1.Influence of treatment of bruxism with splints on cerebral blood flow and saturation of cerebral blood oxygen;咬合板治疗磨牙症对脑血流及脑血氧饱和度的影响
2.Analysis of electromyogram of masticatory muscle in patients with severe tooth wear and bruxism;牙列重度磨耗和磨牙症患者咀嚼肌肌电信号分析
3.The Clinical Study of Periodontitis Combined with Bruxism.;联合治疗牙周炎合并磨牙症的临床研究

1.Relationship of noncarious cervical lesions and sleep bruxism磨牙症与非龋性牙颈部缺损的相关性研究
2.Effects of stable occlusal splint on sleep bruxism patients稳定牙合垫治疗磨牙症的多导睡眠监测分析
3.The Clinical and EMG Research on the Treatment of Bruxers by Relaxation Splint松弛咬合板治疗磨牙症的疗效及肌电分析
4.Comparison of the Clinical Effect of Thick Elastic Occlusal Splint and Thin Elastic Occlusal Splint to Bruxism弹性厚垫和薄垫治疗夜磨牙症的效果比较
5.Monitor the biteforce of bruxism with occlusal splint-piezoelectricity sensor device垫-压电传感检测仪对磨牙症力检测的研究
6.Study on bruxism in patients with obstructive sleep apnea阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者的磨牙症研究
7.The analysis of occlusion in the treatment of youth bruxism with deep overbite using flat bite plate青年磨牙症伴深覆患者使用前牙平面导板治疗前后的咬合分析
8.The Analysis of Occlusion in the Treatment of Juvenile Bruxism with Deep Overbite Using Flat Bite Plate;青少年磨牙症伴深覆(牙合)患者使用前牙平面导板治疗前后的咬合分析
9.Surano says the strain of posing for the painting could have triggered an attack of teeth grinding.苏然诺认为为了作画而保持姿势不变可能引起了磨牙症的发作。
10.Influence of the Treatment of Bruxism with Splints on the Cerebral Blood Flow and the Saturation of Cerebral Blood Oxygen;咬合板治疗磨牙症对脑血流及脑血氧饱和度的影响
11.Abstract: AIM: To compare the definite effective m ethods to handle tooth hypersensitivity caused by attrition.文摘:目的:比较确切有效的治疗由磨耗引起的牙齿敏感症的方法。
12.CONCLUSION: Treatment of tooth hypersensitivity cause d by attrition with plombage is effective.结论:充填法治疗磨耗引起的牙齿敏感症疗效肯定。
13.Occlusal reconstruction of serious dentition attrition caused by fibrous dysplasia of jaw颌骨纤维异常增殖症伴牙列重度磨耗的咬合重建
14.The first molar has the most serious tooth wear and the third molar was the lightest.第一磨牙的磨耗程度最重,第三磨牙的磨耗程度最轻。
15.This horse has lost the mark of mouth.这匹马的牙已经磨平了。
16.Some people grit their teeth during their sleep.有些人睡觉时磨牙。
17.With their teeth and their fangs ready To cut people down like hemp.磨牙吮血, 杀人如麻。
18.I am having trouble with my teeth.我受着牙痛的折磨。

1.We have discovered that occlusal interference is a major factor of bruxism.夜磨牙症可以引起颞下颌关节紊乱综合征,我们通过临床检查发现 干扰是夜磨牙症的一个主要因素,采用 垫治疗,57例患者痊愈30例,占52。
3)Sleep bruxism夜间磨牙症、睡中磨牙症
1.The effects of distalization of upper molars by improved pendulum appliance.;改良“摆”式矫治器推磨牙远移12例分析
2.Clinical evaluation of endodontically treated molars restored with amalgam or composite;磨牙根管治疗后直接充填修复效果的3年临床评价
3.A comparative study on the efficacy of repairing molar defects with amalgam post and core restorations and cast post and core restorations.;银汞桩核与分体式铸造桩核用于磨牙修复的疗效对比观察
