1.Study on the Biological Diversity of Wetland and Protective Countermeasure in Nature Reserve of Xihu in Dunhuang;敦煌西湖自然保护区湿地生物多样性及保护对策研究
2.A studies of degradation of water system and some control measures in the Moon Lake of Dunhuang Region;敦煌月牙泉水环境退化与防治对策
3.Textual Research on Several Language Problems from Dunhuang Medical Literature P.3596;敦煌医药文献P.3596若干文字问题考证

1.The Bamboo Slips, Writ and Coins Unearthed in Tunhuang敦煌简牍、敦煌文书与敦煌出土的钱币——为敦煌藏经洞发现百年而作
2.The study of Dunhuang grottoes are known as Dunhuangology.对敦煌石窟的研究又叫敦煌学。
3.On the Ancient Funeral Customs of Dunhuang from Dunhuang Writes to Bury the Book Originally敦煌写本葬书中的古代敦煌丧葬民俗
4.The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is surely a shining pearl on the Silk Road.丝路明珠敦煌莫高窟,
5.dancing figures in Dunhuang frescos敦煌壁画中的舞蹈形象
6.Study on Wenwang in the S.6171 of Dunhuang Documents;敦煌卷子S.6171中“文王”考
7.The Tang Dynasty Idea of History as Reflected in the Bianwen and Song-scripts from Dunhuang;敦煌变文与敦煌歌辞中的唐代历史观念
8.For Dunhuang Grottoes Forever Existence;为了敦煌的久远长存——敦煌石窟保护的探索历程
9.Study of The Lawsuit Document for a Civil Case of Houjin Dynasty(936-946) Found in Dunhuang MS;敦煌遗书一宗后晋时期敦煌民事诉讼档案
10.Deeply Sttached to Dunhuang--Selection from the new edition of Fifty Years in Dunhuang(Ⅲ);魂系敦煌──新版“九十春秋敦煌五十年”选载(三)
11.Deeply Attached to Dunhuang --Selection from the new edition of Fifty Years in Dunhuang (II);魂系敦煌──新版“九十春秋敦煌五十年”选载(二)
12.Silk Road Contents Deeply Attached to Dunhuang --parts from the new edition of Fifty Years in Dunhuang;魂系敦煌──新版“九十春秋——敦煌五十年”选载(一)
13.Exploreation of Dunhuang Property Law Concepts during the Period of Tang, the Five Dynasties and Early Song Based on Dunhuang Documents从敦煌文书看唐五代宋初敦煌地区的物权观念
14.Brilliant and Verify:Study on A Piece of Dunhuang Manuscript WEN-MING-PAN-JI-CAN-JUAN;辉煌与印证:敦煌《文明判集残卷》研究
15.The achievements in Dunhuang studies have proved that Dunhuang is in China and so are Dunhuang studies!"这几年的成果已经表明,敦煌在中国,敦煌学也在中国!
16.The Social Functions of the Civil Examination Documents in Dunhuang敦煌科举文书的社会功能──兼论敦煌写本中的社会史料
17.Also called Caves of a Thousand Buddhas,the Mogao Grottoes lie in the steep cliffs of Mingsha Mountain of Dunhuang City,Gansu Province.敦煌莫高窟位于甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山东麓断崖上,又称千佛洞。
18.Art of Ancient Dance and Music in Frescoes of Dunhuang Grottoes;敦煌古代乐舞探究(文二) 敦煌石窟壁画中的古代乐舞艺术

Dunhuang pattern敦煌图案
1.The traditional Dunhuang patterns are reappeared in modern jewelry design in order to inherit and develop the strong traditional culture of China.在现代首饰设计中再现传统的敦煌图案,以传承中国浓厚的传统文化。
3)Dunhuang basin敦煌盆地
1.The Characteristics of Water System and the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Dunhuang Basin;敦煌盆地水环境特征与水资源可持续利用
2.Visual simulation and management of groundwater in Dunhuang Basin;敦煌盆地地下水数值模拟及可视化与管理
3.Source rock potential and trap efficiency determine the success of petroleum exploration in the Dunhuang basin,Gansu Province, China.敦煌盆地油气勘探能否取得突破取决于盆地中源岩的生烃潜能和圈闭的有效性。
1.Current Status of Wetland Environment in Dunhuang and Countermeasures for Protection and Restoration;敦煌湿地生态环境现状与保护恢复对策
5)ancient times of Dunhuang敦煌古代
6)Dunhuang Medicine敦煌医学

敦煌1.古代郡名。治所在今甘肃省敦煌县。西汉元鼎六年(公元前111年)置,北魏改为敦煌镇,后复改郡。唐武德五年(公元622年)改置西沙州,贞观七年(公元633年)又改沙州,天宝元年(公元742年)仍改敦煌郡,干元元年(公元758年)又改沙州。 2.县名。在甘肃省。西汉置。十六国前凉建都于此,北周改名鸣沙县,隋大业初复名,唐末废。清乾隆二十五年(公元1760年)复置,移治今址。县城是古代通往中亚和欧洲的交通要站。城东南25公里的莫高窟(千佛洞)保存有四世纪至十四世纪遗留的壁画﹑雕塑等艺术珍品;城南有鸣沙山﹑月牙泉名胜;城西北有玉门关,西南有阳关遗址。1987年改设敦煌市。