1.The investigation of efficacy and safety of Aerius to seasonal allergic rhinitis;地氯雷他定治疗季节性变应性鼻炎疗效及安全性观察
2.Studies on the relationship between expression of CCR5 of peripheral blood lymphocytes and total serum IgE in patients with seasonal contact dermatitis;季节性接触性皮炎患者外周血淋巴细胞趋化因子受体5表达与血清总IgE水平关系的研究
3.Seasonal Changes on the Male Reproductive Organ of Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus;银环蛇雄性生殖器官季节性变化的研究

1.seasonal allergic rhinitis季节性变态反应性鼻炎
2.Is the flower-shop business seasonal?花店的生意有季节性吗?
3.colour phase(禽类)季节性的羽毛变色
4.Don't you offer a seasonal discount?会没有季节性折扣吗?
5.a seasonal rise in employment.Seasonable就业的季节性上升。Seasonable
6.This is the seasonal sale, and we sell our goods at rock-Bottom prices.季节性减价,半卖半送。
7.a seasonal increase in unemployment季节性的失业率增长.
8.prices are seasonally adjusted.价格作了季节性调整。
9.P. gutturosa seasonal migration result in seasonal distribution.黄羊季节性的迁徙,导致了分布的季节性.
10.Predicting Agricultural Output Value with a "Discount" Seasonal Index Method用“折扣”季节性指数法预测季度农产值
11.The Analysis Method of Seasonal Index Number of Time Sequence of Seasonal Fluctuation;季节性波动时间序列预测的分解季节指数法
12.The factors affecting the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio( SEER) have been investigated.探讨房间空调器的季节性能特性及提高季节能效比的有效途径。
13.migrant farm laborers移动性 [季节性] 的农场工人
14.seasonal geometrical mean E. coli density季节性的大肠杆菌密度几何平均数
15.seasonal work,eg fruit-picking季节性的工作(如采集水果)
16.a seasonal rhinitis resulting from an allergic reaction to pollen.因对花粉过敏引起的季节性鼻炎。
17.It's seasonal sale, and Business is to Be done even at a loss.季节性减价,亏本生意也做。
18.The temperture soon reverted to the seasonal average.气温很快恢复为季节性均温。

1.Study on planning strategies of tourist holiday resort area focusing on seasonality problem;基于季节性特征考虑的旅游度假区规划策略探讨
2.Objective Explore the seasonality and trend of hepatitis A in Liaoning drought area under natural condition.目的探索辽宁省干旱地区自然条件下甲型肝炎季节性和趋势性发病特征。
3.A statistic analysis of the time series was made on a computer, and a pattern was identified to possess clear seasonality in anually cycle and linear growth trend.研究收集了兰州铁道学院1987~1992年的逐月用电量历史资料,用电子计算机对此时间序列进行了统计分析,辨识出该序列属于带有明显的以年度为周期的季节性变动,并且同时具有线性增长趋势的模式。
1.The Study in Seasonal Landscape Design;季节性景观规划设计研究
2.Objective To discuss the rel ationship between acute upper digestive tract bleeding and season alternation.结论急性上消化道出血发病冬春季明显高于夏秋季,十二指肠溃疡亦有类似的季节变化,胃黏膜糜烂发病夏秋季明显高于冬春季,胃溃疡发病无明显季节性
3.Objective To study lipid of large samples of different groups and the change of lipid with seasons.目的 :本文探讨不同人群及同一人群血脂的动态及季节性变化。
4)seasonal variation季节性
1.The seasonal variation of hemoglobin and serum protein contents in Bufogargarizans;中华蟾蜍血清蛋白及血红蛋白质量浓度的季节性变化
2.The paper analyzed the purification effect of the soil capillary infiltration system on the domestic wastewater and the seasonal variations of the system.7%,而且TN去除率的季节性波动较大。
3.Objective To study the seasonal variation of Guillain- Barré syndrome (GBS) incidence .目的探讨陕西地区格林-巴利综合征 (Guillain- Barre, GB)发病的季节性特点。
6)seasonal Kendall季节性Kendall

季节性季节性seasonal  一年内某个有特征性的时期。不少传染病的发病率,每年多在一定的季节有所增加趋势。某一季节,形成某些传染病发病率增高的趋势,是与气温的高低和昆虫媒介有关,如痢疾多发生在夏季,流行性乙型脑炎多在7、8、9三个月发病。