1.Calculation of lightning electromagnetic pulse fields based on pulse function current model;基于脉冲函数电流模型对闪电回击电磁场的计算
2.Short term effect of Forbush Decrease on the lightning frequency over Beijing Tianjin-Hebei region;宇宙线福布希下降对京津冀地区闪电计数的短期影响
3.Responses of lightning flashes number to solar flare over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei;京津冀地区闪电计数对太阳耀斑爆发的响应

1.a sudden flash (as of lightning).突然的闪光(如闪电)。
2.The lightning flash lasted a split second, and then disappeared.闪电一闪而后就消失了。
3.sheet lightningph.1. 片状闪电
4.The visible flash of light accompanying such a discharge.闪电随这种放电现象的可见的闪光
5.She darted out her hand like a flash她闪电般地伸出了手。
6.flashes of lightning lit up the sky照亮天空的道道闪电.
7.Lightning tore the tree in sunder.闪电把树劈成两半。
8.Tampa Bay lightning坦帕湾闪电队(冰球)
9.Is it the Lightening Disco?是“闪电迪斯科舞厅”吗?
10.The squirrel went up the tree like greased lightening.松鼠像闪电般爬上了树。
11.Lightning zigzagged across the sky.闪电呈工字形划过长空。
12.Bolts of lightning and heavy rains appeared.闪电熠熠,大雨倾盆。
13.After the lightning came the thunder.闪电后接着是雷声。
14.A device, such as a flashbulb, flashgun, or flash lamp, used to produce such illumination.闪光灯一种用来产生此种照明的装置,如闪光电灯、闪光枪或闪光灯
15.lamp discharge flashing for use in photography or stroboscopic examination闪光放电灯,摄影或频闪观测用
16.to flash across the electronically controlled sign tract由电子控制的闪亮灯,
17.You see lightning and hear thunder.你会看到电闪,听到雷鸣。
18.I compare his genius to a lightning-flash.我把他的天才比作电闪。

3)lightning flash电闪
5)a quiver of lighting闪电的一闪
6)Lightning discharge闪电放电
