传播渠道,Communication channel
1)Communication channel传播渠道
1.This paper analyzed the relation between various communication channels and the effects of various communication channels in the dissemination of "THE BUILDING A NEW SOCIALIST COUNTRYSIDE" policy through the description of the status of audiences\' access media, the awareness of the content of policy, the attitude on policy, and other facts.通过对受众媒介接受、政策认知、政策评价等各方面情况的描述,分析了不同传播渠道之间的关系、不同传播渠道在新农村政策传播过程中的作用等。

1.Application of Social Network Dissemination in the Marketing Dissemination Channel;社会网络传播在营销传播渠道中的应用
2.Spreading Channels of Publications of "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers": Blind Spots and Breakthrough;“三农”出版物传播渠道的盲点与突破点
3.The Effects of Different Means to Disseminate Information on Agricultural Policies and the Acceptanceby the Farmers;不同信息传播渠道传播农业政策的效果及农户接受程度分析
4.The Construction of the Scale of Personal Perceptions of the Internal Transmission Channels of Corporate Culture;企业文化内部传播渠道个人感知量表的建构
5.Adopting Various Forms and Expanding the Transmission Route of Healthy Education All Round采取多种形式 全面拓展健康教育传播渠道
6.Transmission Channels--Based on Individual Perceptions;基于个人感知的企业文化内部传播渠道有效性实证研究
7.Effect of "Woment Sports Fund"planning to set up based on the improvement of women s sports to support the dissemination channels;改善妇女体育运动传播渠道和效果的“女子体育基金”筹设研究
8.The Construction of the Information Dissemination Channels of Match Marketing and the Monitoring System;竞赛表演市场信息传播渠道及其监控体系的构建
9.The Study on the Performance and Dissemination Channels of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games2008北京奥运会背景下的奥运文化解读及其传播渠道研究
10.Disseminators,Audience,and Channels:A Study of the Profound Mechanism of Blog Dissemination;传播者、受众、渠道:博客传播的深层机制
11.Study on the Channels of News Issue in the Views of Governmental Communication;政府传播视野中的新闻发布渠道研究
12.So far Internet has become the main channel through which the computer viruses spread.目前,因特网已成为电脑病毒传播的主要渠道。
13.Internet is quickly becoming the most important channel for media throughout the world.互联网是当今世界媒体传播最重要的渠道。
14.Multi Channels of News Release in Government Communication;政府传播中新闻发布渠道的多元化问题
15.The communication relation is defined as the channels through which messages are transmitted by people who comprise a social system.传播关系的定义是:构成一个社会系统的人们传送信息的各种渠道。
16.It is transmitted primarily by venereal routes or exposure to contaminated blood or blood products.主要经过性交渠道或接触受感染的血液或血液制品而传播。
17.Others include sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS.还会造成通过性渠道传播疾病(例如艾滋病)的蔓延。
18.Varied Marketing Strategy、Dissemination Channel and Methods of the Brand of Private Enterprises in Medium and Small Sized Cities;中小民营企业品牌在中小城市的传播策略、渠道、方法

disseminating channels of the Blog博客传播渠道
3)internal transmission channel内部传播渠道
1.The effectiveness of eight internal transmission channels of corporate culture is analyzed and tested through 839 groups of data we collected by survey.分析了CEO等八种企业文化内部传播渠道的有效性,利用调研数据对研究假设进行了验证,有效样本量为839。
4)information spread channel信息传播渠道
1.The damage of crisis can be decreased to the minimum by developing the effective strategies such as opening up efficient information spread channel, enforcement of investigating and proper methods.危机处理是危机管理的核心 ,通过迅速启动危机处理计划、对危机开展全面调查、开辟高效的信息传播渠道、实施适当的危机处理策略等有效策略能够将危机的损害减少到最低限度 ,更好地促进企业发展 ,实现可持续发展战略。
5)culture transmission channel文化传播渠道
6)publication channels发行传播渠道
