1.Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hard palate shortening-uvulopalatopharyngoplasty;硬缩短-咽成形术治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征
2.BACKGROUND & AIM: To study the expression of heat shock protein 60 gene (Hsp60) in normal forelimbs and short forelimb malformations,normal palates and cleft palates during embryogenesis in mice.背景与目的:研究热休克蛋白60基因(heat shock protein 60 gene,Hsp60)在小鼠胚胎、前肢正常和异常发育过程中的表达情况。
3.Objective: this report introduces the use of the pedicled buccal fat pad in reconstruction of defects of the palate by the tumors resection.目的 :应用带蒂颊脂垫即刻修复部肿瘤切除术后组织缺损。

1.Repairing of Cleft and Fistula in Soft Palate with Double Opposing Z-plasty反向双Z术修复软裂及裂术后软穿孔
2.Palatognathous functional restitution-levator muscle of palatine velum reconstruction裂的功能性整复-帆提肌重建术
3.Study about the Effects of Different Cleft Malformation on Speech in Patients with Cleft Palate;裂畸形程度对裂语音影响的研究
4.Clinical Experiences of Palatine Velum Levator Muscle Reconstruction of on Cleft Palate Repair帆提肌重建在裂整复术中的应用
5.Effects of Furlow Palatoplasty on the Functions of Velopharyngeal ClosureFurlow成形术对咽闭合功能的影响
6.A new digital technique for cleft palate model in infants with cleft lip and palate唇裂新生儿的裂数字化模型方法
7.compound swinging type jaw crusher复合摆动型式破碎机
8.straight and bellied-jaw crusher平-凸板式破碎机
9.an articulatory gesture made by turning the tip of the tongue back against the roof of the mouth.舌尖抵硬的发音姿势。
10.The soft palate is very red and displaced forward.软充血并向前移位。
11.rhythmic spasm of pharyngopalatine muscle节律性咽部肌阵孪
12.The back of the tongue makes contact with the back part of the palate.舌背和上的后部接触。
13.a false palate(实验语音学中用以调整舌接触部分的)人工
14.Transpalatal-Nance arch on reinforcing anchorage: A clinical study on bimaxillary protrusion托联合支抗矫治双颌前突的临床研究
16.The Clinical Research of the Palatal Mucosal Flap Applied to Repair Soft Palate Cleft;黏膜瓣法在软裂整复中的临床应用研究
17.The effects of BCL-2 and P53 on the palatogenesis and formation of cleft palateBCL-2与P53在发育及裂形成中的作用
18.Jaws and teeth strong with regular scissors bite, set square to the jaw.部和牙齿由于剪状咬合显得强有力,并保持了部的方型。

Cleft palate腭裂
1.Study on spectrum features of speech before and after repair in cleft palate patients;裂患者手术前后语音频谱特点的研究
2.Compact bone graft in correcting maxillary maldevelopment in cleft palate patients;密质骨植入矫治裂上颌发育不足临床分析
3.Clinical application of computer speech lab in vocal analysis for cleft palate patients;计算机语音工作站在裂语音分析中的临床应用研究
3)Palatal Muscles腭肌
1.To study the motor nerve supply of soft palate, retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing technique was used to investigate the location of motoneurons innervating palatal muscles in the brain stem in rabbits.目的:探讨肌的运动神经元在脑干内的分布。
4)Hard palate硬腭
1.Hard palate shortening in combination with lateral pharyngoplasty in treatment of recrudescent OSAHS patients following uvulopalatopharyngoplasty;硬截短-咽侧成型术治疗悬雍垂咽成型术后复发8例
2.Objective To investigate the effect of the patient with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) by means of removal the palatine aponeurosis and the hard palate to make transpalatal advancement.目的探讨应用切除腱膜和部分硬骨质缩短软前后径从而致软愕整体前移治疗因鼻咽平面狭窄阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)患者的方法。
3.@P1 Objective:The paper provided the basis of morphology to treat severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) by applying hard palate short uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (HPSUPPP) in clinic.目的 :为临床应用硬缩短 -悬雍垂咽成形术治疗重度阻塞性睡眠性呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)提供形态学依据。
5)Soft palate软腭
1.Clinical study of primary repairing after resecting the soft palate carcinoma;软癌术后缺损一期修复的临床研究
2.Soft palate ablation with plasma radiofrequency for obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome;软等离子射频打孔消融治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征
3.Objective To study the morphology of the soft palate in normal humans with digital radiography and to provide the references for therapy of the cleft.目的通过数字化影像研究正常人软的形态,为裂整复提供参考。
1.The uvulopalatopharyngoplasty(UPPP) with the conservation of uvula got a normal form of soft palate and avoided the postoperative nasal reflux.结果:咽成形术及改良均取得了良好的效果,但是咽成形术并发症较多;激光咽成形术主要应用于轻度的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征及单纯鼾病。

腭腭 腭   口腔的上壁。分硬腭和软腭两部分。硬腭在前,以骨质为基础;软腭在后,由粘膜及肌肉组成。