1.Because of the plenty of vapor,the low temperature and the small wind speed at night,the dew easily formed in oasis.早晚地表反照率差异主要是由于绿洲内空气较为湿润、夜晚风速较小、气温下降形成的露水在早上增大对太阳辐射的散射造成的。
2.The cloth-plate method was used to collect dew in clear night in Conghua City, where is not an arid or semi-arid area.在全球变化环境压力下,非干旱地区露水研究对露水沉降规律的认识及其生态效应研究具有重要意义。

1.dewfall:The formation of dew.结露:露水的成形.
2.toilet water花露水, 一种化妆用香水
3.How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢?
4.Dew dripped from the trees.露水从树上滴下来。
5.At night the dew settled the dust.入夜,露水洗净了灰尘。
6.The leaves glisten with dew.叶子上的露水闪闪发光。
7.The dew is thick and lasting.露水已浓,久久凝而不散。
8.Dew had fallen heavily since the wind had dropped.风已停息,露水更浓了。
9.In the morning the grass was wet with dew.早晨青草上面有露水
10.The dew fell and the flowers closed.露水降下来,花儿敛上了。
11.Research between Youngster s Self-disclosure Level and the Target Person of Disclosure;青少年自我表露水平与表露对象关系的研究
12.If it were not for the vapour in the air, there would be no dew.如果空气中没有水汽,就没有露水
13.The sharks were finning near the surface.这些鲨鱼靠近水面时鳍露水面上。
14.Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.夜间,大气中的水汽凝成露水
15.The air in a refrigerator is lowered to dew point so dew is formed. When the air temperature is below 0oC, the dew turns to ice.电冰箱里的空气3℃温达到露点,露水凝成,到气温降至零下后,露水结冰。
16.a diver issuing from the water;从水面露出的潜水员;
17.The diver came up for air again.潜水员又露出水面换气。
18.Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme吐露港污水输出计划

5)exposure level暴露水平
1.This article reviews the state of the science regarding the formation ways, the health effects, analysis method and exposure level of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDDs) and dibenzofurans (PBDFs).本文对目前有关多溴代二苯并二恶英(PBDD)及多溴代二苯并呋喃(PBDF)的形成机理、分析方法、健康影响及暴露水平等几个方面的研究进展进行了综述。
2.According to the analysis of population-weighted exposure level(PWEL)of the BTX,the exposure levels of benzene,toluene and xylene were evenly distributed in space;however,the population density was unevenly distributed,so the results showed no correlation.最后通过对苯系物的人口加权大气污染暴露水平进行分析可知,乌鲁木齐市ρ(苯),ρ(甲苯)和ρ(二甲苯)的污染暴露水平在空间分布上较为均匀,但人口密度空间分布不均匀,故与ρ(苯)分布没有显著的相关性。
6)water dew point水露点
1.On-line water dew point analyzer and portable water dew point analyzer are used at Lunnan Initial Compressor Station of West-to-East Gas Transmission Pipeline aiming at the high water dew point of the coming gas and the high fluctuation which has great impact on the operation of the pipeline and gas transmission equipment.针对西气东输管道轮南站进气水露点高且波动较大影响管道和输气设备运行的问题,采用在线水露点分析仪和便携式水露点分析仪对天然气水露点测试结果产生的差异及其影响因素进行了对比分析,指出了两种水露点分析仪测试的误差范围及水露点测试应注意的事项,提出在线水露点分析仪适用于连续监测天然气水露点变化。

露水1.夜晩或清晨近地面的水气遇冷凝结于物体上的水珠。 2."露水夫妻"的略语。