1.Clinical investigation of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in treatment for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and severe respiratory failure complicated with hypercapnia;无创正压通气治疗以高二氧化碳血症为主要表现的慢性阻塞性肺部疾病并重度呼吸衰竭的临床探讨
3)hypercapnia hypoxia低氧高碳酸血症
1.Results The simulation experiments show that cardiac sympathetic activities,cardiac oxygen consumption and myocardiac contractility increased during hypercapnia hypoxia.结果低氧高碳酸血症条件下,心交感神经传出冲动发放频率明显增加,心肌耗氧量增加,心肌收缩能力增强。
4)high altitude hypoxemia高原低氧血症
1.The research on effect of sildenafil on human physiological functions at high altitude and its use in prevention and treatment of high altitude pulmonary hypertension,high altitude pulmonary edema and high altitude hypoxemia,and improving motor ability are reviewed.本文综述了西地那非对高原人体生理的作用及其用于防治高原肺动脉高压、高原肺水肿、高原低氧血症,提高运动能力方面的研究进展。
1.Objective To evaluate the prevention effects and mechanisms of composite salviae dropping pill(CSDP) in high altitude myocardial hypoxidosis(HAMH).目的研究复方丹参滴丸(CSDP)预防高原心肌低氧症(HAMH)效果与作用机理。
1.The treatment of Acute Left Heart Failure and Hypoxia with Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation;无创正压通气抢救急性左心衰并低氧血症的临床观察
2.Effects of Hypoxia on Coronary Flow Reserve Determined by Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography;低氧血症对心肌声学造影评定冠脉储备的影响
3.Therapeutic effect of hyperoxia solution by intravenous infusion on hypoxia in rabbits during one-lung ventilation;静脉输注高氧液治疗家兔单肺通气期间低氧血症

1.Arterial hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia maybe induced by tracheal suction.吸痰可导致低氧血症和组织缺氧。
2.The clinical analysis on a case of chloroacetic acid poisoning complicated with hypoxemia氯乙酸中毒伴低氧血症1例临床分析
3.Serial Studies on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Hyperoxia Solution Against Hypoxemia;高氧液对低氧血症防治作用的系列研究
4.The Influences of Hypoxemia on BNP of Patients with Normal Heart Function;低氧血症对心功能正常患者血浆脑钠肽的影响
5.Peritoneal Ventilation with Pure Oxygen Improves Hypoxaemia of Rabbits Induced By Mechanical Controlled Hypoventilation腹膜腔纯氧通气改善肺控制性低通气家兔的低氧血症
6.Clinical significance of applying blood oxygen saturation monitor for monitoring hypoxemia in patients after undergoing abdominal operation血氧饱和度监测仪用于腹部术后低氧血症监测的临床意义
7.Study on the Early Hypoxemia in Rabbits of Scald in Hot and Humid Environment湿热环境下烫伤兔早期低氧血症的实验研究
8.The Analysis of Relativity Factors to Hypoxemia after CABG;冠脉搭桥术后低氧血症的相关因素分析
9.Clinical Research on Hypoxemia in Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting冠心病围手术期低氧血症相关因素分析
10.The Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Hyperoxygen Solution on Hypoxia during One-lung Ventilation in Dogs;高氧液对犬单肺通气期间低氧血症的预防与治疗作用
11.Study on the effect of sustained inflation on hyoxemia preventing for patient after esophageal operation控制性肺膨胀改善食管癌术后低氧血症病人氧合的疗效探讨
12.Relationship between Hypoxemia at Night Caused by Sleep Apnoea Syndrome and Hypertension睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者夜间低氧血症与高血压的关系
13.Pulmonary heart disease in patients with acute stage hypoxemia of serum enzyme activity change in the clinical significance肺心病急性期低氧血症患者血清酶活性变化的临床意义
14.Stimulation of the autonomic nervous system can occur owing to hypoxia or hypercarbia from depressed ventilation.自主神经系统兴奋作用的发生是由于通气受阻而导致的低氧血症和高碳酸血症引起的。
15.Nursing for patients with low blood oxygen content after heart operationtreated by woundless double passive pressure ventilation心脏病术后低氧血症病人无创双正压通气治疗的护理
16.Establishment and evaluation on rat ARDS model with stubborn hypoxemia内毒素“二次打击”顽固性低氧血症大鼠ARDS模型建立与评价
17.Clinic analysis of treatment of hypoxemia due to acute left heart failure with BiPAP ventilatorBiPAP呼吸机治疗急性左心衰所致低氧血症的临床分析
18.A extubation method of preventing cleft lip and palate hypoxemia after general anesthesia in children预防唇腭裂小儿全麻术后低氧血症的一种拔管方法

1.Clinical investigation of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in treatment for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and severe respiratory failure complicated with hypercapnia;无创正压通气治疗以高二氧化碳血症为主要表现的慢性阻塞性肺部疾病并重度呼吸衰竭的临床探讨
3)hypercapnia hypoxia低氧高碳酸血症
1.Results The simulation experiments show that cardiac sympathetic activities,cardiac oxygen consumption and myocardiac contractility increased during hypercapnia hypoxia.结果低氧高碳酸血症条件下,心交感神经传出冲动发放频率明显增加,心肌耗氧量增加,心肌收缩能力增强。
4)high altitude hypoxemia高原低氧血症
1.The research on effect of sildenafil on human physiological functions at high altitude and its use in prevention and treatment of high altitude pulmonary hypertension,high altitude pulmonary edema and high altitude hypoxemia,and improving motor ability are reviewed.本文综述了西地那非对高原人体生理的作用及其用于防治高原肺动脉高压、高原肺水肿、高原低氧血症,提高运动能力方面的研究进展。
1.Objective To evaluate the prevention effects and mechanisms of composite salviae dropping pill(CSDP) in high altitude myocardial hypoxidosis(HAMH).目的研究复方丹参滴丸(CSDP)预防高原心肌低氧症(HAMH)效果与作用机理。
1.The treatment of Acute Left Heart Failure and Hypoxia with Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation;无创正压通气抢救急性左心衰并低氧血症的临床观察
2.Effects of Hypoxia on Coronary Flow Reserve Determined by Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography;低氧血症对心肌声学造影评定冠脉储备的影响
3.Therapeutic effect of hyperoxia solution by intravenous infusion on hypoxia in rabbits during one-lung ventilation;静脉输注高氧液治疗家兔单肺通气期间低氧血症

高氨基酸尿症  以尿中排出过多氨基酸为特征的一类代谢疾病。临床少见,轻者无症状,重者有明显智力低下、发育迟缓以及神经系统症状,如癫痫、低血糖症、严重肝肾功能损害等。正常人血浆游离氨基酸水平相当恒定。血浆游离氨基酸可经肾小球滤过进入原尿,基绝大部分(95%以上)被肾小管上皮细胞重吸收,尿中游离氨基酸极少。高氨基酸尿症可分为肾前性、肾性及混合性。肾前性高氨基酸尿症是由于先天性酶缺乏而致氨基酸代谢失常,血中某些氨基酸水平过高,超过肾小管重吸收能力或竞争性地抑制其他氨基酸吸收,尿中出现多量氨基酸。肾性氨基酸尿症是在血浆氨基酸水平正常的情况下,由于先天性或获得性肾小管吸收功能受损而出现的氨基酸尿。肾性及肾前性因素若同时存在,则为混合性氨基酸尿症。本病涉及苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸、蛋氨酸、组氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、精氨酸、鸟氨酸、胱胺酸、缬氨酸、氨基乙酸等十余种氨基酸。这些高氨基酸尿症可通过血浆及尿中氨基酸的测定进行分类。各类高氨基酸尿症的治疗效果差别很大。有些通过严格控制饮食中相应氨基酸的摄入或补充某些维生素,即可获良好效果;有些即使采取各种措施,使血浆氨基酸水平接近正常,也无法改善临床症状。