1.Two views:"should an editor be a scholar" or "a scholar be an editor";“编辑学者化”还是“学者编辑化”
2.From "Editor Scholarization" to "Scholarized Editor"——A New Thought on Editing Work;从“编辑学者化”到“学者化编辑”的新思考

1.A student or scholar of logic.讲逻辑者研究逻辑学的学生或学者
2.characteristic of scholars or scholarship.有学者气质的,有学问的。
3.a drama critic, school, student戏剧评论家、 学校、 学者.
4.Caesar was a scholar, an orator and a lover of literature.恺撒是一位学者、演说家和文学爱好者。
5.relating to or having the characteristics of an autodidact.关于自学者的,或有自学者特征的。
6.a classical scholar or student of the liberal arts.正统古典的人文科学的研究者或学者
7.From "Editor Scholarization" to "Scholarized Editor"--A New Thought on Editing Work;从“编辑学者化”到“学者化编辑”的新思考
8.A student or scholar of mythology.神话学家,神话编撰者神话学的学生或学者
9.A Comparative Study on the EFL Learning Strategies by Successful and Less Successful Students善学者和不善学者英语学习策略的比较研究
10.Whether you are a beginner or an experienced swimmer,不管你是个初学者还是有经验的泳者,
11.(The writer is a scholar doing research into electronics)(作者是从事电子研究工作的学者
12.(The writer is a scholar who engages in electronics research)(作者是从事电子科技研究的学者
13.Those who are good at learning exhausts the principles. Those who are good at practicing seeks to solve the most difficult problems善学者尽其理,善行者究其难
14.The visitor is the late President, now a scholar.这位来访者是前总统, 现为学者
15.One who teaches or studies the alphabet.教字母者,学字母者
16.(The writer is an undergraduate of NTU.·作者是南大学生。
17.Writer, Translator and Reader as Main Participants in a Translated Literary Text;文学译本的主要参与者:作者、译者和读者
18.A.I.C.(American Institute of Chemists)美国化学工作者学会

1.University must full of scholars and grandmaster, they should produce ideology, discover truth, devote to learning, engage in knowledge, detach the real.大学要学者云集,是大师所在,生产思想,发现真理,执着于学问,沉迷于知识,超然于现世,云游于精神。
2.In the construction and reconstruction of the Ch iang culture,scholars have played an important and irreplaceable role.其中,学者作为建构和再造当地羌族文化的主要社会力量之一,起到了重要且不可替代的作用。
3.In the process of Majie Shuhui being the focus of the society,governments,many scholars from different fields,businessmen,the local persons and other various factors form the jointed force,reconstruct and shape Majie Shuhui which is a famous folk-culture brand together,it is advantageous to the continuity and heritance of Majie Shuhui.在马街书会焦点化、热门化的过程中,各级政府、各地学者、附近商家以及马街当地民众等形形色色的因素形成了一股合力,共同重新构建和塑造了马街书会这一响亮的民俗文化品牌,有利于马街书会的延续和承传。
3)academic scholarship学者治学
4)university scholar大学学者
1.On mission and academic responsibility of university scholar;大学学者的使命与学术责任
5)legal scholars法学学者
1.It is composed of judges, prosecuting officials, lawyers and legal scholars and is the community of common meaning, cause, interpretation and interests.本文认为 ,法律职业共同体是由法官、检察官、律师、法学学者所构成 ,是一个意义共同体、事业共同体、解释共同体、利益共同体 ,表现为独立与互涉的特征。
1.The scholar-translator s cross role interaction in translation;学者型译者在翻译中的跨角色互动

学者1.做学问的人;求学的人。 2.在学术上有一定造诣的人。