1.Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Thickness and Dusty Weather in Northern China in Spring of 2001;2001年春季中国北方大气气溶胶光学厚度与沙尘天气
2.Etiological and epidemiological study of infant diarrhoea in spring;南京市春季婴幼儿腹泻的病原学与流行病学研究
3.Study on Moth Diversity in Spring in Zijin Mountain,Nanjing;南京紫金山春季蛾类多样性研究

1.Spring and summer will arrive in due time.春季夏季会循时来临。
2.spring housecleaning(春季的) 大扫除
3.I've been busy with the spring cleaning.我一直忙着春季大扫除。
4.occupational forest-spring encephalitis职业性春季森林脑炎
5.It rains cats and dogs here during the spring.春季这里会下倾盆大雨。
6.Most birds breed in the spring.大多数的鸟在春季繁殖。
7.SJCC (Spring Joint Computer Conference)春季联合计算机会议
8.His new book will be appearing in the spring.他的新着将于春季问世.
9.Spring Counter-Campaign against "Mopping Up" in Western Beiping Region, 1940平西区1940年春季反“扫荡”
10.The trees put forth buds and leaves in spring.树在春季发芽生叶。
11.It's spring but there's still a chill in the air.初春季节仍有寒意。
12.In spring there are sundry flowers and trees in the mountains and plains. Spring is in the air.春季的山野,杂花生树,春意盎然。
13.In spring there are sundry flowers and trees in the mountains and plains.Spring is in the air.春季的山里,杂花生树,春意盎然。
14.In the winter and spring, candidates run against members of their own parties.春季和冬季,候选人在本党内进行角逐。
15.Most schools have a fall term and a spring term.大部分学校有秋季和春季两个学期。
16.Spring summer, autumn and winter are four seasons.春、夏、秋冬是四季。
17.Spring,summer,autumn and winter are the four seasons.春、夏、秋、冬是四季。
18.In the spring when the rains have passed春天的雨季已经过去,

Winter and Spring冬春季
1.Character of Particulate Mercury at two Districts in Winter and Spring in ChongQing;重庆市两个区域冬春季颗粒汞污染特征研究
2.Litter decomposition of Phragmites australis,Cyperus malaccensis and Spartina alterniflora(exotic invasive species) was studied using mesh bags method in winter and spring in the tidal Shanyutan marsh of the Minjiang River Estuary.研究结果表明:3种植物的枯落物在分解过程中质量逐渐减少,分解速率由快转慢;3种枯落物分解由快到慢依次为咸草、互花米草和芦苇;氮(N)绝对量呈波动下降趋势,碳(C)绝对量呈单调下降趋势;C/N与枯落物分解的相关性不强;冬春季潮汐对枯落物分解速率的影响不明显。
3)Spring starter春季曲
4)springtime bird春季鸟类
1.Study on springtime bird species in Nanning Wuxu International Airport;南宁吴圩国际机场春季鸟类研究
5)spring matriculation春季高考
6)spring enrolment春季招生
