叙事手法,narrative technique
1)narrative technique叙事手法
1.On the narrative technique of the new edition of ‘Black Snake’;论故事新编体《青蛇》的叙事手法
2.It digs interesting plot factors by various aspects and angles,applys all kind of narrative technique, attracts the audience s attention,reaches the function of the supervision by public opinion and guiding,and gets the good effect of communication.《新闻调查》通过多角度多方位地开掘故事性因素,运用各种叙事手法,吸引观众的注意,达到了良好的舆论导向和舆论监督作用,取得了良好的传播效果。
3.It testifies to the full Faulkner s attainment and artistic gift in narrative technique.在这部作品中,福克纳运用间接的叙事手法塑造了女主人公凯蒂的形象,使得凯蒂的形象符合福克纳的创作初衷:既让凯蒂始终不出场,又让她的形象生动地出现读者的脑海中。

1.the movie narrates the story in reverse order.这部电影采用了逆序的叙事手法
2.Study on Narrative Technique in Television Documentaries of China中国纪实类电视节目的叙事手法研究
3.Female Limited Point of View in A Dill Pickle《莳萝泡菜》中的女性视角叙事手法
4.The Game of Narrative--The Narrative Measure of Dedicated the Book to Miss Yangliu;叙事的游戏——论余华小说《此文献给少女杨柳》的叙事手法
5.Influence of French New Novels on Narrative Manner of Chinese Vanguard Novels;法国新小说对中国先锋小说叙事手法的影响
6.Pay Attention to the Human Survival Circumstances with the Wise Narration s Method--Explanation for Hong Ying s Wise Narrative Technique;智性叙述下的人类生存境遇——虹影智性化叙事手法解读
7.Ruhua:A Narrative Approach in Chinese and Foreign Novels;入话:一种叙事手法在中外小说中的流变
8.On Sima Qian and Ban Gu s Narrating Modes by Analyzing Materials in History of Han Dynasty Originated from Historical Records;从《汉书》对《史记》材料的挪置比较马班的叙事手法
9.Starting From the Margin--Critical Narration of the Sixth-Generation Film Director;从边缘出发——简论第六代导演的叙事手法
10.Information Delay and Reader Response--Analysis on the Narrative Techniques The Jilting of Granny Weatherall;信息延迟与读者认知——试析《弃妇》的叙事手法
11.A Narratological Analysis of Faulkner's a Rose for Emily《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中福克纳的叙事手法分析
12.Analysis of Lord Jim--On Conradian Narrative剖析《吉姆老爷》——谈康拉德式独特的叙事手法
13.The Translation and Reception of the First-Person Narrative in Early Modern China;小说第一人称叙事手法在近代中国的翻译与接受
14.Bantering,Scoffing,Playing with Letters Modelled after a Copy--About the Opposing Routine in the Target of Narrating Novel in the New Period;戏谑 调侃 戏仿——论新时期小说中的反常规叙事手法
15.Blooming Black Tulip--Analysis on Black Female s Identity Embodied in the Narrative Techniques of Beloved;怒放的黑郁金香——评《宠儿》叙事手法的黑人女性身份
16.Tearing apart the veil of dark marriage --Analyzing the connotation and the narrative technique in The Broken Cloud by CHI Li;撕裂灰色婚姻的面纱——解读池莉小说《云破处》的主题意韵及叙事手法
17.An Analysis of the Means “Narration in Unspoken Conversations” Applied in the Novel “Red Mansion Dreams;浅析《红楼梦》中的“潜对话叙事”手法
18.The Expressive Techniques of Black Music in the Narrative of Beloved;黑人音乐表现手法在《宠儿》叙事中的体现

1.Formalists research on the definition, structure, plot, ending and narration of short story is unprecedented and it has realistic significance.俄国形式主义者关于短篇小说的定义、结构、情节、结尾和叙事手法等方面的研究前所未有且具有现实意义。
2.Despite their differences in writing scale, story backdrop and plot development as well as respective uniqueness in terms of cultural context and mode of revenge, a comparative study with the help of parallel study theory in comparative literature would reveal the parallel and co-existing similarities between the two works in the theme of revenge and narration.虽然在写作容量、故事背景、情节发展等方面存在一定的差异,在文化语境与复仇方式等方面有着各自独特的个性,但借助比较文学平行研究理论,对比分析,不难发现,两部作品在复仇主题和叙事手法上有着平行共生的相似性。
3)traditional folk-narrative techniques传统叙事手法
4)western way of narration西方叙事手法
5)narrative artifice叙事手段
1.By reviewing avant-garde novels from brand new angles of narrative language, narrative artifice and narrative style, it can be seen that they have the following features: avant-garde writers use a lot of metaphors and ironies in narration, and they actively explore the expressive function in language proper.从叙事语言、叙事手段、叙事风格三方面的全新视角切入来审视先锋小说,其叙事特色如下:先锋派作家在叙事语言方面大量使用“像……”的比喻结构,反讽性的修辞,并积极探索语言自身的表达功能。
6)narration of western and eastern中西小说叙事手法
