1.The Research of Zoology and the Management of Zoology Information in the Information Age;信息时代动物学研究及信息管理的现状与展望
2.The Application and Study of Computer Assisted Instruction In the Teaching Of Zoology;CAI在动物学教学中的应用与研究
3.The Reform Measures of Experimental Zoology Teaching;动物学实验教学改革若干措施

1.Of or relating to the science of zoology.动物学动物学的,或与动物学有关的
2.a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians.研究爬虫动物和两栖动物的动物学家。
3.I study zoology at school.我在学校里学动物学
4.Biology embraces botany and zoology.生物学包括植物学和动物学
5.The branch of zoology that deals with mollusks.软体动物学动物学中研究软动物的一支
6.The branch of zoology that deals with mammals.哺乳动物学动物学中研究哺乳动物的一个分支
7.The biological study of protozoans.原生动物学对原生动物的生物性研究
8.Collect paleontology, mammal specimens, malacology, and entomology.收藏古生物学、乳类动物标本、体动物学和昆虫学。
9.The branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians.爬行动物学动物学的一个分支,研究爬行动物和两栖动物
10.animal cytobiophysics动物细胞生物物理学
11.invertebrate biophysics无脊椎动物生物物理学
12.paleobiology of invertebrates无脊椎动物古生物学
13.biology of reproduction in mammals哺乳动物生殖生物学
14.invertebrate neurobiology无脊椎动物神经生物学
15.invertebrate bioenergetics无脊椎动物生物能量学
16.biology of desert invertebrates荒漠无脊椎动物生物学
17.Fauna and Flora Preservation Society动物和植物养护学会
18.World Society for the Protection of Animals世界动物保护学会(动物保护学会)

animal biology动物生物学
1.Exploration to the practical teaching of animal biology;动物生物学实践教学改进的探讨
2.Based on the teaching experience,the authors give a brief discussion on the education of students characters and morals at animal biology teaching in colleges and universities from the following aspects: materialistic dialectics,patriotism,strong will,making progress,devotion,having a good spirit and forming a good attitude towards fame and wealth.根据教学实践,就普通院校动物生物学教学中对学生进行唯物辩证法、爱国主义教育,坚强的毅力、积极进取,勇于奉献、高风谅解,淡薄名利的思想品格教育进行了简浅阐述。
3.The practical teaching reform in animal biology is discussed in this paper.在动物生物学实践教学中,通过实施研究性学习方法,对实验教学手段、实验教学内容、实验考核方法和野外实习方案、实习内容和实习考核方法等方面进行教学改革,提高学生综合素质和创新能力。
3)Veterinary medicine动物医学
1.Application of professional intelligent search system in Veterinary Medicine专业智能搜索系统在动物医学领域中的应用
2.This paper introduces the basic guiding ideas of reforming clinical vet experiment course in veterinary medicine of our school, and deeply analyzes the main problems and causes in the practical teaching.介绍了我校动物医学专业兽医临床实验课程改革的基本指导思想,分析了在实践教学中存在的主要问题和成因,对临床课程实践教学进行了改革与探索。
3.The paper introduces the development of CAI, discusses the necessarity, design and application of CAI making in veterinary medicine.介绍了多媒体计算机辅助教学 (CAI)的发展概况 ,阐述了动物医学多媒体教学软件开发的必要性及制作和应用特
4)medical faunae医学动物
1.Important medical faunae and control measures in Haerbaling;哈尔巴岭重要医学动物及防制对策
2.Study on important medical faunae and control measures in Taonan area洮南地区重要医学动物及防治对策研究
5)animal pharmacy动物药学
6)animal medicine动物医学
1.Through investigating to the usage of terms in eight animal medicine journals,the article analyzes the present situation and the problems of standardizing sci-tech terms in animal medicine journals,and as response to the present situation that terms using is neither standardized nor unified in partial periodical,puts forward some feasible suggestions.对8种动物医学期刊的名词使用情况进行了调查,分析了动物医学类期刊名词规范化工作的执行状况及存在问题,并针对目前部分期刊名词使用不规范、不统一的现状,提出了几点切实可行的建议。
2.However,a complexity of contradictions appears and higher education of animal medicine is affected badly by the arrival of the age of the large-scale expansion in higher education in China.动物医学专业是我国农业高等院校重要的传统学科,曾为我国畜牧业的发展做出重大贡献。
