女性人物,female characters
1)female characters女性人物
1.The novelette of Mother with Us creates a series of female characters,who,however,are obviously similar to each other.中篇小说《母亲和我们》塑造了一系列女性人物,然而这些人物存在明显雷同的印迹。
2.Through analyses of three female characters in this play,the thesis investigates how the self-consciousness of the female characters is becoming stronger and stronger as time goes on.通过对剧中三位女性人物的分析,探讨了她们的女性自我意识随着时间的推移由弱到强的变化过程,从而表明奥尼尔也是一位具有女性意识并且非常关心女性生存状况的剧作家。

1.Analysis of Virginia Woolfi′s view on and creation of female characters in Virginia Woolf′s works;伍尔芙的女性观和女性人物形象分析
2.The Tragic Heroines in the Glass Menagerie《玻璃动物园》中悲剧性的女性人物
3.Analysis of the Author s Perspective on Women Characters in Outlaws of the Marsh;从《水浒传》女性人物形象看作者的女性观
4.On the Female Consciousness in Mansfield's Women Characters论曼斯菲尔德小说女性人物形象中的女性意识
5.the main good female character in a work of fiction.小说中主要的正面女性人物
6.The Women Characters in the Plays by Eugene O’Neill浅谈尤金·奥尼尔作品中的女性人物
7.A Brief Analysis of the Women Characters in David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》中女性人物的分析(英文)
8.Study on the Images of Female Figures in Chinese New-year Folk Wood Engravings of Qing Dynasty;清代民间木版年画女性人物图像研究
9.On the Aesthetic Education of the Women Figures in Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials;中学语文教材中女性人物形象美育论
10.On the Creation of Women Images in Puccini s Major Operas;论普契尼歌剧中的女性人物形象塑造
11.Resistance and Obedience--Women Characters by Pearl S.Buck;顺从和反抗——赛珍珠笔下的女性人物
12.A Study of the Typical Women Characters of Muriel Spark;穆丽尔·斯帕克典型女性人物形象研究
13.The Gothic Female Characters in Ivanhoe;《艾凡赫》中的歌特式女性人物(英文)
14.Women Characters and Their Awakening in Trifles;《琐事》中女性人物的觉醒(英文)
15.The Female Characters in LU Xun s Novels in Post-feudal Language Environment;"后封建语境"中的鲁迅小说女性人物
16.On the Evolution of the Female Characters in Sam Shepard's Plays论谢泼德戏剧中女性人物形象的嬗变
17.The Shaping of Women Characters in Almayer's Folly《阿尔迈耶的痴梦》中女性人物的塑造
18.The Sea of Humanity--On the Female Images in Hemingway s Novels;人性的深海——也谈海明威笔下的女性人物形象

women characters女性人物
1.In David Copperfield, dozens of women characters are portrayed ranging from rich women to poor servants.作为狄更斯最喜爱的小说之一,这部小说结合了大量作者个人的生活经历,以其精彩的人物刻画而享誉全世界,其中描写了上至贵妇,下到贫穷仆女的几十个女性人物
2.Dubliners is a short story collection written by the modernist writer James Joyce who presents more women characters in this collection than his other works.《都柏林人》是现代文学大师詹姆斯·乔伊斯塑造女性人物最多的一部短篇故事集。
3.This paper focuses on the analysis of the women characters in his plays.奥尼尔笔下的女性人物大都对人类最崇高的情感———爱情及幸福的生活抱有美的渴望 ,然而她们的命运却都注定具有悲剧色彩 ,面对悲剧她们失望、痛苦、迷茫、挣扎 ,最终甚至以扭曲的心态结束生命。
3)female character女性人物
1.Analysis of Virginia Woolfi′s view on and creation of female characters in Virginia Woolf′s works;伍尔芙的女性观和女性人物形象分析
4)feminine features among male figures男性人物女性化
5)female character creation女性人物创作
6)delineation of women characters女性人物刻画
