1.On the Love Theme of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond from Narratology;《荷塘月色》情爱主题的叙事学证明
2.The contradiction psychology in Shen Congwen s Creation of love novels is analyzed.针对沈从文情爱小说创作中的矛盾心理进行评析,指出矛盾的根源在于自然道德与宗法道德两种相悖的道德评判尺度产生的碰撞。
3.Madame Ama Bafrey played a lover role in life.爱玛·包法利夫人是情爱角色的饰演者。

1.Instead, answer with love.相反,要充满情爱
2.The Greeks recognized that there were two sorts of love, eros and agape.希腊人认为爱有两种:性爱和情爱
3.a surge of affection [sympathy]涌起的爱情 [同情]
4.loving kindnessph.1. 纯真友爱,纯真爱情;慈爱,挚爱
5.It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.爱坚忍不拔,爱充满柔情。
6.On the Comedy of Love Remainder爱情“剩”宴——论“情剩”题材的爱情喜剧
7.Kissing on the lips signifies love.在唇上接吻——爱情。
8.religious [patriotic] sentiment宗教情操 [爱国心]
9.Love cannot be enforced [compelled].[谚]爱情不能强求。
10.An unrelenting foe to Love,你是爱情的无情敌人,
11.a sloppy, sentimental love story伤情感心的爱情小说.
12.Intense feeling, esp love强烈的感情(尤指爱情)
13.the bond(s) of friendship [affection, marriage]友情 [爱情,婚姻] 的关系
14.Compassion often engenders love.同情常会产生爱情。
15.Love's anger is fuel to love,爱情的怒火是爱情的燃料。
16.To seek the affection of with intent to romance.向…求爱带着爱情的倾向寻找感情
17.Inspiring love or affection.爱恋的引起爱情或情感的
18.Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee.追求爱情它高飞,逃避爱情它跟随。

1.So Cuicui s affection is acti ve and strong,because it is planted in the folklore culture.可是 ,当我们从民俗学的角度观察《边城》时 ,发现茶峒并非一尘不染 ,因为 ,这里有丰繁复杂的民俗文化 ,而这文化本身又充满了张力 ,所以 ,生于斯长于斯的翠翠也决不是宁静、单一的 ,相反的 ,她是律动的、激越的 ,这充分体现于她的情爱心理
2.Theideaof sexualdistinctionhascausedwomen s self-affectionandaffec-tionforthoseof thesamesex.男女有别的分界,使女性情爱向自我和同性发展。
3.The authors take Nihuaben novels in Late Ming Dynasty as an example and analyze the conflict between chastity and affection and the values shown in these novels by depicting three phenomena:maids elopement,women s disloyalty and women s keeping their chastity.以明末拟话本小说为例,分析了少女私奔、妇女失节、女子守贞持节三种现象所蕴涵的贞节与情爱的矛盾冲突及作品的价值取向,指出作品对情爱的肯定明显带有理想化色彩,这与明末激进的时代思潮的濡染息息相关,它形象地昭示了情重于节的观念变化。
1.Love Doubles Suffering-Analysis of the Causes of Tess Love Tragedy;爱使痛苦加倍——析苔丝爱情悲剧的成因
2.Love Value beyond Common Customs——analysis on the love value in Common World;超越世俗的爱情观念——分析《平凡世界》的爱情观
1.Affection and Mission——The ideological analysis of the affection description in The Red Legend;爱情与使命——“红色传奇”小说爱情描写之意识形态解读
2.This paper, from two aspects of affection and perspective of women, discusses the ideological value of Zhu Shu-zhen (朱淑真) s poetry specifically and objectively, which helps her acquire the deserved position and evaluation on the Chinese literary stage.本文试图站在女性本位的角度,从朱淑真独特的爱情观、视野两方面探讨其诗词的思想价值,探隐索微,持公论正,给予她在我国文坛上应得的地位和评价。
3.From the love,will never forgot in new years to the pane boat and the zu mu green in later years ,she wrote out the affection,marriage and career of women in the vivile society , Besides ,in these fictions ,she wrote out the disllusionment languish and revolt.张洁是一个女性意识很强的女作家,从新时期的《爱,是不能忘记的》开始,到《方舟》、《祖母绿》,她写出了女性在男权社会中的爱情、婚姻、事业,写出了女性的觉醒、挣扎、反抗,她在为女性寻求一条自我解放的道路。
5)passion for love爱情之爱
6)tender sentiment爱情;柔情

情爱1.亲爱或友爱之情。 2.特指男女间的爱情。