审美自由,Aesthetic Freedom
1)Aesthetic Freedom审美自由
1.Aesthetic Freedom and the People s Kind-practice;审美自由与人的类活动——席勒的审美教育思想再认识
2.Taking western modern philosophy and aesthetic history as the background,the dissertation analyses the meaning of aesthetic freedom in four aspects as followings: the relation between aesthetic and suffering,the relation between aesthetic and reason, and the relation between aesthetic and form.本文以西方近现代哲学美学的发展线索为背景,分别从审美与受动性、审美与理性以及审美与形式等三个方面详细论述了审美自由的感性学内涵。
3.It not only transcends the preceding limits of the aesthetic space-time, the aesthetic distance and the aesthetic fatigue, but also transcends the present limits of the cultural aestheticization and the ecological shortage,forming the ecological aesthetic freedom and manifesting the contemporary development and innovation of human\'s aesthetics.它既超越了以往美学审美时空的局限、审美距离的局限、审美疲劳的局限,又超越了时下文化美学审美泛化的局限、生态缺失的局限,形成了生态审美自由,表征了人类美学的当代创新与发展。

1.Practical Liberty, Aesthetic Liberty and the Solution to Nature of Beauty;实践自由、审美自由与美的本质解答
2.Aesthetic Freedom and the People s Kind-practice;审美自由与人的类活动——席勒的审美教育思想再认识
3.The Freedom of Appreciating the Beautiful:the Cognitive Meaning of Content and Form-- Adono s Opinion on the Aesthetic Features of Modern Art;审美自由:内容与形式的认识意义——阿多诺论现代艺术的美学特征
4.Freedom and Aesthetic Judgment;自由与审美——黑格尔自然美思想透视
5.Freedom,Characteristics and Aesthetic Judgment--Attention on the Preschool Arts Education on the Development of aesthetic personality;自由·个性·审美——关注“审美型”人格发展的美术教育
6.Judicial Review Standards of Internet Speech under the First Amendment in USA;美国网络言论自由司法审查标准研究
7.A Brief Analysis on Aesthetic Idea of Music自由时空 人性回归——音乐审美观念浅析
8.On Aesthetic Anthropology Nature of "Beauty is the Freedom of Phenomenon";论“美是现象中的自由”命题的审美人类学意蕴
9.An Esthetic and Anthropological Interpretation of Schiller s Beauty Proposition;“美是现象中的自由”命题的审美人类学解读
10.Freedom of Man and Aesthetic Education: An Introduction of F. von Schiller s Thought on Aesthetic Education;人的自由与审美教育——席勒美育思想探析
11.Willful Vitality: on MoYan s Orientation of Folk Aesthetics;“自由自在”的生命力——论莫言的民间审美取向
12.On Kafka s Viewpoint of Freedom --From his Works: America ,Trial and Castle;解析卡夫卡的自由观——从《美国》、《审判》、《城堡》看卡夫卡的自由观
13.Freedom and Control-The Study on the Aesthetic Culture of the Electronic Media Age;自由与控制—电子传媒时代的审美文化研究
14.Exile and Aesthetics --Nabokov and Humbert Humbert;流亡与自由审美──纳博科夫与亨伯特·亨伯特
15.Free Verses on Traveling Faraway --On the psychological inclination and aesthetic aspiration of Lan Bing s poems;远游·自由·诗——论蓝冰诗歌的精神指向和审美追求
16.The Comparison on Appreciation of Classical Poetry and Modern Free Verse;古典格律诗与现代自由诗审美建构比较简论
18.Freedom of Soul: Characteristic of Appreciation of the Beauty of Art of Blank in Educational Process心灵的自由:教育过程中“空白”艺术的审美特质

freedom & aesthetics自由与审美
3)freedom appreciation"自由"的审美
4)Aesthetic and Freedom审美与自由
5)aesthetic freedom and transcendance审美自由与超越
1.Appreciation is an indispensable key link in the realization of the literary values of a literary work;aesthetic freedom and transcendance is the prerequisite for literary appreciation.鉴赏,是文学价值实现的必不可少的关键环节;而审美自由与超越是文学鉴赏得以展开的基本前提。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。