1.The Appliance of Punishment in Educational Environment;试论学校教育情境中惩罚的运用
2.The breakthrough of classical punishment ethics paradigm——from Plato to Seneca;古典惩罚伦理学范式的突破——从柏拉图到塞涅卡
3.Protection and Punishment: Choice of Criminal Policies against Juvenile Crimes;保护与惩罚:未成年人犯罪刑事政策之选择

1.To punish, as by beating.惩罚通过痛打等惩罚
2.Beating:Punishment by whipping or flogging.鞭打:惩罚,鞭笞惩罚
3.Punishment by whipping or flogging.鞭打惩罚,鞭笞惩罚
4.A penalty such as a fine.罚金一种惩罚如罚款
5.To punish by imposing an arbitrary penalty.惩罚,处罚用判刑来处罚
6.Punishment intended to correct or train.惩罚,处罚为改正或训练而惩罚
7.have someone's guts for garters1. 严厉惩罚某人
8.mitigate the severity of a punishment, sentence, etc减轻惩罚、 刑期等
9.a just punishment(reward)应得的惩罚(报酬)
10.Deserved reward or punishment(应有的)报偿,惩罚
11.punished by the imposition of a penalty.处以强迫罚款的惩罚
12.Penalties should be imposed on all guilty parties, no matter who they are.该受惩罚的,不管是谁,一律受惩罚
13.Inflicting or intended to inflict punishment.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚
14.He likes to dish it out, but he hates to take it.他喜欢惩罚别人,却不喜欢被惩罚
15.Punitive Damages and "Punitive Character" of Pay for Spirit Injury;惩罚性赔偿与精神损害赔偿的“惩罚性”
16.To punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience.惩罚,处罚为了控制或胁迫他人遵从而惩罚
17.To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture.处以罚金罚款或强制没收以示惩罚
18.A punishment established by law or authority for a crime or an offense.惩罚,刑罚,处罚由法律或权力当局制订的对罪犯或犯法行为的惩罚

1.Model Aad Algorithm for Reactive Power Optimization With Penalty;带惩罚项的无功优化潮流模型与算法
2.Love Education Cannot Leave the Penalty——Mentions from the phenomenon of Beijing Haidian Artistic Vocational School;爱的教育离不开惩罚——从北京海淀艺职某现象说起
3.The Functional Analysis of Encouragement and Penalty on Children s Socialization;奖励与惩罚对儿童社会化的功能分析
1.Officials should take an open and firm stand against corruption;corrupted criminals should be strictly traced down,punished with heavier financial penalty,exposed in public and diminished politically.抑制腐败行为的一大良策是加大各种惩罚力度。
2.there are a series of rules and means about discipline and punish along with the normative education.伴随着规范化教育的是一系列新的规训规则与惩罚手段。
3.Summary of the essay: An important device for system performing its functions is to restrain or suppress certain violations by setting behavior responsibility and punishing.制度发挥其功能中的一个重要装置,就是通过设定行为责任并处以惩罚来约束或制止某些违规行为。
4)chastisement n.惩戒;惩罚

惩罚惩罚punishment  惩罚(punishment)亦称“负强化物”,指在反应后出现的能够抑制那一反应的事物。学习心理学的研究表明,惩罚会使机体产生对罚的恐惧,从而可抑制人或动物去进行那些会带来惩罚的活动。动物实验经常用电击、强光等引起生理上痛苦的事物来作为惩罚。对人的惩罚可分成精神惩罚和物质惩罚。运用惩罚控制人的行为时,lJJ以对做某个反应进行惩罚,禁止人做某事;也可以对不做某个反应进行惩罚,督促人做某事。使用惩罚时要及时和强度适当。若不及时则其效果明显降低,甚至于没有影响;强度过高或过低会造成强化的对比效应。惩罚有一些副作用,会引起人的消极情绪,导致攻击性行为,使用时需要慎重。 (周国怕撰戚立夫审)