1.Relationship between flatfoot and moving ability in 804 college students;沧州市某校804名大学生扁平足及其与运动能力的关系
2.This paper summarized the cases of the flatfoot with the documentation method from several aspects such as definition,classification,evaluation and gradation,causes,harm and therapy of the flatfoot,aiming to offer reference for the systematic study on flatfoot.采用文献资料法,从扁平足的定义与分类、测检与分级、形成原因、危害及其治疗等几个方面进行了综述,为进行系统的扁平足研究提供参考。
3.The phenomenon that most flatfoots valgus index has the minus value illuminates that the monstrosity of navicular,wedge and metatar.通过对37对足样本的外翻指标和后足角度等10个指标的测量分析,得出扁平足与正常足在多数指标上都有显著性差异(P<0。

1.A person with flat feet.平足患者长有扁平足的人
2.Of or afflicted with flatfoot.扁平足的患平足的或受平足之苦折磨的
3."Flatfoot: Congenital or acquired flatness of the arch of the foot, in which the foot and heel usually also roll outward, resulting in a splayfooted position."扁平足: 先天性或后天性足纵弓平坦的一种外科
4." Flatfoot: Congenital or acquired flatness of the arch of the foot, in which the foot and heel usually also roll outward, resulting in a splayfooted position."扁平足:先天性或后天性足纵弓平坦的一种外科病。足和足跟向外侧旋转,足弓消失,形成八字脚。
5.Exploration to Primary and Secondary School Students Flat-feet in the Xiangxi Region Where the Miao Nationality Inhabits;湘西山区苗族聚居区中小学生扁平足的调查
6.He flatfoot along, twirling his club.他用扁平足的样子走过去,一面走一面旋转他的球杆。
7.Research on Flatfoot Characteristics Using the Computer 3 D Reconstruction Technique;用计算机三维重建技术对扁平足形态特征的研究
8.A flipper or flattened appendage of certain animals.桡足某些动物身上的鳍状肢或扁平附肢
9.It was something small and flat.那小东西扁扁平平;
10.Chela sufficient asymmetry, brawnier, the 4th pair of conditions are sufficient compressed be like an oar, comfortable at swimming.螯足不对称,较粗壮,第四对步足扁平似浆,适于游泳。
11.Pronators often have flat feet, and the medial portion of their shoe bottom wears down before the lateral part.低足弓脚通常有扁平的脚,鞋底的内侧比外侧更先磨损。
12.make(sth)flat or smooth(by using force or weight)压扁,压平(某物)
13.With the flat side down or in contact with a surface.平平地,扁平地以扁平面向下或与另一平面接触
14.A flattened board used to administer physical punishment.扁板实行体罚时用的一块扁平的木板
15.The round, flattened seed of this plant.小扁豆这种植物扁平的圆形种子
16.a small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many-chambered shell coiled in a flat spiral.旋壳乌贼属的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的壳卷成扁平的螺旋状。
17."duck:any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family anatidae, characteristically having a broad, flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.""鸭:鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足."
18.Any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad, flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.鸭鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足

Flat foot扁平足
1.This text consults a large number of document and materials about incidence of disease and the method of rehabilitation of flat feet of children,thus learned that flat foot can t overcome the shortcoming of the high incidence of disease,more disadvantages of operation,unsatisfactory effect of long-term curative and so on,today.通过查阅大量有关儿童少年扁平足发病率和康复方法的文献和资料,从而得知扁平足发病率高,手术治疗弊病多,远期疗效不理想等目前无法克服的矛盾。
3)flat feet扁平足
1.This instrument can survey and judge the full bow whether it has the flat feet,which has the extremely vital significance for early discovering the young people flat feet and carrying out the athlete selection.运用压电效应原理,设计一种简便实用的足弓测量仪,该仪器能够测量和判断足弓是否存在扁平足,对于早期发现青少年扁平足和开展运动员选材具有十分重要的意义,本研究同时运用研制的足弓测量器和传统足印法进行双盲实验,并与X线足弓测试进行比较分析该仪器的可信度。
6)talipes planovalgus外翻扁平足

先天性扁平足先天性扁平足congenital flatfoot 又称“静力性平足”。系足骨异常和足肌肌力不足所致。足内侧纵弓明显塌陷,舟状骨或距骨头向内下方明显突出,严重者足内缘与地面接触,跟骨外翻,跟腱处于外踝之后外侧,内踝特别突出。患者站立位被动背伸■趾时,足弓不能升高。足跖面软组织柔软,距下关节内外翻活动自如。鞋跟和鞋底的内侧磨损比外侧多,鞋帮向内偏斜。本症预防重于治疗,应从小适当加强体育锻炼,使肌肉发达。用足跟、足尖和足外缘走路,以自建足弓。避免久站及长途步行,控制体重,穿用合适的矫形鞋或平足垫。严重者可施行Grice手术,在跟骨前端做关节外垫高,既改正距骨头下垂,又不影响儿童足的生长。