1.Approach to Health Diagnoses of Eco-Economic System in Mesoscale in Loess Hilly Area;黄土丘陵区中尺度生态经济系统健康诊断方法探索
2.An adjoint model with a mesoscale MM4 model;中尺度MM4模式及其伴随模式
3.Analysis and mesoscale numerical simulation of continuous Jianghuai Meiyu front rainstorm in 2003;2003年江淮连续梅雨暴雨过程的中尺度数值试验

1.Multi-scale systems (MuSS) consist of components from two or more length scales (nano, micro, meso, or macro-scales).多尺度系统由具有两个或多个长度尺度(纳米、微米、中尺度或宏观尺度)的组件构成。
2.Characteristic Wave of Meso-β Scale Disturbance in Shear Basic Flow切变基流中β中尺度扰动的特征波动
3.The Mesoscale Heavy Rain System in the Upper and Middle Levels of the Planetary Boundary Layer行星边界层中上部的暴雨中尺度系统
4.The Design of Mesocyclone Identification for Whether Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler;多普勒天气雷达中的中尺度气旋识别
5.Study on Radiation Parameterization Schemes in Meso-scale Model;中尺度模式中的辐射参数化方案研究
6.Study on MCS of the Heavy Rainfall Event in the Middle Part of Shaanxi陕西关中强暴雨中尺度对流系统研究
7.Summer School on Mesoscale Disastrous Weather Held Successfully“中尺度灾害天气夏季讲习班”成功举办
9.The Mesoscale Predictability of One Heavy Precipitation Event;一次暴雨过程的中尺度可预报性研究
10.Retrospective Time Integration Scheme in Mesoscale Numerical Model;中尺度数值模式的回溯时间积分研究
11.The application of forecast in monthly scale on SDSM downscaling methodSDSM降尺度方法在月尺度预报中的应用
12.Many of the particles in the atmosphere are in the intermediate region of size.大气中的许多粒子均属中等尺度。
13.The Discussion of Ecological Question in Small and Middle Scale Landscape Design;中小尺度景观设计中的生态问题研究
14.Fly over 50,000 feet in training mode.在训练模式中飞行高度超过50,000英尺。
15.Rescale the File Objects to the System Unit Scale重放缩文件中的物体到系统单位尺度
16.Bail out of an airplane at an elevation of2000feet.在二千英尺高度从飞机中跳
17.In a traverse there is no accumulation of scale error.导线中没有尺度误差积累。
18.find the medium between severity and leniency在宽严之间找一居中的尺度.

1.The Study on Effects of Meso-scale Terrain on Precipitation ofTorrential Rain by Numerical Modeling;中尺度地形对暴雨降水影响的数值模拟研究
2.A Lagrangian stochastic model and a three-dimensional wind field diagnostic model are used to reveal the characteristics of meso-scale atmospheric flow and diffusion over Huian area, Fujian province.采用拉格朗日随机粒子扩散模式和三维风场诊断模式以及实际气象观测资料,模拟分析了福建惠安核电厂所在沿海地区的大气流动和气载污染物的中尺度扩散情况。
3.After the designing practice in the Quanzhou meso-scale automatic meteorological observatory network and combining the lightning protection in communication system, some lightning protection methods for meso-scale automatic meteorological station are discussed.通过泉州市中尺度自动气象站网防雷设计的实践 ,结合通信系统的防雷措施 ,探讨了中尺度自动气象站的防雷技术问
1.Preliminary Test of Medium-scale Numerical Weather Forecast;中尺度数值天气预报的初步试验
2.Based on the actual observed data in the 12 automatic observatories in Nanning, a medium-scale automatic observatory network database is established in Nanning by using the computer technology, and a client terminal application is provided for forecasting on the basis of web page exploring and Micaps platform transfer.利用数据库等计算机技术,以南宁市12个自动站原始观测要素为数据来源,建立南宁市中尺度自动站网数据库,并为预报人员提供基于网页浏览和Micaps平台调用的客户端应用。
4)medium scale中尺度
1.Its ArcView interface version AVS2000 is applied to analyze 2000-2004 basic data observed from the Zhangweinan basin on medium scale.基于2002—2004年气象资料,选择一中尺度流域——漳卫南流域,采用SWAT模型的ArcView界面AVS2000构建了分布式水文模型,并以流域现状气象条件为基准,设置了24种不同气候情景,以流域径流量、腾发量(ET)和产水量3个SWAT模型输出指标定量分析了气候变化对流域水循环的影响。
2.Telecommunications technique is one of the key actors for transmitting the site data reliably,timely and accurately in a medium scale automatic meteorological observation system.中尺度自动站网络系统能否可靠、及时和准确地提供各地的观测数据,通信组网技术是关键技术之一。
6)intermediate scale中等尺度
1.The research of intermediate scale environment image and the discussion on its application to environment design——The case study of college campus image;中等尺度环境意象研究及其在环境设计中的应用探讨——以大学校园意象为例
