单端反激变换器,flyback converter
1)flyback converter单端反激变换器
1.In this paper,we first analyze the basic theory of Buck converter, Boost converter and the problem of switching supply power factor,and then make a study about theory of forward converter , flyback converter, Quasi-resonant converter and two-stage converter.本文首先对基本的降压变换器、升压变换器以及开关电源的功率因数问题进行了分析,然后对开关电源适配器中使用的单端正激变换器、单端反激变换器、准谐振单端反激变换器以及两级式变换器的工作原理和特点进行了分析。
2.A photovoltaic generation system based on series-connected is proposed,and a DC-module circuit composed of a flyback converter is discussed in this paper.提出了一种基于串联型直流功率单元(DC module)电路的光伏发电系统,讨论了采用单端反激变换器实现的DC module电路。

1.Design Optimization for the Single-Ended Flyback Converter单端反激变换器的优化设计与分析
2.Analysis and Design of Intrinsically Safe Flyback Converters;本质安全型单端反激变换器的分析与设计
3.In this paper, the optimum design is employed for a single-ended flyback converter with four outputs.本文讨论了四路输出单端反激变换器的优化设计与分析。
4.Steady and Low Frequent Singal Property of Single-end Flyback Cnvertor Is Reseached;单端反激式变换器的稳态及低频小信号特性研究
5.Design of Single-ended Flyback Transformers in the Switching Power Supply单端反激式开关电源中变压器的设计
6.Reserch of Single-Stage Single-Switch Flyback PFC Converter单级单开关反激式功率因数校正变换器的研究
7.A Compound Flyback Bi-Directional Current Source High-Frequency Link DC/AC Converter;双组合式单端反激双向电流源高频链逆变器
8.Synchronous rectifier driver circuits on forward/flyback DC-DC converters;同步整流技术在单端正/反激型DC-DC变流器应用电路研究
9.Research on Isolated Boost Converter and Flyback Inverter;隔离Boost变换器和反激逆变器的研究
10.Research on a Single-Satge Boost-Flyback PFC Converter;双耦合绕组反激式单级功率因数校正变换器研究
11.The Study on a Single-ended Forward Zero Voltage Transition Arc Welding Power Supply Inverter;单端正激式零电压转换逆变孤焊电源的研究
12.Active Clamp Forward Converter Based on One-Cycle Control;单周控制有源箝位正激变换器的研究
13.Comparison of Dual Switch Flyback DC/DC Converters based on NCP1207 and UC3844基于NCP1207与UC3844的双管反激变换器比较
14.Flyback converter and slope compensation circuit based on UC3842基于UC3842的反激变换器与斜波补偿
15.Design of fly-back synchronous rectification DC-DC convertor反激同步整流DC-DC变换器的设计
16.Design of High-frequency Transformer of Flyback Converter Based on TOPSwitch-GX基于TOPSwitch-GX反激式变换器的高频变压器的设计
17.Bi-Directional Resetting Scheme for the Magamp Post-Regulator in Flyback Converter反激式变换器的后级稳压磁放大器双向复位
18.Inverter topology based on bi-directional flyback DC /DC converter一种基于双向反激DC/DC变换器的逆变拓扑

single end flyback converters单端反激式变换器
3)quasi-resonant flyback converter准谐振单端反激变换器
4)single-ended flyback transformer单端反激变压器
1.In this paper,we introduce the operating principle of single-ended flyback transformer under continuous current mode(CCM) and discontinuous current mode(DCM) and design method of area product for single-ended flyback transformer for low power switching power supply.针对小功率电源的设计,详细介绍了单端反激变压器中连续电流模式(ContinuousCurrentMode,CCM)和断续电流模式(DiscontinuousCurrentMode,DCM)下变压器的工作原理,论述了采用面积乘积法(AwAe)设计反激式主功率变压器的方法。
5)double-ended flyback converter双端反激式变换器
1.The leakage inductance of transformer has huge influence on the energy returned stage of double-ended flyback converter.双端反激式变换器的变压器漏感对其馈能阶段有着很大的影响。
6)Parallel connection single-ended forward converters并联单端正激变换器
