1.Investigation and Analysis on Mental Health of Judges in Chinese Middle-level and Primary Court;中基层法官心理健康状况调查结果分析
2.Application of Defective Documentary Evidence by Party and Judge;当事人及法官对瑕疵书证的运用——以民事诉讼为视角的分析

1.The judge or judges composing a court法官(们)法官或组成法庭的全体法官
2."He said, 'Approach the bench.'...法官说:'上法官席这儿来。'…
3.members and members ad hoc of the Chamber分庭法官和专案法官
4.Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor .治安法官对大法官负责。
5.professional judge专业法官,职业法官
6.The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges.娃哈哈官推荐高等法官和巡回法官
7.Magistratus municipalis城市长官,城市执法官
8.The judge is an honest and upright official.那位法官是个清官。
9.Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas tend to vote as a block on abortion cases.首席法官Rehnquist、法官Scalia和法官Thomas的意见是反对堕胎。
10.The office or jurisdiction of a judge.法官职位,法官权力法官的职位或权力(权限)
11.Judges and Solitude:on the Independence of Judges;孤独的法官法官的孤独——法官的自主性研究
12.an itinerant judge [library]巡回法官 [图书馆]
13.an impartial judge, judgement公正的法官,判决.
14.Place where judge or magistrate sits in court在法庭法官或地方法官坐的地方
15.The seat for judges in a courtroom.法官席法庭上法官的座位
16.Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court高等法院原讼法庭法官
17.Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court高等法院上诉法庭法官
18.The jurisdiction of a law court or judge.法庭或法官的司法权

1.A Research on the Relationship between Mental Health and Personality,Social Support of Judges;法官心理健康与人格特征、社会支持的关系
2.Relationship Between Personality,Locus of Control of Judges and Job-burnout;法官工作倦怠与人格特征、心理控制源的关系
3.On Anti-rule of Law in Pursuing Rule of Law——From the angle of legal scholars attitude towards judges;法治进路中的反法治现象——以法学学者不要轻易对法官“指手画脚”为视角的分析
3)the judge法官
1.Nevertheless,according to some classical theories,a court s judgement has various dimensions of value: it influences not only the parties,but also the judge,the law and the society.然而,思想史上的几种典型理论却清晰地表明判决书具有比这丰富得多的价值面向:除了对当事人可能具有的诸多价值外,它对法官、对法律、对社会都存在这样或那样的影响;特别是,当我们面对现时中国司法改革的困境再去思考"判决书有什么用"这个问题时,我们会发现判决书可能是解决司法改革困境的一把钥匙。
2.Judicial independence and self-governed judgement by the judges have become a sort of General rule,that is a precondition of assuring justice.司法独立和法官独立审判是案件得到公正审判的前提条件。
3.Therefore, in the civil judicial reform, the power of the judge becomes a focus.民事司法中,法官手握裁判大权,既是程序的管理者,又是裁判的决定者,其地位和作用的重要性显而易见。
1.In the early years of the Republic of China,judicial circles realized that the key problem of judicial independence was the justice s independent jurisdiction.民国肇始,司法界逐步认识到法官能否独立行使审判权,是司法独立的关键所在。
2.Improvement of justices position in our country should stress to establish their authority,and to make them independent beforehand.提高我国法官地位应着眼于树立法官权威,而树立法官权威首推法官独立。
3.It main includes:first,the organization system of judiciary is independent;second,justices,trial cases on their own according to law;third,justices endownment and indentity have reliable law guarantee and so on.其基本内涵包括 :司法机关的组织系统独立 ;法官依法独立审判案件 ;法官的资质和身份有可靠的法律保障等。
6)civil-servant-trend of judges法官文官化
1.The enaction of Civil Servant Act is of great practical significance but also faces problems of civil servants generalization, one of which is "civil-servant-trend of judges" in legislation field.立法上难以克服的“法官文官化”即是其中之一。
