1.Finite element analysis and theoretical model of slotted cymbal composite piezoelectric transducer;钹形压电复合换能器理论建模及有限元分析
2.The leaky-waveguide traveling wave antenna of the closely spaced transverse nonresonant slots cut in the broad face of a rectangular waveguide.介绍了非谐振缝隙组成的漏波波导行波天线,它是在矩形波导宽面切铣间距密集的横向短构成的线阵;以该线阵为单元设计并研究了驻波平面阵列及其后向RCS;给出Ku波段的天线例子。
3.In the knowledge acquiring,it is not only fussy and boring to fill slots manually,but also inefficient.在知识获取中,手工填是一件繁琐而又枯燥的工作,效率很低。

1.starting sheet cells始极,种板,始板
2.groove-cutting chisel刨, 油铲(轴承)
3.The groove so cut.榫这种切割的凹
4.A long, narrow furrow or channel.沟,一长而窄的沟或
6.Grooved pins--Parallel groovedGB/T13829.1-1992销平行沟
7.Such a trough is called flume.这样的木叫水
8.A gutter under the eaves of a roof.水屋檐下的凹
9.automatic chute自动装料, 自动输矿
10.drunken saw【机】切[开]
11.A furrow or groove, as in a column.沟如柱子上的或沟
12.Water fountain: The metal trough on an offset press which holds the damping solution.水:在柯式印刷机上,盛载水液的
13.A trough or flume used in washing ore.洗机洗矿用的水或流
14.channel-cutting, opening or closing machines, for shoemaking开、破或合机,制鞋用
15.The circular arc wiring duct also called it separates wiring duct /the insulation wiring duct /seal type wiring duct /arc the circular arc wiring duct /walk wiring duct.圆弧线也称之为圆弧型隔线/绝缘线/密封式线/弧线/走地线
16."The chromating treatment system includes spray-rinsing tank, circulate tank and medium storage tank."钝化处理系统包括喷淋、循环和介质储存
17.Improving Insulation of Electric Tank Slot Cover to Eliminate Electricity Leakage of Slot Cover改进铝电解罩绝缘性能,消除罩漏电
18.mechanical floatation cell【采矿】机械浮选

1.The reduction of the influence of undergound pressure has close relationship with the time of cutting slot, the distance between the positions of slots and the support condition in the slot应用卸压维护被跨采巷道,是采用人为卸压的方法改变巷道围岩应力场的分布规律,控制围岩变形,缓解矿山压力对巷道的影响。
2.Signals and slots QT as the core mechanism in the QT programming has a broad application of this paper,signals and slots some of the basic concepts,tools and objects million in the next instance of Linux.信号与作为QT的核心机制在QT编程中有着广泛的应用,本文介绍了信号与的一些基本概念、元对象工具以及在Linux下的实例。
1.The analysis shows that the combination of south and north troughs at 500 hPa,the northbound vortex at 850 hPa and the cyclone at the surface are very favorable to the occurrence of snowstorm.本文对此次暴雪过程及其成因进行了初步分析,通过对各种资料,包括营口多普勒雷达资料的分析,认为500hPa南北支合并带来的强冷暖空气交汇及北上低涡的发展是产生暴雪天气的主要背景;地面气旋北上带来的南来倒是产生暴雪的天气特征;低空急流输送水汽和低层上升运动是增强降雪强度的有利条件,这一分析结果对预报暴雪天气具有指示意义。
2.It thinks that Ge in the Dipanfencao Painting means Layer of Bracketing Systems; Dou in the Dipanfencao Painting means assemblage; Trough in the Dipanfencao Painting means stripy space of Puzuo Layer.文章通过对《营造法式》(以下简称《法式》)殿阁地盘分图的考释,提出:地盘图中殿阁之“阁”,不是多层楼阁之“阁”,而是底层架空的“阁栏”之“阁”。
1.Experimental Study on Machining Technologies of Step Holes and Grooves of Ceramic Composite Armor;陶瓷复合装甲的台阶孔及加工试验研究
2.Successive partial plastic forming for groove and splitting extrusion;的连续局部塑性成形与劈挤
3.Scattering by Groove and Slot in a Conducting Plane;导电平面上与缝的散射
6)double-cell aqueduct双槽渡槽

135kA中间下料预焙阳极铝电解槽(抚顺铝厂)135kA中间下料预焙阳极铝电解槽(抚顺铝厂) 赢 135kA中间下料预焙阳极铝电解槽(抚顺铝厂)