身体文化,physical culture
1)physical culture身体文化
1.Taking China and Japan as example,this article combs the transferring of general definition in physical culture domain and uncover that there are different forms during the period of general definition transferring.本文以中日两国为例,通过对两国身体文化领域的上位概念变迁的梳理,阐释这一领域上位概念的变迁存在不同形式,从而弄清了我国这一领域的上位概念的变迁形式,论证了将体育一词译作Sport(s)并不是"偷换概念"。
2.From the visual angle of physical culture,this article investigates the interactive phenomenon between eastern and western physical cultures,which is concealed in the event of Wushu entering Olympics.从身体文化视角,对武术进奥事件背后隐藏的中西身体文化互动现象进行了探讨,认为:武术作为一项民族传统体育项目是东方身体文化的一种形式;武术进奥是我国与西方体育文化的主动互动过程,尽管事件本身推动了武术在国际上的传播和发展,但是却以逐渐的文化内涵割舍和传统摒弃为发展代价。
3.Sports and dance are both in the scope of physical culture.体育与舞蹈同属于身体文化 ,因二者的目的指向不同而成为两种不同性质的身体文化类型 ,但随着社会的发展 ,二者的沟通与融合将成为一种文化发展趋

1.The Body-Oriented Leisure Sports--Leisure Sports and Bodily Culture in the Mass Culture休闲体育的身体诉说——大众文化视野下的休闲体育与身体文化
2.Kitsch and Loss of Body:On China-style Body Culture Evolution;身体的媚俗与迷失——中国式身体文化演变探析
3.Sports Values in the Context of Post-Modern Body Culture后现代身体文化语境下的体育价值观
4.Gaming of Physical Culture: Cultural Retrospection about the Event of Wushu Entering Olympics;身体文化博弈:由武术进奥引发的文化反思
5.Changes of and explanations for female body culture in modern Olympic movement;现代奥林匹克运动中女性的身体文化
6.Material Body, Cultural Body and Technological Body--A Brief Analysis of Don Ihde’s Theory of the “Three Bodies”;物质身体、文化身体与技术身体——唐·伊德的“三个身体”理论之简析
7.The Subjective Consciousness in the Identification and Construction of Cultural Identity文化身份认同与建构中的文化主体性
8.A Comment on Richard the Third: From the Perspective of “Body”;身体丑陋与灵魂罪恶——理查三世身体的文化解读
9.The cultivation of Cultural Accomplishment of PE and the Improvement of the Life_long Capabilities of PE;培养体育文化素养,提高终身体育能力
10.A Brief Discussion of Chinese Athletic Culture and Traditional Wushu Fitness Culture;浅析中国竞技体育文化和传统武术健身文化
11.A study of the change in body ethics in contemporary literature: a cultural interpretation;当代文学中身体伦理的变化及其文化阐释
12.Consumer spending on sports, fitness, culture and entertainment increased considerably.体育健身和文化娱乐消费明显增多。
13.The Research on Body Image and Culture Connotation in Yan Geling s Novels;论严歌苓小说的身体意象及文化内涵
14.Cultural Relationship between Dresses and Identity in Chin Ping Mei;论《金瓶梅》中服饰与身体的文化关系
15.Developing Community PE(Physical Education) Culture Improving Nationwide Bodybuilding Campaign;发展社区体育文化 推动全民健身运动
16.The Research into the Physical Culture of Mongolian Andai Dance蒙古族安代健身舞体育文化现象研究
17.Analysis on Advancing Function of Campus Physical Culture to Form Physical Education for Life;析校园体育文化对终身体育形成的促进作用
18.Study of Chinese Ancient Sport Culture under the Context of Body-thinking in the Pre-Qin Period先秦身体观语境下的中国古代体育文化研究

body culture身体文化
1.Changes of and explanations for female body culture in modern Olympic movement;现代奥林匹克运动中女性的身体文化
2.Idea of International Propagation and Development of Wushu——Interaction of body culture;武术运动国际传播发展理念——身体文化的互动
3.It studies Wuqinxi from" ancient body movement",one of the body-building Qigong,and examines the body culture inherent in it.五禽戏功法为研究对象,对此所蕴涵的身体文化给于观照。
3)cultural body文化身体
1.According to him, the first is the material body, which comes from phenomenology from Husserl; the second is the cultural body, from Michel Foucault; and the third takes technological factors into account and constructs the technological body.在他看来,身体一是以胡塞尔、梅洛-庞蒂为代表的现象学派提出的作为肉身建构的身体,即物质身体;身体二是以批判现象学为主的福柯等提出的作为文化建构的身体,即文化身体;身体三则是考虑到技术的因素而作为技术建构的身体,即技术身体。
4)Body, Sports, under Cultural身体·体育·文化
5)Chinese and Western body culture中西身体文化
6)bodology of society and culture社会文化身体学
