1.Association of IL-12 p40 3 URT single nucleotide polymorphism with infants wheezing caused by respiratory syncytial virus;IL-12p403 非翻译区rs3212227单核苷酸多态性与呼吸道合胞病毒感染后喘息发生的关系研究
2.The association of eosinophils in nasapharyngeal secretion and serum IgE in wheezing infants;喘息婴幼儿鼻咽分泌物嗜酸粒细胞与血清特异性IgE的关系分析
3.Application of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in management of pediatric wheezing diseases;纤维支气管镜在小儿喘息性疾病诊治中的应用

1.To breathe hard;pant.喘气,喘息用力呼吸,气喘吁吁
2.A short, forceful exhalation of breath.喘息短促而有力的呼气
3.He managed to puff out a few words.他喘息着说出几句话。
4.To draw in the breath sharply, as from shock.喘息,喘气猛烈地吸入气息,就象受到惊吓一样
5.Effect of Two Methods on Asthma Paroxysm of Infants Asthmatic Diseases两种疗法对婴幼儿喘息性疾病后喘息的影响
6.Conclusion: Atomization inhalation with ipratropium bromide or salbutamol is more effective than aminophylline in treatment of asthmatic diseases in children.结论:爱喘乐、喘乐宁雾化吸入治疗小儿喘息性疾病有显著疗效。
7.Research of Gene Polymorphism in Child Asthma and Asthmatic Bronchitis;儿童哮喘与喘息性支气管炎的基因多态性研究
8.Analyzing the Related Factors of Asthma and Recurrent Wheezing in Children with Respiratory Syncytial Virrus Bronchiolitis;RSV感染后引发哮喘和反复喘息的相关因素分析
9.The Phenotype of Wheezing in the Younger Children and the Differential Diagnosis of the Asthma in Children婴幼儿喘息的分类和小儿哮喘的鉴别诊断
10.He stopped for a drink so he could cool off a while."他停下来喝点饮料,以便好好喘息一下。"
11.He breathed thick and heavily for a moment or two他急促地、沉重地喘息了一会儿。
12.A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息
13.He was puffing hard when he jumped on to the bus.他跳上公共汽车时喘息不已。
14.Now at the last gasp of love's latest breath,现在爱的临终呼吸发出最后喘息
15.enjoy a hard-earned rest享受以辛勤工作赢得的喘息机会
16.asked Ahyuan breathing heavily and burrowing her head under my arm.阿圆把头钻在我的腋下,喘息地低声问。
17.The old man managed to wheeze out a few words.老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。
18.He was rather puffed after running to the bus stop.跑到公共汽车站后他喘息不已。

1.Preventing Repeated Wheeze Outbreak in Bronchiolitis by Inhaling of Glucocorticoid;吸入糖皮激质素预防毛细支气管炎反复喘息发作
2.Clinical effect and side-effect of α-asarone injection as add-on treatment of pulmonary disease with wheeze on children;α-细辛脑注射液佐治小儿喘息性肺疾患疗效观察
3.Objective To explore the relationship between gene polymorphisms of angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) in the first wheezy children and wheeze relapas.目的探讨首次喘息患儿血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因多态性表达及其与喘息再次发生的关系。
1.Simultaneous Determination of Three Components Contained in Xichuanlin Tablets by Kalman Filtering UV-Spectrophotometry;卡尔曼滤波紫外分光光度法同时测定息喘灵片中三组分的含量
6)Xichuan pills息喘丸
1.Content determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in Xichuan pills by HPLC;HPLC测定息喘丸中盐酸麻黄碱的含量
