动作设计,action design
1)action design动作设计
1.According to the feature of gymnastics and diving, we have programmed a software system for multi-body system dynamics computer stimulation and action design on 2D human movement.针对体操、跳水运动的特点,着重介绍了运动员平面运动动作多体系统动力学计算机模拟和技术动作设计系统软件的功能和研制原理,从使用效果上看该系统具有求解时速度快、性能稳定,解算精度高的特点,其人机对话、菜单式操作系统增加了软件的可靠性和可操作性,为体操、跳水等项目的技术研究,提供了一个高科技的手段和方法,在江苏备战十运会的科技攻关中取得明显效果。
2.This article discusses first the definition and characteristics of action, and then sets forth its four characteristics in stop-motion animation, as well as four differences which the action design in stop-motion animation compares with it in animation making use of drawing material most in use and computer graphic model photograph and files & teleplays shoot realistically.本文首先讨论了“动作”的定义和特性,进而阐述逐格动画中动作设计的四个特点,以及逐格动画中动作设计与使用常用绘画材料所制作片种、电脑三维图像片以及实拍影视制品中动作设计的四个不同点。
2)choreograph vi.设计舞蹈动作

1.Choreograph a ballet.为一出芭蕾舞剧设计舞蹈动作
2.The art of creating and arranging dances or ballets.设计并且编排舞蹈或芭蕾动作的艺术.
3.To specialize in choreography.专门研究舞蹈动作的编排设计
4.and the leading ballet masters choreographers in St. Petersburg after 1850 were French- men;但是1850年后,人圣彼得堡的主要芭蕾大师——舞蹈动作设计者是法国人;
5.The choreography respects the subject-matter.舞蹈设计应顾及舞蹈的主题。
6.The dancer is the choreographer's executant.那个舞蹈演员是舞蹈设计人的执行者
7.Dancing Staff:A New Approach to Record Dance Movement;《舞蹈五线图谱》——一套舞蹈动作的速记法
8.set sequence of movements in a dance or some other performance舞蹈等表演的成套动作
9.I can do a little dancing.我可以做一点舞蹈动作。
10.the sinuous movements of the dancer舞蹈演员柔美的动作
11.compose a sequence of dance steps to music.为舞蹈动作安排次序。
12.a ballroom dance characterized by revolving movement.通过旋转动作的一种舞厅舞蹈。
13.Some dance movements were composed impromptu, which were simple and standard.又可即兴编舞,舞蹈动作洗练、规范。
14.A series of dance movements forming a unit in a choreographic pattern.舞句在舞蹈形式中形成一个单位的一系列舞蹈动作
15.The Highland dances are performed solo, and have precise, difficult movements and require much stamina and co-ordination.高地舞蹈属于独舞,由清晰但难度颇大的舞蹈动作组成,要求舞蹈者有良好的耐力和协调性。
16.Naturally artistic, these folks also gravitate toward jobs involving design, music, or dance.优雅世艺术的气质使他们很适合从事设计、音乐和舞蹈方面的工作。
17.do a pirouette, usually as part of a dance.以脚尖旋转,常常作为舞蹈的一个动作。
18.The Basic Patterns of Hand and Arm Movements in Gymnastic Dancing体操舞蹈动作中手臂运动的基本规律

choreograph vi.设计舞蹈动作
3)The design of automatic composition自动作文设计
4)animation design and production动漫设计与制作
1.Based on the implementation of the modular teaching mode for the major "animation design and production",this paper discusses the constructing principle,the course setting method and the contents of the course module which is useful for the same or similar majors to implement modular teaching mod本文结合动漫设计与制作专业实施模块化教学的实践,对相同或相似专业模块化教学所需要的课程体系构建的原则、课程设置模式和课程内容整合等方面进行探讨。
5)the major of cartoon design and making动漫设计与制作专业
6)cooperation learning activity design协作学习活动设计

1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计) 叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)