散开。
13.vaporous clouds of mist, smoke, steam、 烟、 蒸汽的弥漫.
14.The results show that the main emulsifying fuels of the channel come from the unstable emulsification of fuel film on the front edge of the channel.化槽的燃油化主要来自化槽前边沿的油膜失稳化。
15.Heavy, dark, or dense, as smoke or fog.烟浓密的烟或浓、重或黑的
16.To be covered with or as if with fog.为笼罩被或好象被烟掩盖
17.fog-bound planes, passengers因停飞的飞机、 因滞留的旅客
18.Water vapor condensed on and clouding the appearance of a surface.凝结或悬浮在物体表面的水

1.The discussion about sampling efficiency of mist in gas;气体中状物质的采样效率探讨
2.Dry-EDM and quasi-dry-EDM take gas and mist as dielectric respectively,so there is no risk of fire,and it's environmentally friendly.干式和准干式电火花加工分别采用气体和作为放电介质,与液中放电加工相比,具有放电能量和加工间隙小、对环境和操作者无污染、无火灾隐患等优点。
3)Spraying droplet喷雾雾滴
4)fog/light fog雾(轻雾)
5)cloud drip雾滴雾滴
6)fog horn雾笛雾号
