1.Top trends and development of natural organic cosmetics;天然有机化妆品的发展趋势
2.Determination of Organic Pollutants in Sedimentary Mud;底泥中有机污染物的测定

1.organic substances, compounds, matter, etc有机物质、 有机化合物、 有机
2.Organic Synthesis, Organic Catalysis, Organic Structure Analysis, Green Chemistry.有机合成,有机催化,有机结构分析,绿色化学。
3.the univalent radical COOH; present in and characteristic of organic acids.一价基COOH,为有机酸特有。
4.partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of soil.部分分解的有机物,土壤的有机成分。
5.There're two flights available on 11 August.8月11日有两班机还有机位。
6.What be the possibility of my get a seat If I wait ?若是我在此等候,有机位的机率有多大?
7.organic light emitting display有机发光显示屏,[台]有机发光显示器
8.organic light emitting diode有机发光二级管,[台]有机发光二极管
9.organic theory of society社会有机体说 社会有机体说
10.social organismic theory社会有机体说社会有机体说
11.Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants,as well as toxicant.可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。
12.International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements国际有机农业运动联合会(有机农联)
13.We carry a transponder.( We have a transponder on board.我们携带有应答机(机上有应答机)。
14.chassis, fitted with engines, for tractors拖拉机底盘,装有发动机
15.a food mixer powered by an electric motor.有电动机的食物搅拌机。
16.Is there a washer and a dryer?有洗衣机和烘干机吗?
17.A: Is there a washer and a dryer?甲:有洗衣机和烘干机吗?
18.There is ten planes in the airfield.飞机场上有十架飞机。

1.Study on SPSU/ PWA/SiO_2 organic-inorganic composite proton exchange membranesSPSU/PWA/SiO_2有机-无机复合质子交换膜的研究
2.Research development of organic-inorganic gas sensitive nanocomposite有机-无机纳米复合气敏材料研究进展
3.The solubility of layered perovskite-type organic-inorganic hybrids(C n H 2 n +1 NH 3) 2MCl 4(where M=Mn,Co,Cu,Zn;n=2,4,6,8,10,12) in seven kinds of solvent are obtained by atomic absorption spectrometry and titration method.用原子吸收光谱法和化学滴定法测定了层状类钙钛矿有机-无机杂合物(CnH2n+1NH3)2MCl4(其中M=Mn,Co,Cu,Zn;n=2,4,6,8,10,12)在石油醚、环己烷、丙酮、三氯甲烷、DMF、甲醇、水共7种溶剂中的溶解度。
1.Self-assembled organic/inorganic nanocomposite thin film of mimic nacre;仿珍珠层自组装制备有机/无机纳米复合薄膜
2.Nanostructured Organic/inorganic Materials Prepared from Layered Solid Template;层状固体模板组装有机/无机纳米结构材料
3.Preparation of Organic/inorganic Composite Membranes and Its Application;有机/无机复合膜的制备及其应用
5)inorgano/ organo无机/有机
1.Study of PVA-PWA-Al_2O_3 inorganic-organic composite proton exchange membrane;PVA-PWA-Al_2O_3无机-有机复合质子交换膜的研究
2.Research progress in inorganic-organic composite protonexchange membrane;无机-有机复合质子交换膜研究进展

有机1.原指与生物体有关的或从生物体来的(化合物)﹐现指除一氧化碳﹑二氧化碳﹑碳酸﹑碳酸盐和某些碳化物之外﹐含碳原子的(化合物)。 2.指事物构成的各部分互相关连﹐具有不可分的统一性。 3.有机会。