
1.These recommendations were implemented during the year.上述的建议措施,已在年内实施。
2.Review on factors influencing on implementation of project evaluation reform and recommend measures;工程造价改革实施的影响因素及建议措施
3.We advise that steps be taken at once.我们建议立即采取措施。
4.interim arrangements, measures, proposals, etc临时的安排、 措施、 建议等
5.What measure do you propose?你建议采用什么措施?
6.Difficult Points and Measures to Carry out Green GDP Accounting;实施绿色GDP核算的难点及措施建议
7.On the WTO Investment Measures and China s Legislation on Foreign Investment for Conformity to the WTO Requirement;WTO投资措施与我国外资措施立法的“适世”建议
8.consideration of guidelines for confidence-building measures审议建立信任的措施准则
9.Follow up on customer suggestions对顾客的建议采取适当的措施
10.Conference on Confidence-and-Security Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe欧洲建立信任和安全措施及裁军会议
11.Regional Conference on Confidence- and Security- Building Measures建立信任和安全措施区域会议
12.Specific supervision should be taken to control ketamine abuse.建议采取有利措施遏制氯胺酮滥用。
13.Comment:To adopt actions to fulfill disbursement of the counterpart funding especially in county level.建议:采取措施,促进配套经费的落实。
14.Discussion on Vegetation Restoration Measures of Linetype Development Project浅议线型开发建设项目植被恢复措施
15.Suggestions on Cracks Control Measures in Brick Masonry Structure关于砖砌体结构裂缝控制措施的建议
16.The Analysis on China Measures of Refund,Exemption and Deduction of Tax and Other Charges中国税费减免退措施案的分析与建议
17.Framework of China s Energy Efficiency Standards Enforcement and Measurement Recommendations;我国能效标准实施和监督机制框架及措施建议
18.Several Measurements Of Reducing Construction Cost Of Architecture Engineering Corporation;浅议建筑工程企业降低施工成本的几项措施

measures and suggestions措施建议
1.The measures and suggestions for perfecting personal housing loan insurance;完善个人住房贷款保险的措施建议
3)measure and suggestion措施建议
4)suggestions and measures建议与措施
1.In order to improve the road safety level, this article has analyzed the causes of road traffic accidents and put forward suggestions and measures to implement the safety management of road traffic.为提高道路安全水平,文章试从分析诱发交通事故的各项因素出发,科学性地提出道路交通安全管理实施的建议与措施。
5)measures and suggestions措施与建议
1.Moreover,the measures and suggestions for converting mineral resources superiority into economic superiority are presented.本文着重介绍了云南省铜资源的结构及其基本特点、资源开发利用现状、存在问题,提出了把资源优势转化为经济优势的措施与建议。
6)suggestion and measure建议及措施

国际标准和建议措施国际标准和建议措施 国际标准和建议措施国际民航组织为了保证国际航空运输安全、有效、正常的运行,促进国际航空运输发展所制定的国际民航技术标准和航行规则建议措施。是《国际民用航空公约》的附件。国际标准是:凡有关物理特征、结构、材料、性能、人员或程序的规格,其统一应用被认为对国际航行安全、正常是必需的,各缔约国将按照公约予以遵守;如不可能遵照执行时,应按照《国际民用航空公约》第28条必须通知国际民航组织理事会。建议措施是:凡有关物理特征、结构、材料、性能、人员或程序的规格.其统一应用被认为对国际航行安全、正常或效率是有利的,各缔约国将力求按照公约予以遵守。截至199。年底.国际民航组织已制定了18个附件。此外,还制定了一系列航行服务程序、地区补充程序和各种手册