1.Estimating for mean change-point in ARCH models;ARCH过程的均值变点估计
2.A Method of Change-Point Identification for Short Sample Multivariate Economic Time Data;短样本多指标动态经济数据变点的一种识别方法
3.Tests and Estimators and Its Properties forModel of Multiple Change-Points;多变点模型的检验和估计及其性质

1.testing method for strain point of glass玻璃应变点测定方法
2.The quality, state, or degree of being variable or changeable.变化性易变或可变的特点、状况或程度
3.The state or quality of being variant or variable;a variation.变动作为变化的或可变化的状态或特点;变化
4.Her moods become better.她的心情变得好点了。
5.I became mildly obsessed with motor vehicles.我变得对汽车有点敏感。
6.Thicken the soup by adding flour.加点面粉使汤变稠。
7.until to my view She was but a spot;直到她变成一个小点,
8.neutral autotransformer中性点接地自耦变压器
9.strain gauge scanner recorder应变仪式多点记录器
10.The leopard cannot change its spots.豹不能改变身上的斑点。
11.A discolored spot, smudge, or area; a stain.变色点,污渍,污处,污迹
12.The beef is a bit high.这牛肉有点变质了。
13.a switch in method, policy, opinion方法、 政策、 观点的改变.
14.The river narrows at this point.这条河在这一点变窄了。
15.A change of residence or location.搬家居住地点的变换
16.He is very rigid in his ideas.他的观点一成不变。
17.The dots turn red as they register heat.温度点变红以标记热度.
18.Three Point Gradient Two Point Gradient Two Segment Solid Bottom Values Top Values三点渐变 两点渐变 两段纯色 最低值 最高值

Change point变点
1.Nonparameter statistical inference of Γ-distribution with change points;Γ分布参数变点的非参数统计推断
2.A New Method to Choose the Threshold in Extreme Value Distribution:Applying the Change Point Theory;变点理论在极值分布阈值选取中的应用
3.Research on the convergence rate of the estimator for the change point in the mean of normal distribution;正态分布均值变点估计的收敛速度研究
3)change points变点
1.MOSUM methods in detecting change points in Ⅳ modelsⅣ模型中变点检测的MOSUM方法
2.In this paper,we use Bayesian method to discuss the change point problem of quadratic regression model with the number of the change points known.本文用Bayes方法处理了在已知变点数下二次回归模型的变点问题,其中的变点同时由于回归系数和方差的变化引起的。
4)point of inflexion拐点,变曲点
5)transition point变换点,过渡点;转折点,转变点;相变点
6)point mutation点突变
1.Relationship between JAK2 V617F point mutation and clinical characteristics of BCR-ABL negative myeloproliferative diseases patients;JAK2V617F点突变与BCR-ABL阴性骨髓增殖性疾病临床关系研究
2.Identification of disease-causing point mutations in DMD patients dystrophin gene without large deletions/duplications;非缺失/重复型Duchenne肌营养不良症患者的致病点突变分析
3.Study of mitochondrial DNA point mutations at positions 3243, 8993 in hereditary ataxia;遗传性共济失调线粒体DNA3243、8993点突变的研究
