设计元素,Design Element
1)Design Element设计元素
1.Design idea and technique of natural daylight as a design element in architectural design;自然光作为设计元素的设计理念和手法
2.The applicative principle of natural daylight as a design element in architectural design;自然光作为设计元素在设计过程中的应用原则
3.It is design element that runs through the brand apparel's spirit.突显品牌服装风格是品牌服装的设计元素,设计元素散乱,则风格模糊涣散;反之,则风格鲜明突出。

1.diversified application of the element which is use in Chinese traditional book design;中国传统书籍设计元素的多元化应用
2.Application of Visual Design Elements in Building Publicity Page Design;视觉设计元素在楼盘宣传页设计中的应用
3.The Nationalization and Recreation of Graphic Design and Its Design Elements;平面设计及其设计元素的本土化与再造
4.Application of the key elements of teaching designing in the distance learning;在远程教学中运用关键教学设计元素
5.The Revelation of Traditional Elements in Modern Fashion Design;现代服装设计中传统元素设计的启示
6.Loving Care of Design--Semantics Analysis of Female Elements in Design;设计的关爱——设计中女性元素的语义分析
7.Design Intent Maintenance and Topological Entities Naming in Design Process设计过程中设计意图维护和拓扑元素命名
8.A Study of the Application of Elements of Calligraphy and Painting in Modern Graphic Design;论书画艺术元素在平面设计中的化用
9.By Biological Modeling Element in China Architectural Design Application;论仿生元素在中国建筑设计中的应用
10.The Application of Traditional Costume Elements in Fashion Design;现代服装设计中传统服饰元素的应用
11.Inheritance and Development of Electronic Products Designing and Chinese Elements;电子产品设计与中国元素的继承发展
12.The Differences between Chinese and Western Design Aesthetic in the Element of "window";从“窗”元素看中西方设计美学差异
13.The Application of Local Elements to Interior under New Technology Circumstance;新技术下本土元素在室内设计的运用
14.Application of China Traditional Visual Modeling Elements in Modern Design;现代设计中传统视觉造型元素的应用
15.Analysis on the Use of Chinese Traditional Elements in Sign Design;浅议标志设计中中国传统元素的运用
16."Cute" the element utilization in the character image design;论人物形象设计中“蔻”元素的运用
17."Shape-Spirit" and "Implication-Image"--Elements of Traditional Chinese Painting in Animation Design;“形神”与“意象”——动画设计中的国画元素

design elements设计元素
1.Adding the element of design elements means that the trend of huge commercial potential and consumer markets.潮流是大众趣味的体现,设计元素中添加了潮流元素就意味着巨大的商业潜力和消费市场。
2.and the concept and function of related design elements to practical verge-face.为了分析影响建筑认知的界面性质和提供具体的建筑形态构成方法,对界面的形态、色彩、质感等形式因素的认知方式、基本特点,以及实体界面构成涉及到的设计元素的概念和作用进行了分析和归纳。
3.Through analyzing design elements,this article takes our ancient armed forces Rung clothing ar-mor as an example,hoping to enrich designer’s thoughts and bring someenlightenment to the modern fashion designing.文章以我国古代军戎服饰中的铠甲为例,通过分析其中的设计元素,丰富设计师的思维,为现代服装设计带来新的启示。
3)the factors of beauty in design设计美元素
4)design element extraction设计元素提炼
5)five elements of urban design城市设计五元素
6)landscape design elements园林设计元素

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