1.Calculation method of pollution depth of acidized gas well in Chishui region;赤水地区某酸化气井污染深度的求取方法
2.A Model of Fractured Gas Pools in Chishui and Adjacent Area,Guizhou;贵州赤水及邻区裂缝性气藏模式探讨
3.Characters and the Exploration Potential Analyses of Oil and Gas Accumulation in Chishui of Guizhou;贵州赤水地区油气成藏特征及勘探潜力分析

1.Was "Crossing Chishui the fourth times" really supernatural or not?“四渡赤水”是不是“真如神”?
2.The National Black Treasure of Red River On the Relationship between Beauty and Aesthetic-Feeling from Aesthetic Intermediary赤水玄珠——从审美中介论美与美感
3.One Bright Pearl of the North Guizhou Province, and A Bamboo City of the Southwest China──Cishui City黔北明珠 西南“竹城”──赤水
4.Discussion on Chishui Danxia Landscape in the Light of World Heritage世界遗产视角下的赤水丹霞地貌刍议
5.The Analysis of the Technique of the Plastic Concrete Core Wall in Chishui Reservoir赤水水库塑性混凝土心墙施工技术分析
6.Located in the northweast part of Guizhou Province,the light industry,chemicalindustry,forestry,and tourism are its pillar industries in Cishui City.赤水市地处贵州省西北端,其轻化工业、林业和自然风景特色的旅游业,是赤水市经济新的优势。
7.A guide speech on the ecotourism in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区生态旅游导游词
8.Stanley Mound No. 2 Fresh Water Pumping Station赤柱岗二号食水抽水站
9.Study on division of conservation areas for drinking water and on protective measures for Chitian Reservoir赤田水库饮用水水源保护区划分与保护措施
10.People used to believe that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.人们过去认为,在赤道处海水是滚烫的。
11.South of the equator81 percent of the surface is water.赤道以南,百分之八十一的表面是水。
12.Lying naked where blue whales swim.赤条条躺在蓝色鲸鱼游水处
13.Tolo Harbour and Channel Water Control Zone吐露港及赤门水质管制区
14.Look at this "Red deer by the water."韩佳:大牛你看这块赤鹿戏水的石头。
15.Research on Design and Investing Management of Chibi Sewage Treatment Plant赤壁市污水处理厂设计投资管理研究
16.QTL Analysis of Sheath Blight Resistance in Deepwater-rice Chihe(Oryza sativa L.)深水稻品种赤禾纹枯病抗性QTLs定位
17.Study on Flocculation of Decoction of Poeny Root with Chitosan壳聚糖对赤芍水提液的絮凝工艺研究
18.Ocean Color Remote Sensing Algorithms and Red Tides Detection in the High Frequency Red Tides Areas of the East China Sea;东海赤潮高发区水色遥感算法及赤潮遥感监测研究

1.The aesthetic importance and comparison of Chishui-Xishui danxia landscape;赤水-习水丹霞景观美学价值与对比分析
3)Chishui River赤水河
1.Based on a general biodiversity survey in the Chishui River basin,the authors first summarized the main characteristics of its biodiversity,including diverse ecosystems and species as well as heterogeneous habitats,at the river basin scale,and then analyzed the situation,opportunity and main challenges to biodiversity conservation in this river basin.基于对赤水河流域生物多样性的综合调研,分析了赤水河流域生物多样性的主要特征、流域生物多样性保护的现状、面临的机遇和潜在的压力,探讨了赤水河流域生物多样性保护的基本对策。
2.The changes of water quality of Chishui river are analyzed based on recent five years water quality monitoring data.分析了赤水河近5a水质变化情况,对超标因子进行了原因探讨,并提出了应对措施。
3.An ancient stone bridge made of two overlapping bridges lies in the Chishui river between WeiNan and Hua county in Shaanxi province.本文考证了渭南、华县之间的赤水河“桥上桥”的建造年代及形成原因。
4)Chishui area赤水地区
1.The reservoir identification method for liquid property in Chishui area;赤水地区储层流体性质判别方法研究
2.Source characteristics and gas origin of Xujiahe Formation, Upper Triassic in Chishui Area;赤水地区上三叠统须家河组源岩特征及天然气成因
3.An analysis of the depositional facies of T_1j_1~2-T_1j~1 and T_1j_1~5 layers of Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in Chishui area赤水地区下三叠统嘉陵江组嘉二~1—嘉一段及嘉五~1亚段沉积相分析
5)Chishui region of Guizhou贵州赤水
1.Based on the study of gas pool of fault-fissure type in Yangxin series of Permian carried by Sichuan bureau, compared with the exploration situation in Chishui region of Guizhou, the authors analyze the relation between fault and seismic abnormality, and discuss the culmination of eastern fault blocks in Wanglong structure and the southern fault of the culmination.借鉴四川局对二叠系阳新统断层裂缝型气藏的研究成果 ,结合贵州赤水地区勘探情况 ,分析了断层与地震异常的关系 ,讨论了旺隆构造东断块高点及高点之南断层。
6)Chishui gas field赤水气田
1.10 well of Chishui gas field, kinds of technology of gas recovery have been used to it, but the result doesn't seem perfect.赤水气田旺隆 10井在 6年的生产过程中 ,先后采用过几种采气工艺 ,效果均不理想。

赤水赤水 赤水   病症名。十水之一。水肿之先从胸部肿起者。《中藏经·论水肿脉证生死候》:“赤水者,其根起于心,其状先从胸肿起也。”参见十水、水肿条。