人民性,affinity to the people
1)affinity to the people人民性
1.Affinity to the People: the Essence of Deng Xiaoping Theory;人民性:邓小平理论的最根本属性
2.As the value stand for intellectuals,affinity to the people determines the civilian orientation which an author expresses naturally.人民性作为知识分子的价值立场,决定了作家写作时的那种自然而生的平民性。

1.Discussion on Deng XiaoPing People Viewpoint and Affinity to the People of China Sport;邓小平的人民观与中国体育的人民性
2.National Characterastics,Temporal Spirits,Affinity to People and Marxism Development;民族性、时代性和人民性与马克思主义的发展
3.On the Affinity to the People and the Research on Folklore;试论“人民性”与民间文学的研究(1945—1952)
4.Implication of Vocational Nature,Social Nature and People Nature of Vocational Education;职业教育职业性、社会性、人民性解读
5.An Analysis of the affinity with the Masses and Citizenship in Literary Argument;人民性与公民性:两种语言一种心态——对人民性与公民性文学论争的分析
6.All the state power belongs to people.国家的一切权力都是属于人民的 ,具有人民性
7.People s Interest Is Overriding--The national character of Fan Changjiang s Spirit;人民的利益高于一切——论范长江思想的人民性
8.Nationality and Affinity to the Populace of Literature in Context of Globlization;全球化语境中文学的民族性与人民性问题
9.On the Empathy with the People in A Rebellion Led by A Bold Intellectuals;试论巴人《莽秀才造反记》的人民性
10.Non political neutral of Chinese public servants and their people character中国公务员的非政治中立性与人民性
11.For The People Is The Special Feature Of The Theory Of Socialism With Chinese Character;人民性是江泽民思想理论体系的显著特色
12.Showing"Peoples Sake"by Digging out"Human nature;在“人性”挖掘中凸现“人民性”——解读周梅森反腐小说
13.A Discussion of the Achievements and Shortcomings of Satirical Poetry in the Kuomintang-ruled Districts;人民性 喜剧性 现代性——国统区讽刺诗歌得失谈
14.Civil Society, Civil Humanity and Reflection on China s Civil Code;市民社会、市民人性与中国民法典思考
15.The People's Republic:A Historical Choice by the Chinese people人民共和国:中国人民的历史性选择
16.Here is proof of the superiority of our people's democratic dictatorship.这也证明我们人民民主专政的优越性。
17.Herder and ZHOU Zuo-ren赫尔德与周作人——民俗学与民族性
18.Chinese and Western Human Theory andthe Cultivation of Modernity Personality As a Member of Ordinary People;中西人性理论与现代性平民人格培育

affinity to people人民性
1.Affinity to people is a realistic problem that can t be avoided.人民性是一个文学无法回避的现实问题。
2.The public belongs to their motherland is the meaning of affinity to people of socialism country.人民性是指社会主义国家是属于人民的,人民是国家的主人。
3.The profound nature of affinity to people is one of the most noticeab le and important characteristics of the theory of "The Three Representatives" by J iang Zemin.深厚的人民性是江泽民“三个代表”思想中最为显著、最为重要的一个特征。
3)the affinity to the people人民性
1.It argues that the affinity to the people,comical features and modernity should serve as the standard for the appraisal of such poetry.考察国统区讽刺诗歌的人民性、喜剧性、现代性,不仅能发现诗人们创作中共同而鲜明的人民立场,而且能看出他们在喜剧文体、新诗现代化道路上种种自觉或不自觉的努力,以及由此带来的美学价值的增与减。
2.The important ideology of "Three Representatives"enriches and develops the contemporary connotation of the affinity to the people."三个代表"重要思想丰富和发展了"人民性"的时代内涵。
1.The view of science development has three fresh and clear features for value methodology: the fulfillment of basic principle,the people of root objective,and the intelligence of the spirit substantial.科学发展观具有实践性、人民性、智慧性三大鲜明的价值方法论特征。
2.That literature and arts serve for the socialism is basically serve for the people.文艺创作应坚守真正的人民性立场 ,正确处理生活真实与观念现实的关系。
5)People Attribute人民属性
1.Development of Perception about People Attribute of Journalism since 1949 in China试析新闻事业人民属性六十年认知历程
6)humanity of people民族人性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-