1.Comparison of Property Law and relevant laws and its application;《物权法》与有关法律的比较及其适用

1.The welding equipment furnished by TW is guaranteed to be proper for the application.TW焊机保证适用
2.But what is true of the natural world is true also of society.然而适用于自然界的,也适用于社会。
3.it applies equally in this world and the next.它不仅适用于今生也适用于来世。
4.It is suitable for both classroom use and self-study.它既适合课堂教学使用又适用于自学。
5.The laws that apply to air apply to all other gases.那些适用定律也适用于所有其它气体。
6.This measure is suited to some localities, but not to others.这个措施有地方适用,有地方不适用
7.Designed for riveting golf bag bottom.适用适用于高尔夫球袋底部的铆合。
8.animal food for browsing or grazing.适用于动物食用的牧草。
9.pot life working life适用期(有效使用期)
10.fax is for Hong Kong customer only传真只适用于香港用户
11.Disable menu items when they are not applicable.禁用不适用的菜单项。
12.Is Cassida suitable for use in all types of food production?加适达适用于所有类型的食品生产吗?
13.Adapt to Regional Development and Train the Suitable Talents;主动适应区域发展 努力培养适用人才
14.This has no application to the case.这不适用于那个案子。
15.Article 1 Coverage and Application第1条 范围和适用
16.an excellent gift for all seasons四季适用的高尚礼品
17.lend itself to适宜于,对...有用
18.suitable for purpose of适合…的目的(用途)

1.Preliminary discussion of type DK-1 braker applying in CIS brake system;DK-1型制动机适用于CIS制动系统的初探
2.On the apply of the Principle of Adverse Alteration Prohibition in Administrative Reconsideration Procedure;论行政复议“不利变更禁止”原则的适用
3.Discussion about effect of the people s procuratorate applying to the policy of the venial penalty;论检察机关适用轻缓刑事政策之效果
1.Applicability Research on Spatial Modeling Methods for PRD Air Automatic Monitoring Data;珠江三角洲地区空气自动监控网络数据空间模拟适用方法
2.Applicability,Economy,Beauty and the Design of Residential Building;适用、经济、美观与住宅设计
3.Consideration about our Residence across 50 Years——Rereading the Construction Policy:Applicability,Economy,and Attention to Beauty with the Possible Conditions;横跨50年看我们的居住——“适用、经济、在可能条件下注意美观”建筑方针的重读
1.and interprets how to meet the requirement of designing an applicable,economic and beautiful residedence in the overall play,the house type designing and Elevation design.介绍了吉水苑住宅小区规划设计的特点,阐述了如何在总平面规划,户型设计及立面设计中尽可能地满足于“适用·经济·美观”的要求。
2.In this situation, we should entrust more intension to the principles "applicable, economical, artistic in due course".“适用、经济,在可能条件下注意美观”的建筑方针在我国当前城乡建设高速发展的形势下,被赋予了更深刻的内涵。
3.It will make the uncertainty evaluation very easy and very applicable.文章的示例有助于ISO/IEC17025体系实验室广泛做好不确定度评定,使不确定度评定由难化易,具有较强的适用意义。
1.Discussion on Suitable Personality Negative System of Corporation;公司法人人格制度否认适用探讨
2.That is, keeping suitable design principle, suiting measures to local conditions, then turning disadvantage into advantage.通过澳门何东体育馆的创作实践,探讨在地势跌宕的澳门旧城区设计体育馆和小学综合 体中,如何把握项目的特殊性,采取适用的设计原则,从而因地制宜,变不利条件为有利条件。
3.Theoretically, scholars are sticking to their own opinions about many problems such as whether it is suitable for the minor to undertake the fine punishment and how to use the fine punishment, etc.司法实践中,我国对未成年人犯罪适用罚金刑,这似乎与其普遍没有经济来源的状况相悖;理论上,对于未成年人犯罪是否适用罚金刑,如何适用罚金刑等问题,学者们也各执一词;我国现行刑法只对未成年人犯罪处罚规定采取从宽责任原则,司法解释中明确了对其罚金刑的适用,但仍矛盾累累。
1.The purpose of establishing patent system is for protect patent right, encourage invention creation, to promote the management and appliance of invent creation; enhance independent innovation ability, advance Scientific and technological progress and economic and social development, to innovation-oriented country.然而,由于中医药领域自身存在的特殊性,专利法作为国际化的法律制度在中医药领域发明申请的适用过程中还存在许多问题,专利法及专利法实施细则某些条款的不恰当适用不但会导致专利权人拥有的专利权利范围不适当,而且为司法阶段对专利侵权的认定产生根本的影响,不利于专利制度鼓励并保护发明创造的法律宗旨的实现。
