1.Correlation of Chromosome Aberration and Hemogram Variation in X-ray Workers;X射线工作人员染色体畸变与血象变化的相关性
2.Cytologic Study of Hemogram and Myelogram in Patients with Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever;流行性出血热患者血象及骨髓象的细胞学研究
3.Changes in serum total bile acid,c-reactive protein and peripheral hemogram after splenectomy in patients with cirrhosis and splenomegaly;肝硬化巨脾切除术前后患者血清总胆汁酸、C反应蛋白及外周血象观察

1.Analysis Of Blood And Bone Marrow Film On 10 Patients Who Having Hematopoiesis Abnormal Caused By Benzene In Clinic苯接触致造血异常者10例血象及骨髓象的临床分析
2.Chronic Aplastic Anemia of TCM Syndrome Distribution and Blood Bone Marrow as the Relevance of Research慢性再生障碍性贫血的中医证型分布与血象、骨髓象相关性研究
3.Study on peripheral blood and bone marrow dysplasia in the aplastic anemia patients caused by chronic benzene poisoning苯中毒致再生障碍性贫血患者周围血象及骨髓象特点分析
4.The effect of Wu mountain mineral spring bath on ery throc ytesedimentation and hemogram in 120 patients武山矿泉浴对120例患者血沉和血象的影响
5.Detection and Analysis of Peripheral Hemogram of 46 Cases Malignant Anemic Patients46例恶性肿瘤贫血患者外周血象的检测与分析
6.To stain, spot, or color with or as if with blood.血染用血或象血的东西弄污或染红
7.uterine bleeding disorder子宫之不正常流血现象
8.hemagglutination ingibition血凝抑制(现象或试验)
9.Shwartzman phenomeno内毒素出血性坏死现象
10.On the Vampires Figure in the Vampire Chronicles;试论《吸血鬼编年史》中的吸血鬼形象
11.The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with subsequent release of hemoglobin.溶血(现象),血细胞溶解红血细胞的破坏或溶解,随后释放血红蛋白
12.Thrombosis: Formation of a Blood clot (thrombus) in the heart or a Blood vessel.血栓形成: 在心脏或血管内形成血凝块(血栓)的一种病理现象。
13.hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented.预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。
14.The Blood Axe clan is known by the sign of the blood-drenched axe.血斧氏族之名出自它们的染血大斧图腾形象。
15.There are dilatation of blood sinus, hemolysis, macrophage reactions erc.脾血窦扩张、溶血及巨噬细胞反应等现象;
16.76.1% of cases showed hemoglobin in more than 10 grams.76.1%病例的血红蛋白在10克以上,贫血现象不突出。
17.Impact of Meteorological Factors on Blood Pressure in Elderly Hypertension气象因素对老年高血压患者血压的影响
18.Association between morning blood pressure surge and cardiovascular events in senile patients with primary hypertension老年原发性高血压患者晨峰现象与心血管事件

Blood picture血象
1.The influence of the Sijunzi decoction on the blood picture and gastric acid of experimental model of spleen asthenia syndrome mice;四君子汤对脾虚证小鼠血象及胃酸分泌的影响
2.Blood picture was measured and organ histomorphology was observed respectively at the stop of luvos and 7d.目的 观察乐福至长期用药后对大鼠血象及重要器官组织形态学的影响。
3)Peripheral blood cell外周血象
1.Objective To survey the mutuality of chronic severe hepatitis on peripheral blood cell and its results.目的 通过对慢性重型肝炎患者的外周血象分析 ,观察慢性重型肝炎的外周血象与其预后的相关性。
4)vascular crisis血管危象
1.Preliminary application of Na99mTcO4 trace imaging in experimental vascular crisis after microvascular surgery in rabbits;Na~(99m)TcO_4示踪微血管术后血管危象的实验研究
2.The vascular crisis(VC) model was established by localy frezzing(<5 ℃) for 10 minutes in group A,while localy warming was given in group B(40~45 ℃).A组(n=25)术后20 min在伤口局部冷敷(<50℃)10 min后制备成血管危象(VC)动物模型,B组(n=15)局部热敷(40~45℃);C组为5只正常对照家兔。
3.Objective:To discuss the pathogensis, monitoring and management of vascular crisis of free skin flap.目的:探讨游离皮瓣血管危象的发生机理、监测和处理方法。
5)Hemolytic crisis溶血危象
1.Hemolytic crisis in children:an evaluation of clinical characteristics;小儿溶血危象临床诊断要点探讨
2.Methods: Clinical data of 83 cases of children with AHA were studied retrospectively to evaluate causes, manifestations, laboratory findings, therapy and prognosis especially to evaluate clinical features of hemolytic crisis suggested by hematologic sp.目的:以临床分析为基础,总结急性溶血性贫血(简称急性溶贫)特别是溶血危象的特征,为“溶血危象”诊断提供临床依据;同时探讨血清乳酸脱氢酶(Iactic dehydrogenase,LDH)及可溶性血清转铁蛋白受体(soluable transferritin receptor,sTfR)在急性溶贫诊断中意义。
6)abnormal blood异常血象

雌激素的外周生成雌激素的外周生成 绝经前,绝大部分的雄烯二酮在卵巢转化为雌激素,体内90%的雌二醇和50%的雌酮来自卵巢,而其余的雌激素由卵巢外其他组织将雄烯二酮转变成雌酮。雄烯二酮主要来自肾上腺,少部分来自卵巢。绝经后,卵巢中卵泡明显减少,使雌激素水平明显下降,总量仅相当于月经周期早卵泡期水平的一半,是晚卵泡期的1/10。这些雌激素来自于雄烯二酮在外周组织的转化,如脂肪等组织。