1.Study on preparation and performances of shale ceramsite filter;优质页岩陶粒滤料的制备与基本性能研究
2.Studies on Shale Based Decolourizing Agent and the Approach to the Decolourization of Beau Oil;轻质页岩吸附剂及其在豆油脱色中的应用研究

1.Sandstones are, as a rule, interbedded with shales.砂岩通常都与页岩互层。
2.Shale underlies coal.页岩层在煤层之下。
3.North America has vast deposits of shale.北美有大量油页岩沉积。
4.Studies on Experiment of Pyrolysising Oil Shale of Small Size for Shale Oil;小颗粒油页岩热裂解制取页岩油的试验研究
5.Study on the Method of Re-Os Dating for Black Shale and Oil Shale;Re-Os同位素体系测定黑色页岩、油页岩年龄研究
6.The sandstone and shale units are of the same age.砂岩和页岩单元是同时的。
7.Alternating sandstones and shales are regarded as important.蚀变的砂岩和页岩是很重要的。
8.The limestone, sandstone and shale of this area were soft.这个地区的灰岩、砂岩和页岩都是很柔软的。
9.Any of various dark gray sandstones that contain shale.杂砂岩任何含有页岩的多种黑灰色砂岩之一
10.A metamorphic rock, intermediate between shale and slate, that does not possess true slaty cleavage.厚层泥岩一种变质岩,在页岩与板岩之间,不具备真正的板块解理
11.polygenetic micrltic dolostone; marl and shale.复合成因的白云岩、泥灰岩及页岩等4大类14种岩相。
12.The paper introduces the current status of shale oil industry point out the existing problems of shale distillation process in China.介绍了我国页岩油工业现状,指出了我国页岩干馏工艺存在的问题。
13.Current Status of World Oil Shale Development--Two World Oil Shale Conferences Sponsored in 2006;世界油页岩发展近况——并记2006年两次国际油页岩会议
14.Development characteristics of organic-rich shale and strategic selection of shale gas exploration area in China我国富含有机质泥页岩发育特点与页岩气战略选区
15.The current state and development prospects of shale gas exploitation--Reflections on how to Accelerate Chinese exploitation of Shale Gas页岩气开发现状及发展前景——关于促进我国页岩气资源开发的思考
16.Controlling factors for shale gas accumulation and prediction of potential development area in shale gas reservoir of South China页岩气成藏控制因素及中国南方页岩气发育有利区预测
17.Shale Gas Accumulation Conditions and Exploration Prospect in Southern Guizhou Depression页岩气成藏条件及我国黔南坳陷页岩气勘探前景浅析
18.The Status of World Shale Gas Resources Potential and Production Status as well as Development Prospect of China's Shale Gas世界页岩气资源潜力和开采现状及中国页岩气发展前景

shale specimens页岩岩样
1.The law of how the water content affecting the mechanical properties of rock creep was got through analysing of the results of virtual three axial creep testing of shale specimens in different water content and the parameters of rock model that coincides with creep testing results.通过对不同含水状态页岩岩样三轴蠕变实验结果和与实验结果相符合的蠕变模型参数进行分析,得出了含水状态对岩石蠕变影响的规律,并对影响岩石蠕变的因素进行了探讨,结果表明,含水率和应力差是影响岩石蠕变的重要因素。
4)bony coal煤质页岩,页岩煤
5)broken sand含页岩砂岩
6)shale gas页岩气
1.Suggestions from the development of fractured shale gas in North America;北美裂缝性页岩气勘探开发的启示
2.Accumulation types and resources characteristics of shale gas in China我国页岩气富集类型及资源特点
3.Development characteristics of organic-rich shale and strategic selection of shale gas exploration area in China我国富含有机质泥页岩发育特点与页岩气战略选区
