1.The practical writing need not and not allow pursuing rich imagination;peculiar plot;flowery languge,It s language has characteristics as follows:accurate;succinct;simple;lively.应用文不必也不允许追求想象的丰富,情节的奇特,辞藻的华丽,它的语言具有准确、简洁、朴实同时不失生动的特点。
2.With this simple, graceful and natural writing style, most of the proses show his sincere and pure emotions.其散文是诗意与思美的结合,具有感情真挚纯美,文风朴实优美自然的特点。
3.The tian wen s poetries have excessive styles:some are imposing,some are simple and unadorned,some are gorgeous and refined.田雯诗具有多彩的风格 :有的气势雄伟 ,有的朴实无华 ,有的绮丽典

1.Simple, restrained and harmonious in style风格朴实、严谨及和谐的
2.He was very guileless in affiliating with people.与人交往,他非常朴实
3.She dresses in a rather conservative way.她的衣着相当朴实
4.The professor is plainly dressed.这位教授穿着很朴实
5."Rugged individualism"“粗犷朴实的个人主义”
6.Simple is the word of truth .至理名言朴实无华。
7.an unpretentious country church.朴实无华的乡村教堂
8.The essay is simple and unadorned.这篇文章朴实无华。
9.perfect set, practical prices搭配完美,价格朴实
10.I like an austere style of writing.我喜欢朴实无华的文体。
11.It is a plain thing, a very plain truth.马克思主义是很朴实的东西,很朴实的道理。
12.The look of these pottery sculptures is informal, simple, exaggerated and compact;其表现手法真实,朴实、自由、夸张、概括,
13.homely truths; letters to his son full of homely advice; simple (or homely) fare.朴素的真理;在给儿子的信中充满了朴实的忠告;简易(或家常)食物。
14.The feeling of tranquility, neatness and simplicity revives vividly.宁静、素洁、朴实的感觉,真真切切地复活。
15.an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl.专门演朴实天真年青少女的女演员。
16.This suit of clothes is not only attractive in style, But also practical in price.这种衣裤,不但款式迷人,而且价格朴实
17.I'm in favour of plain honest dealing.我赞成朴实,正直的待人态度。
18.Mary is a homely, shy girl.玛丽是一个朴实, 害羞的女孩。

1.The teaching and research of Chinese in middle schools must return to its very source theoretically and concentrate on classroom teaching in practice so as to take the road of nationalization and to pursue simplicity and moderation.中学语文的教学及其研究,必须把思维收敛一点,将理论研究回归到原点,将实践更多地聚焦于课堂,走民族化道路,讲求朴实与中正平和。
3)Directly; in simple, direct way朴朴实实
4)Simple and ingenious朴实灵动
5)Modesty and practicality质朴务实
6)plain beauty朴实美
1.plain beauty with tangy regional dialect;2.通过随机抽取的语例分析,可见韩少功《马桥词典》的语言风格,具有“乡”气扑鼻的朴实美,同构连用的繁丰美,而这些特点的形成,与作者的社会阅历和文化接受有关。
