南宁市,Nanning City
1)Nanning City南宁市
1.Ifluence of Urban Boundary Expansion on Atmosphere Environment──an exemplification of Nanning city;城市外延扩大对大气环境的影响——以南宁市为例
2.Well Completion Technology for Jiuquwan Deep Geothermal Well in of Nanning City;南宁市九曲湾深层地热井成井工艺
3.Analysis on climate change in Nanning city in recent 50 years;南宁市近50年气候变化特征

1.Guangxi Nanning Sucrose Esters Factory广西南宁市蔗糖酯厂
2.Study on Measures to the Construction of Regional International City of Nanning;南宁市建设区域性国际城市对策研究
3.Night Markets Struggling for Survival--A Case Study of Zhongshan Road of Nanning;夹缝中的夜市——对南宁市中山路的研究
4.Construction of Cultural Nanning--on how Nanning to "construct the city through culture";"文化南宁"特色的构建——南宁市如何实现"文化立市"战略的几个问题
5.Design for Managing DSS in Water Pollution of Nanning南宁市水污染管理决策支持系统设计
6.The company is a large car repair plant Nanning.本公司是南宁市大型汽车修理厂.
7.Analysis of cardiovascular health in Nanning city南宁市居民心血管健康状况调查分析
8.Roadside observation on the use of safety belt in Guangzhou and Nanning cites of China广州、南宁市汽车安全带佩戴状况调查
9.Study on Characteristics of Ambient Air Pollution and Forecast Model in Nanning;南宁市空气污染特征及预报模型研究
10.Present Situation and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soils of Nanning City;南宁市城区土壤重金属污染状况研究
11.Study on the Correlativity between the Nanning City's Greening and the Environmental Quality;南宁市绿化与环境质量的相关性研究
12.Studies on Plant Diversity of Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Spot in Nanning;南宁市青秀山风景区植物多样性研究
13.Evaluation of Sanitation of Some Available Wild Vegetables in Nanning City;南宁市部分常见野生蔬菜的卫生评价
14.The Practice Study of the New Rural Construction Pilot in Nanjing City Guangxi Province;广西南宁市新农村建设试点实践研究
15.Research on the Development Strategies of Zhuang Ethnic Cultural Toruism in Nanning City;南宁市壮民族文化旅游开发战略研究
16.Proposals for Nanning Undertaking the Eastern Industrial Transfer;南宁市承接东部产业转移的对策建议
17.On Considering Improving Organ’s Administrative Efficiency of Nanning;南宁市加强机关行政效能建设的思考
18.A Comparative Study of the Final Systems of Bai Dialect and Ping Dialect Spoken in Nanning;南宁市白话、平话韵母系统比较研究

1.Urban Spread and Its Effects on Ecosystem Service Values——A Case Study in Nanning;城市空间扩展对生态系统服务价值的影响——以南宁市区为例
2.Attempt and thinking of the Faster Development of Nanning Printing Enterprises;创新理念推进南宁市印刷企业又好又快发展
3.Preliminary Study on the Exposure Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Urban Roadside Microenvironments in Nanning;南宁市街区挥发性有机物暴露水平初步分析
3)Foliage Fertilizer南宁市郊
1.A Preliminay Report on the Application of Foliage Fertilizer that Saved the Rice Polluted by Sulphur Dioxide;南宁市郊土壤及作物重金属污染状况研究
4)the city proper of Nanning南宁市区
1.According to the investigation of the state of badminton sport in the city proper of Nanning,to find out the main element that affects the development of the mass badminton sport,to explain the reason behind this sport popularity in the city proper of Nanning,and to make a suggestion to further develop the mass sports in the city proper.通过对南宁市区群众性羽毛球运动状况的调查,找到影响和制约群众性羽毛球运动发展的主要因素,解释南宁市区群众性羽毛球运动盛行的原因,提出发展南宁市群众性体育运动的建议。
5)citizens in Nanning南宁市民
6)Guangxi Nanning广西南宁市
