1.Probing into the flood prevention dispatch problem of the Qingshitan reservoir;青狮潭水库防洪调度问题探讨
2.Statistic Analysis on the Climate Characteristic of Rainstorm around the Qingshitan Reservior青狮潭暴雨气候特征统计分析

1.The Phonetic Study of Qingshitan(Yanshan) Dialect in Lingchuan County;灵川县青狮潭(岩山)土话语音研究
2.Impact of Water Replenishment from Guilin Qingshitan Reservoir on Vegetation on Bank Belts of Lijiang River桂林青狮潭水库补水对漓江岸边带植被的影响
3.Impact of Water Replenishment from Guilin Qingshitan Reservoir on Water Environment of Lijiang River桂林青狮潭水库补水对漓江水环境的影响
4.Research on Integration of Ecological Benefits with Economic Results--Take Guilin Qingshitan Reservoir for example;生态效益及经济效益一体化研究——以桂林青狮潭水库为例
5.The Research of Outbound Tourism Market Development in Chang-Zhu-Tan for Adolescents;长株潭青少年拓展旅游市场开发研究
6."Green Longtan" : The Portrayal of Chinese Countryside in 1930s;《青龙潭》:三十年代中国农村的镜像写照
7."Therefore, it isn't surprising that females would prefer darker manes and males would be intimidated," West said.她说道:"因此,鬃毛较黑的雄狮会得到母狮的青睐,而且让其他雄狮相形见绌也就不足为奇了。"
8.The gate with one bronze lion by each side looks very grand.大门两旁有两个青铜狮子把守着,看上去很雄伟。
9.a . . . verdant scum upon the surface of deep pools simulated the turf that had Been removed深潭表面上青绿的浮藻给人一种假象,好象草地被转移了
10.Jiutian Cemetery is located at Wanshi Village, Zhantun, Qingpu, covering and area or10,000 square meters.上海九天陵园地处青浦赵屯万狮村,上地10000平方米。
11.The county has Scenic spots and historical sites such as Lion Mountain, Elephant Mountain, Carp Mountain, Xiadongtian, and Shuitanken Cave Dwelling.名胜古迹有狮山、象山、鲤鱼山、夏洞天和水滩坑青瓷窑址。
12.A lion, a lion, the lion is strong.狮子,狮子,狮子很强壮。
13.Qi Baishi, who was also known as Chunzhi and Weiqing, was born to a poor family in a small village near Xiangtan, Hunan Province, on January1,1864.齐白石,原名纯之,字渭青,1864年1月1日生于湖南省湘潭附近一个小村庄的贫穷家庭中。
14.Beautiful as a traditional blue-and-green landscape painting, the pool of clear spring water was surrounded on all sides by verdant mountains.四围是山,怀里抱着一潭春水,那又浓又翠的景色,简直是一幅青绿山水画。
15.(Old Testament) a youth who was taken into the court of Nebuchadnezzar and given divine protection when thrown into a den of lions.(《旧约全书》)被带到尼布甲尼撒二世宫廷中当扔进狮子洞穴时被神灵给予保护的青年。
16.The Chemical Constituents from Rhaphidorahongkongensis and Var Australis Rehd and Ocean Animalcule;狮子尾、白木通两种植物及海洋微生物瓶梗青霉属菌的化学成分研究
17.Leo is the sign of the lion.狮子座的标志是“狮子”。
18."Wushi"portrays the power of the lion.武狮则表现狮子的威武,

Qingshitan in Guilin City桂林青狮潭
3)the Qingshitan reservoir main dam青狮潭大坝
4)Qingshitan in Guangxi广西青狮潭
5)Qingshitan reservoir青狮潭水库
1.A pilot study on the growth characteristic of the Neosalanx taihuensis in Qingshitan reservoir;青狮潭水库太湖新银鱼生长特性的初步研究
2.Impact of Water Replenishment from Guilin Qingshitan Reservoir on Water Environment of Lijiang River桂林青狮潭水库补水对漓江水环境的影响
6)the Qingshitan water reservoir's irrigation area青狮潭水库灌区
