女性主体意识,female subjectivity
1)female subjectivity女性主体意识
1.Male writers concern themselves with male roles, hoping to re-establish the subjective status of male Chinese Americans by shaping the masculinity; while female writers focus on the construction of female subjectivity in order to flow in the stream of feminism.然而,男性阳刚形象的树立往往是以牺牲女性形象为代价的,女性主体意识的构建又是以主流文化中“男性中心主义”为批判对象的。
2.This thesis makes a detailed analysis about the causes for her female subjectivity and her struggle for independence and freedom and points out her committing suicide is wordless rebellion against the male-oriented society rather than yielding to fate and is protection of the awakening subjectivity.《觉醒》描写了主人公艾德娜从一个丧失主体意识的传统家庭妇女成长为具有强烈女性主体意识的新女性的过程。
3.Dalloway gradually deconstructs the pedantic moral principles and dominant ideas of male chauvinism in the process of seeking selfhood and eventually achieve the birth, revival and growth of female subjectivity.从女权主义的角度阐述女主人公达洛卫夫人如何从探求自我的过程中逐步解构男权社会的迂腐道德准则与观念,达到女性主体意识的孕育、苏醒和成长的过程。

1.Advance the Female Consciousness of Subject and Reduce the Female Duty Crime;提高女性主体意识 减少女性职务犯罪
2.The Arousing of Professional Women s Subjective Consciousness from Woman School Songs;从女子学堂乐歌看知识女性主体意识的唤醒
3.The may 4th Movement:The Days When the Wakefulness of Female Self-consciousness was the Imagination about Modernity;五四:女性主体意识觉醒的现代性想象
4.On the Main Consciousness Female Education under the Post-feminist View;论后女权主义视阈下的女性主体意识教育
5.The Awakening of Women s Subjective Awareness in Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学中女性主体意识的觉醒
6.On the Awakening of Female Self-consciousness in Gao Lian s The Story of the Jade Hairpin;论高濂《玉簪记》中女性主体意识的觉醒
7.Development Orbit of the Chinese Women s Subjective Consciousness in the 20th Century;20世纪中国女性主体意识的演变轨迹
8.On Subject Consciousness of Women in " Uncle Tom s Cabin ";论《汤姆大伯的小屋》中的女性主体意识
9.Live for the Liberty──On the Female Subjectivity in The Awakening;为自由而生──评《觉醒》中的女性主体意识
10.The construction and deconstruction of female subjectivity in The Awakening;《觉醒》中女性主体意识的建构与解构
11.Song Qing-ling s Independent Femin ine Consciousness and Its Apocalypse to Modern Women;宋庆龄女性主体意识及其对现代女性的启示
12.Elegy of Female Getting Lost--On the Deletion of Female Subject Consciousness in the Film "Nuan"女性失路的悲歌——论《暖》中女性主体意识的缺失
13.The Binary Opposition of Male and Female Subjectivity In Chinese American Literature;华裔美国作家男性主体意识与女性主体意识的二元对立
14.Women s Subject Consciousness and Fragmentary Subjectivity;女性主体意识及其主体性残缺──曹禺四大名剧女性悲剧命运解读
15.Women s Subject Consciousness Transformation and Its Social Meaning in the New Era;新时期女性主体意识的变迁及其社会意义
16.The Consciousness of Female Subject of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的女性主体意识
17.A New Understanding of Lotus Creek--the Sense of Masters of Feminine and its Revelation《荷花淀》之新解读——女性主体意识及其当代启示
18.Independence of Gender Consciousness and Awareness of Female Subjectivity Consciousness;性别意识的独立与女性主体性意识的觉悟

Female Subject Consciousness女性主体意识
1.This paper analyses the writing strategy in the developing of female subject consciousness in Jianghan s novels and points out its characteristics.本文分析蒋韵小说在女性主体意识建构上的书写策略,指出其小说在女性主体意识的建构的特点。
3)Females subjective sex awareness女性性主体意识
4)autonomous consciousness of female subject女性主体自主意识
1.On the basis of investigation and comparison, this paper expounds the reasons why college girl students are lacking or weak in autonomous consciousness of female subject in the new period , and points out some relevant strategies.根据调查和比较,分析新时期女大学生的女性主体自主意识缺失和滑坡的原因,并提出应采取的具体措施。
5)He Xiangning's female subjective consciousness何香凝的女性主体意识
6)the female main consciousness education女性主体意识教育
