白石水库,Baishi reservoir
1)Baishi reservoir白石水库
1.Estimation and analysis for present water quality of Baishi reservoir;白石水库水质现状与评价分析
2.Evaluation of the Ecosystem Service Value of Baishi Reservoir;白石水库生态系统服务价值评价
3.A Discussion on the Bedding Layer Concrete Cracks of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam of Baishi Reservoir;白石水库碾压混凝土重力坝基础垫层混凝土裂缝的原因分析

1.Application of the HydroGeoSphere to Determine the Minimum Discharge of the Baishi Reservoir;HydroGeoSphere在白石水库最小下泄流量研究中的应用
2.Research on Engineering Suitability of Percolating Water Abstraction from Beneath Riverbed in Baishi Reservoir of Liaoning Province;辽宁省北票市白石水库渗滤取水工程适宜性研究
3.Application of the Model of static Control and Dynamic Management in Invest Administration of Baishi Reservoir Water Complex;“静态控制 动态管理”模式在白石水库工程投资管理中的应用
4.Debris flow disaster and its controlling measures at Heishui Gully in the Baihetan reservoir area on the Jinsha River金沙江白鹤滩库区黑水河泥石流及其防治对策
5.Shek Kip Mei No. 3 Fresh Water Service Reservoir石硖尾三号食水配水库
6.Shek Kip Mei No. 2 Fresh Water Service Reservoir石硖尾二号食水配水库
7.Mineralogical Study of the Wild Carp's Otoliths from Baiyangdian Lake and Miyun Reservoir and Their Environmental Responses;密云水库和白洋淀鲤鱼耳石矿物与环境响应研究
8.Analysis and treatment of water retaining dam foundation plane gentle-dip weak intercalation for Baishiya reservoir白石牙水库拦河坝建基面缓倾角软弱夹层分析及处理
9.monohydrate dolomitic lime单水化含白云石的石灰
10.montmorillonite+ Fe-Mg chlorite+halloysite+ muscovite;蒙脱石+铁镁绿泥石+多水高岭石+白云母;
11.Shenzhen Shiyan Reservoir Water Quality Change Study in Cleaning Sediment Process;深圳石岩水库清淤过程水质变化研究
12.Development and Research of Flood Forecasting System of Panshitou Reservoir;盘石头水库洪水预报系统的开发研究
13.Research on seepage muddle water phenomena at earth-rock dam for Longfengshan Reservoir龙凤山水库土石坝渗流混水现象研究
14.Research on Entironment and Discharge to Dazhai Gully and Haizi Gully Debris Flows in Baihetan Reservior Area, Jinsha River;金沙江白鹤滩水电站库区大寨沟、海子沟流域泥石流形成环境与流量研究
15.Status quo of the Fisheries in Wanan Reservoir and Baisha Reservoir and Development Countermeasures Analysis万安水库和白沙水库渔业发展现状及对策措施
16.The Analysis and Prevention of the Earth and Stone Dam of Earthquake Liquefaction in the Stone Buddha Temple Reservoir石佛寺水库土石坝地震液化分析与防治
17.Damages study and methods of repairs for limestone warehouse in a cement factory;某水泥厂石灰石仓库破损原因及加固措施
18.The Arrangement and Implement of GPS Control Network of D Grade in Shigaoshan Reservoir of Lingshi County灵石县石膏山水库D级GPS控制网的布设与实施

Shimen Reservoir石门水库
1.Study on the techniques of sediment flushing and decreasing sedimentation in Shimen Reservoir;石门水库排沙减淤技术研究
3)Shiquan reservoir石泉水库
1.Research on operation manner of intercepting and storing flood tail for Shiquan reservoir in main flood season;石泉水库主汛期拦蓄洪尾运用方式研究
4)Guishi reservoir龟石水库
1.Through the analysis and study of the water supply projects of Hezhou and Zhongshan from the Guishi reservoir, put forth some suggestions on water supply from reservoir.通过对龟石水库向贺州、钟山供水工程的分析研究,提出了水库向城镇供水工程中,不断提高供水规模、供水质量,推动城乡供水一体化和供水企业的自我发展、经营创新等建议,探讨了供水企业技术创新、完善水价调控机制等改革与发展措施。
5)Panshi reservoir盘石水库
6)Fushi Reservoir赋石水库
1.Calculation of Actual Flood Control Capacity of Fushi Reservoir赋石水库实际防洪能力的计算

位于县城递铺镇西20公里处,以“浙北第一库”赋石水库为主要景观。建于1970年的赋石水库,坝高42.8米,长446米,两端接高山,坝顶海拔92.8米,库容2.17亿立方米,水深28米。水面开辟游艇、游船,还有 “竹筏游”。坝下有游乐场、橘园和葡萄园。水库岸边就是依山傍水的“天赋度假村”。