抗晃电,anti-interference electricity
1)anti-interference electricity抗晃电
1.A design of anti-interference electricity and integrated protection device for low-voltage three-phase asynchronous motor based-on DS1302基于DS1302的低压三相异步电动机抗晃电及综合保护装置设计

1.A design of anti-interference electricity and integrated protection device for low-voltage three-phase asynchronous motor based-on DS1302基于DS1302的低压三相异步电动机抗晃电及综合保护装置设计
2.rheumatic elevator开起来摇摇晃晃的电梯
3.A kite dangles from a telephone wire.一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去。
4.There was a wrecked kite dangling from a telephone wire.电话线上挂着一个晃来晃去的破风筝。
5.The wind was rising now, and the lights hanging from the ceiling were swinging in the breeze.风却更大了,房里那盏电灯吹得直晃。
6.The sun blinded right before I crashed my car into the telephone poll.因为太阳光晃了我的眼,我才把车撞进了电话亭。
7.The watchman although injured managed to stagger to the phone and call the police!值班员虽然负了伤,但还是摇晃著走到电话机旁打电话叫警察。
8.Generation of Steady and Jitter-Free Ultra-Fast Electrical Pulses with Photoconductive Switches;用光电导开关产生稳幅无晃动超快电脉冲的研究
9.electrical leakage resistance抗电气泄漏,漏电阻抗
10.Electrical impedance or admittance.导抗电阻抗或电导纳
11.electrical resistivity电抗值,电阻(率)
12.The atmosphere in the room at once became tense as they sat down together beneath the dim light of the fifteen-watt bulb.前楼里的空气紧张起来了。 十五支光电灯的黄光在他们头顶晃。
13.The TV debate was a cop-out: it didn't tackle any of the real issues.电视辩论不过是虚晃一枪, 并未解决任何实际问题.
14.The Reason Analysis and Solution for Network Voltage Shaking Causing Equipment Stop电压晃动造成设备停车的原因分析及解决方案探讨
15.He moved back and forth on the chair.他在椅子上晃来晃去。
16.To move unsteadily back and forth.摇晃来回不稳地晃动
17.He was hobbling along.他晃晃悠悠地往前走。
18.A large, darker shadow loomed.一个大黑影晃来晃去。

1.Application of anti-interference electricity alternating contactor in current supply circuit of cathode and anode liquid pump;抗晃电交流接触器在阴、阳极液泵供电回路中的应用
2.The anti-interference AC contactor and operation case in feed circult of cathode and anode liquid pump are introduced , in order to solve ion-exchange membrane trip caused by voltage change ,some references are given for the persons of the same trade or occupation.通过对抗晃电交流接触器的简介及在阴阳极液泵供电回路中应用实例介绍 ,为同行解决晃电原因导致离子膜跳闸问题提供参
3)contactor[英]['k?nt?kt?][美]['kɑn,t?kt?, k?n't?k-]抗晃电交流接触器
1.Application of anti-interference electricity alternating contactor in current supply circuit of cathode and anode liquid pump;抗晃电交流接触器在阴、阳极液泵供电回路中的应用
4)antiroll bar抗摇晃杆
5)electric-dazzling prevention防晃电
6)voltage shaking电压晃动

徐晃Xu Huang徐晃  中国三国时期魏国名将。字公明,河东杨县(今山西洪洞东南)人。曾任郡吏,后随车骑将军杨奉,任骑都尉。东汉建安元年(196)归曹操后,参加过多次重大作战,战功卓著。五年,官渡之战中,曹军与袁绍对峙数月,徐晃率军于故市(今郑州市境)截烧袁军粮车数千辆,使袁军陷入被动。十六年,渭南之战中,从蒲坂(今山西永济西)秘密渡河,奇袭渭北,为曹操夺取关中立下大功。二十四年,蜀将关羽围曹军于襄阳、樊城(今属湖北),威胁中原,他奉命增援,声东击西,突破重围,击败关羽。曹丕称帝后,升右将军。徐晃治军严整,指挥果断,深受曹操赞许。   (任昭坤)