革命浪漫主义,Revolutionary Romanticism
1)Revolutionary Romanticism革命浪漫主义
1.Aesthetic Narration of the Poetics Utopia——the Practicality Course of Mao Ze-dong s Revolutionary Romanticism Literature and Artistic Theory;诗学理想的审美叙写——毛泽东革命浪漫主义文艺观的文学实践历程
2.HE Jing-zhi combines the writing style of revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism in his seventy-year poem composition,but he relatively prefers the later.在贺敬之近七十年的创作道路上,革命现实主义和革命浪漫主义大体表现出结合状态,就整体而言,更多地倾向于革命浪漫主义

1.The Lost Romanticism--Thinking about the Revolutionary Romanticism of Sun Li s Fiction Creation;失落的浪漫——基于孙犁小说创作对革命浪漫主义的思考
2.Revolutionary Romanticism Artistic Factors of Sunli s "the Series of the Lotus";孙犁“荷花淀系列”的革命浪漫主义的艺术因素
3.Revolutionary and Romantic Expression of emotions--On HE Jing-zhi s Poem Composition;革命浪漫主义的抒情——论贺敬之的诗歌创作
4.Aesthetic Narration of the Poetics Utopia--the Practicality Course of Mao Ze-dong s Revolutionary Romanticism Literature and Artistic Theory;诗学理想的审美叙写——毛泽东革命浪漫主义文艺观的文学实践历程
5.On the Source of the Ideological Trend of Romanticism in Revolutionary Literature;浪漫:文学和革命激情共生的主义——革命文学浪漫主义思潮源流论析
6.From Enlightenment to Revolution:the Evolution of Romanticism in Modern China;从启蒙到革命:中国浪漫主义的嬗变
7.Accepting and Changing :from Realism and Romanticism to Revolutionary Realism;论革命现实主义对现实主义与浪漫主义的改造
8.Second Reflection on French Revolution and Wordsworth s Passive Romanticism;再论法国革命与华兹华斯的消极浪漫主义倾向
9.Chopin Romanticism and Romantic Composers浪漫主义和浪漫主义作曲家肖邦(下)
10.Romanticism and Romantic Composers Chopin浪漫主义和浪漫主义作曲家肖邦(上)
11.Comment on Romanticism Aesthetics and Painting in Europe;论欧洲浪漫主义美学与浪漫主义绘画
12.The assimilation of Japanese Romanticism to European Romanticism;日本浪漫主义对欧洲浪漫主义的摄取
13.The Romantics believed that the life of the imagination was intrinsically valuable.浪漫主义作家认为想像的生命力本身就很重要。
14.Vitality and Heroes Dream:On the Romantic Flavour of Frontier Poetry in the Tang Dynasty;生命力与英雄梦——论唐代边塞诗的浪漫主义色彩
15.a masterpiece of the Romantic school/movement浪漫派[浪漫主义运动]的杰作.
16.The Ice of Rationality and Water of Romanticism --a brief analysiss of Rousseau s Romanticism;理性如冰 浪漫似水——卢梭浪漫主义简析
17.Schlegel’s Romanticism and Romantic Criticism of Shakespeare;施莱格尔的浪漫主义文学主张与浪漫主义莎评
18.I'm a romanticist.我是个浪漫主义者。

Romance Revolution浪漫革命
1.The Influence of Christianity on Japanese Modern Literature——A Book Review on Japanese Modern Romanticism Literature and Christianity;基督教何以影响日本近代浪漫主义文学——《日本近代浪漫主义文学与基督教》述评
2.An Exotic Flower in the Garden of Romanticism——Appreciation of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth;浪漫主义花园中的一朵奇葩——华兹华斯的《独自云游》
3.Self-discipline of Literature and Art——A Poetic Theme of Western Preromanticism and Romanticism Criticism;文学艺术自律——西方前浪漫主义、浪漫主义批评的一个诗学主题
1.From Romanism to Appreciation of the Beauty modernity——The Thought of Shen Cong wen s novels;从浪漫主义到审美现代性——沈从文小说思想解读
2.The Main Features of Music Harmonics Language of European Romanism;欧洲浪漫主义和声语言的主要特征
3.Romanism and socialism in opposition to the .从历史的角度看,18世纪欧洲启蒙运动体现了时代的风格和当时文明进步的顶峰,但又忽视了宗教和道德问题,并带上了贵族、资产阶级和知识分子的特点;19世纪则表现出一种巨大的差异和断裂,浪漫主义和社会主义植根于小资产阶级和平民阶层,并开始对启蒙运动和18世纪文化的反动。
1.Shen Cong-wen s novel belongs to the romantism literature trend of thought and it is that he reacts to Chinese society with one kind appreciation of the beauty response from tradition to modern change.沈从文的小说创作属于浪漫主义文学思潮,是他对中国社会从传统向现代转变作出的一种审美反应。
2.Jane Austen is a famous realistic novelist with a tendency of Romantism.奥斯丁是19世纪著名的现实主义小说家,也是一位具有浪漫主义倾向的小说家。
3.Prior to French Symbolism movement,"Pure Poetry" is similar to the thought of Romantism and Estheticism.在法国象征主义运动之前,“纯诗”已寄生于浪漫主义和唯美主义艺术思想中。
1.The Philosophical Analysis of Romantic Spirit浪漫主义精神的哲学诠释
2.Romantic Musical Style in Prokofiev's Piano Music普罗科菲耶夫钢琴小品中的浪漫主义音乐风格
3.As a most famous romantic poem in Tang Dynasty,LI BAI created nearly thousands of poems in his whole life.李白作为有唐一代最伟大的浪漫主义诗人,一生创作了近千首诗歌。
