1.The so-called cultural "rootlessness" is due to Naipaul s complexity of the cultural identity,resulting from culture rootlessness and hybridit.所谓文化"无根",实际是奈保尔文化身份复杂性的表现,而奈保尔文化身份复杂性根源于其出生地特立尼达文化的无根性和杂糅性。
2.He also makes an in-depth analysis and exploration of the rootlessness of modern man in such cultural situations.在《河湾》中,后殖民作家奈保尔通过描写一群流亡的知识分子在河湾的不幸遭遇,揭示了一段曾被掩盖的历史,即遵守丛林法则的本土文化与外来文明之间的激烈冲突;同时,《河湾》也是对生活在这一社会背景之下,具有多重文化身份的现代流亡知识分子无根性困境的深刻反思。

1.A major characteristic of life in diaspora is rootless.流散生活的一个主要特点就是无根性
2.Root Writing in Rootless Era--On Dong Ying s poetry;无根时代的“根性写作”——冬婴诗歌简论
3.Studies on Induction of Hairy Roots of Panax Ginseng and Selection of High-Yielding Hairy Root Clone;人参发根诱导及高产发根无性系的筛选研究
4.Dielectric Properties of Sprangiospores of Rhizopus arrhizus Affected by Incubating Conditions;培养条件对无根根霉孢囊孢子介电性的影响
5.A Study of Tissue Culture and Clone Estabishment of Allium macrostemon Bunge小根蒜组织培养及无性系建立的研究
6.Changes of Oxidases Activitiy in Black Locust Cuttings during Rooting刺槐无性系硬枝扦插生根过程中生根关联酶活性变化
7.second, they must be selfless, abide strictly by the law and discipline, uphold Party spirit and be completely free of factionalism;二是大公无私,严守法纪,坚持党性,根绝派性;
8.On Man s Limitedness and Limitlessness-The Fundamental Question of Philosophy;论人的有限性与无限性——兼论哲学的根本问题
9.Physicochemical Properties and Enzyme Activities of Rhizosphere Soil in Sonneratia apetala无瓣海桑根际土壤理化性状和土壤酶活性
10.A trial that becomes invalid because of basic prejudicial error in procedure.无效审判由于审判过程中根本性的偏见性错误而变得无效的审判
12.Floating Modern Society: Rootless Modernity and Its Expression;现代社会的漂浮:无根的现代性及其呈现
13.Rooting variation of high-aged first cycle cutting orchard of Japanese larch clones日本落叶松高龄一轮采穗圃无性系生根变异
14.Nonlinear Narrowband Interference Suppression Based on QR Decomposition without Root Computation无平方根运算的正交分解非线性窄带干扰抑制
15."It's impossible to overestimate the importance of this piece," Van Rijn said. "It … will draw enormous crowds when it is finally retuned to a museum or gallery [in Peru]."“它的重要性无可估量”,米歇根说,“当它被归还到秘鲁它将吸引无数人。”
16.Initial RAPD Analysis of Isatis indigotica Somatic Clones' Resistance to Root Rot Disease宽叶菘蓝体细胞无性系根腐病抗性的RAPD初步分析
17.a nation cannot exist without industry and agriculture, and money and commodities can not circulate without commerce and trade.一个国家,无工无农无根本;无商无贸无流通。
18.groundless anxiety, rumours, allegations无理由的焦虑、 无根据的谣言、 无根据的供述

root clones根无性系
3)root clone根系无性系
1.The gossypol and its enantiomer dynamic tendency in the cotyledons and roots of the cotton seedlings, as well as in the isolated root clones which were produced with the technique of cotton root tip culture were studied systematically,using three pairs of the upland glanded glandless cotton isolines and the different gland genotypes of G.以陆地棉三对色素腺体近等基因系以及海岛棉不同色素腺体基因型为材料 ,对种子萌发后的子叶、根系和离体根系无性系的棉酚及其旋光体含量进行了系统的分析 ,结果表明 ,有色素腺体棉种子萌发后的子叶棉酚含量呈下降趋势 ,而无色素腺体棉则呈积累趋势 ;棉花根系中的棉酚含量与子叶有相同趋势 ,但变幅显著小于子叶。
1.The rootless suffering and lament were diffused in the homesick poems written by Xi Murong in earilier period.席慕蓉早期的乡愁诗弥漫着无根的苦痛与悲叹,其诗在意象的选择上承续了中华民族思乡主题的原型,又从视觉意象、听觉意象与思乡主体意象三个方面彰显出其无根乡愁的深厚感染力。
5)Rhizopus arrhizus无根根霉
6)juvenile selfrooted polyploid clone幼态自根多倍体无性系

臂丛神经根性损伤臂丛神经根性损伤injury of roots of brachial plexus  是指从颈脊神经根部撕脱的一种臂丛神经损伤。多因摩托车事故或重物从高处坠下、压在肩上引起臂丛根性撕脱伤。损伤最严重,无法接驳其神经断端。若颈5~7根性撕脱,除表现上、中干神经损害症状外,应注意胸长神经和肩胛背神经亦麻痹,则前锯肌和菱形肌麻痹,出现肩胛骨松弛、无力甚至翼状肩畸形。若颈8及胸1神经根性撕脱,除表现尺神经及部分正中神经和桡神经损伤症状外,应注意有无颈交感神经节损伤,如Horner症状等。预后较差。可行神经移位术来补救。神经供区可采用副神经、膈神经、颈丛运动支,肋间神经及健侧颈7神经根行神经移位手术,可有一定程度改善。